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简介: The Thorn Birds is arobust, romantic saga of a singular family, the Clearys. It begins in the early part of this cen- tury, when Paddy Clcary moves his wife, Fiona, and their seven children to Drogheda, the vast Australian sheep station owned by his autocratic and childless older sister; and it ends more than halfa century later, when the only survivor of the third genera- tion, the brilliant actress Justine O Neill, sets a course of life and love halfway around the world from her roots. The central figures in this enthral- ling story aretheindomitableMeggie, the only Cleary daughter, and the one man she truly loves, the stunningly handsome and ambitious priest Ralph de Bricassart. Ralph s course moves him along way indeed, from a re.mote Outback parish to the hallsof the Vatican; and Meggie s, except for a brief and miserable marriage else- where, is fixed to the Drogheda that is part of her bones-but distance does not dim their feelings though it shapes their lives. Wonderful characters people this book: strong and gentle Paddy, hid- ing a private mcmory; dutiful Fiona, holding back love because it once be-, trayed her; violent, tormented Frank,
简介: It is now nine weeks since 69-year-old Dr Duncan Purcell has vanished. His embittered first wife, Fiona, is just as sure he is still alive as his second wife, a former stripper 40 years his junior, is sure he is dead. Fiona hires private investigator Kinsey Malone to find out the truth. In her latest adventure, Kinsey Millhone enters the world of noir. A shadowland in which the mysterious disappearance of a prominent physician leads Kinsey into a danger-filled maze of duplicity and double-dealing...It is now nine weeks since Dr Dowan Purcell vanished without trace. The sixtynine-year-old doctor had said goodnight to his colleagues at the Pacific Meadows nursing home, had climbed into his car and driven away - never to be seen again. His embittered first wife Fiona is convinced he is still alive. His second wife, Crystal - a former stripper forty years his junior - is just as sure he is dead. Enter private investigator Kinsey Malone, hired by Fiona to find out just what has happened to the man they loved. Enter also Tommy Hevener, an attractive flame-haired twenty-something who has set his romantic sights on Kinsey. And Tommy is a man with a very interesting past... Sue Grafton's Kinsey Millhone is worldly wise and street smart and rather too caring for her own good; her principal problem in P is for Peril comes from the fact that she is caught up in two cases at once. On the one hand, she is investigating a missing doctor whose wife and ex-wife both suspect the other of foul play; on the other, she is trying to find a new office and gets new young landlords, one of whom is somewhat over-friendly. A sensible person might never let herself be polite to the aggressively charming Tommy, listen to the insurance claims investigator who accuses him of parricide or take an interest in the wellbeing of a disturbed adolescent girl marginal to either case. It is this fallible capacity to care more than is sensible that makes Kinsey so attractive a heroine--and also, as it happens, so effective. She is a good investigator because she is a good listener--much of her job consists of filtering out the information that is important from the ambient noise of people's chatter. As always, Sue Grafton has a good ear for the different speech patterns of various sorts of Californians and for the wrong notes that eventually tell us and Kinsey precisely who can be trusted and who is telling colossal lies; she also occasionally allows the reader to be a little bit quicker on the uptake than her detective. --Roz Kaveney length: (cm)17.8 width:(cm)11.1
Minimal access surgical anatomy
作者: Carol E. H. Scott-Conner,Alfred Cuschieri,Fiona J. Carter编著;傅强,李忠廉主译
简介: 当今医学技术迅猛发展,主要集中在微创、移植、基因、介入等四个领域。以最小的创伤达到治愈疾病的目的是外科领域发展的必然趋向,腹腔镜手术便是这一全新技术的主要代表。腹腔镜手术具有创伤小、痛苦小、恢复快、住院时间短、节省医疗开支、腹部美容及腹腔内粘连少等优点。目前腹腔镜不但应用于多种普通外科疾病,而且也成功地用于妇产科疾病的盆腔手术,在全国范围内大中型综合医院都已经普遍开展使用这项技术。鉴于腹腔镜手术开展的时间不长,虽技术不断完善,经验不断积累,但一直缺乏指导临床初学者的基础教科书,这在一定程度上也妨碍了微创手术的普及,故出版一本较为权威的指导性读物势在必行。 由Carol教授等编著的这本《微创外科解剖学》便是顺应这一医学发展需求而精心编辑出版的。它是腹腔镜外科学的入门性读物,全书按腹部解剖结构分成11个章节。在每一章里又分别从基本的外科暴露处理原则、形态解剖和特殊的外科操作方法等几个方面详细阐述其特殊解剖结构和有关操作的注意事项,文中关键之处总是配以大量的图片加以详细阐述。每一章后面的彩色照片都是从作者们的腔镜录相带中精心挑选出来的,同时配以手绘图进一步明确解剖结构并都用标记线划出来,显示其特殊解剖特点。全书共220幅精美彩色图片供读者赏析,这些图片使各章节中的文字描述更加具体生动。 《微创外科解剖学》是微创外科医师为临床医生而写的,目的是作为解剖教材和腹腔镜外科技术之间联系的桥梁。内容目录能引导读者找到特殊的某个外科操作相应的解剖。每一章之后列出的参考书目提供了与本章有关的另外一些技术和关于解剖更为详尽的细节。这样使读者能更全面地了解腹腔镜外科解剖的技术性知识。 “成功的外科手术开始于解剖实验室。没有正确的相关外科解剖知识,实践外科将一次又一次地陷入困境。”因此,这本书无疑是腹腔镜外科的基础。它不但是一本解剖教科书,也是一本外科操作手册。希望所有外科医师、住院医师、实习生和会诊医师都能从中获得帮助。
简介:这套书中的“名人”,是那些在各自的领域中创造出不平凡业绩的人们。 那他们是怎样进入这些领域的? 他们奋斗不已的源泉何在? 他们的成就对社会产生了什么影响? 他们又有怎样的成长经历? 在他们当中,包括政治家、艺术家、演艺界人士、以及那些自强不息的创业者,每一个人的故事,都是一道亮丽的“风景线”! 本套“名人风景线”丛书以英汉双语形式出版,书中还附有大量的历史资料和珍贵照片。针对不同读者,丛书分为两个难度等级,并对有一定难度的单词、短语作简要注释,分别适合英语的初学者和有一定基础的
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Asian American women have long dealt with charges of betrayal within and beyond their communities. Images of their "disloyalty" pervade American culture, from the daughter who is branded a traitor to family for adopting American ways, to the war bride who immigrates in defiance of her countrymen, to a figure such as Yoko Ono, accused of breaking up the Beatles with her "seduction" of John Lennon. Leslie Bow here explores how representations of females transgressing the social order play out in literature by Asian American women. Questions of ethnic belonging, sexuality, identification, and political allegiance are among the issues raised by such writers as Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston, Bharati Mukherjee, Jade Snow Wong, Amy Tan, Sky Lee, Le Ly Hayslip, Wendy Law-Yone, Fiona Cheong, and Nellie Wong. Beginning with the notion that feminist and Asian American identity are mutually exclusive, Bow analyzes how women serve as boundary markers between ethnic or national collectives in order to reveal the male-based nature of social cohesion.In exploring the relationship between femininity and citizenship, liberal feminism and American racial discourse, and women's domestic abuse and human rights, the author suggests that Asian American women not only mediate sexuality's construction as a determiner of loyalty but also manipulate that construction as a tool of political persuasion in their writing. The language of betrayal, she argues, offers a potent rhetorical means of signaling how belonging is policed by individuals and by the state. Bow's bold analysis exposes the stakes behind maintaining ethnic, feminist, and national alliances, particularly for women who claim multiple loyalties.
简介:An unjustly imprisoned convict seeks a strange and startling revenge ... a teenager becomes both the puppet and the puppet master of evil ... four rambunctious young boys plunge through the facade of a small town and come face-to-face with life, death, and intimations of their own mortality ... a disgraced woman is determined to triumph over dea... more 籺h. These are your guides to the ultimate in fascination as Stephen King shows the horror that lurks within us all. Amazon.com Review Different Seasons (1982) is a collection of four novellas, markedly different in tone and subject, each on the theme of a journey. The first is a rich, satisfying, nonhorrific tale about an innocent man who carefully nurtures hope and devises a wily scheme to escape from prison. The second concerns a boy who discards his innocence by enticing an old man to travel with him into a reawakening of long-buried evil. In the third story, a writer looks back on the trek he took with three friends on the brink of adolescence to find another boy's corpse. The trip becomes a character-rich rite of passage from youth to maturity. These first three novellas have been made into well-received movies: "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption" into Frank Darabont's 1994 The Shawshank Redemption (available as a screenplay, a DVD film, and an audiocassette), "Apt Pupil" into Bryan Singer's 1998 film Apt Pupil (also released in 1998 on audiocassette), and "The Body" into Rob Reiner's Stand by Me (1986). The final novella, "Breathing Lessons," is a horror yarn told by a doctor, about a patient whose indomitable spirit keeps her baby alive under extraordinary circumstances. It's the tightest, most polished tale in the collection. --Fiona Webster ?less
Practising gender analysis in education
作者: Fiona Leach著;国立编译馆主译;李淑菁,洪雅惠译
简介: 不論在政府或機構,性別主流化是國際上共同認可的策略。在教育領域上,達卡二千年國際教育論壇提出了在2005年以前,消除小學及中學教育上的性別不均等;以及在2015年之前達到教育上的性別平等(gender equality),特別要確保女孩完整及公平受基礎教育的機會,以及確保其成績表現在某一水準之上等重要目標,而本書正可為教育上的性別主流化(gender mainstreaming)作出相當貢獻,因為它提供了對現今情勢進行具性別敏感(gender-sensitive)分析時的可用工具,因此也可使一些行動計劃的涉入(intervention)過程更具性別敏感性。 本書內容包含性別分析的工具、方法論的討論,以及說明這些工具、方法如何在實務上被使用的案例,是一本適合不同教育崗位上的人(包括政策制定或計劃者、教師、師資培育者、學術界、研究人員、學生、相關機構工作人員及政策執行者)閱讀的書。
简介:Now in its fourth edition, "Goode: Commercial Law" is still the first port of call for the modern day practitioner with its theoretical and practical coverage of commercial law in both a national and an international context. Brought completely up-to-date by Professor Ewan McKendrick this highly acclaimed and authoritative text, which is regularly cited by all courts from the House of Lords (now the Supreme Court) downwards combines a deep theoretical analysis with a practical approach which examines the theory in the context of typical commercial and financial agreements, both domestic and international. The work is replete with diagrams and specimen forms covering a wide range of transactions. Key changes to this edition include: coverage of the relevant legislation and case law since the publication of the third edition; discussion of the current version of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP 600); consideration of the implications of the House of Lords decision in Spectrum Plus for charges over book debts in particular and floating charges in general; Treatment of the Rome I Regulation as to the law applicable to contractual obligations; developments in arbitration law, in particular decision of House of Lords in Fiona Trust; and, updates to the law of contract and sale of goods, including decisions of the House of Lords on interpretation of contracts, remoteness of damage and rights of rejection.
简介: Students new to the work of William Morris will find the full range of his achievements covered in this reissue of Peter Faulkner's excellent biography, first published in 1980. The author has carefully placed Morris in the context of the Victorian age, but has also suggested the relevance of his ideas today. The six chapters are organised biographically and cover all aspects of Morris’s work in poetry, fiction, design and socialist politics. The emphasis is on his continuous struggle against the age in which he lived, seen as an idealism which went through various stages from the wistfulness of The Earthly Paradisethrough the practical activities of the firm of Morris & Company to the socialism of Morris's later years. The book quotes freely from writings by Morris which are not easily accessible and gives an overall account from which the student can develop his specialist interests. This reissue will appeal to sixth-formers and undergraduates interested in the Victorian period, as seen through one of its most striking personalities. When this book appeared in 1980, Morris’s reputation had risen again after the low estimates of the interwar period. This was due both to the reappraisal of his politics and to the expanding popularity of his designs. Against the Age offers a clear account of Morris’s career for those developing an interest in his numerous achievements. It covers the whole range of Morris’s work, and argues for his significance as a writer of both poetry and prose. Since 1980 our knowledge of Morris has been enriched by the publication of Norman Kelvin’s edition of his Collected Letters, by the late Nicholas Salmond’s editions of his contributions to the socialist journals, by Fiona MacCarthy’s biography of 1984, and by the increasing recognition of Morris as a pioneer of environmentalism. However, the book retains its value for its wide coverage and its balanced attitude to Morris’s achievements, and for its encouragement to readers to consider the issues that make Morris of continuing importance today. ?
作者: (英)费奥娜·皮尔特(Fiona Peart)著;传神翻译译
简介: 你想快速并且随心所欲地画水彩画吗?这本给初学者的实用指南。其大小与写生簿相似,方便携带,告诉你如何能在短短30分钟内完成有吸引力的、成功的作品,却非常适合于当今繁忙的业余画家。
简介:The year 2000 has belonged to sexy young sensations like Britney Spears, Eminem, ''N Sync, D''Angelo, Christina Aguilera, Mena Suvari, and Marc Anthony, who have dazzled millions with their seductive charm. Now today''s most scintillating stars are celebrated in HOTHOUSE from Rolling Stone Press, published by ReganBooks. From Angelina Jolie''s memorable wet T-shirt pose on down, HOTHOUSE features over 100 heat-seeking images, including Gisele, Heath Ledger, Sisqo, DMX, Kirsten Dunst, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Fiona Apple, Backstreet Boys, Rose McGowan, Lauryn Hill, Charlize Theron, Mariah Carey, and more--captured by world-class photographers such as Mark Seliger, David LaChapelle, and Isabel Snyder.
简介:Criminal psychologist Fiona Cameron is trained to look for patterns in murders. Therefore, when two writers of thrillers are murdered, one in Scotland and one in Ireland, she grows worried about her lover, Kit Martin, a British crime novelist. While trying to protect Kit, Fiona must carry on with her work as a psychology professor and a consultant with the Spanish authorities investigating a series of murders in Toledo.
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 `Vital reading material for undergraduate students, as well as those working at a more advanced level.' Liverpool John Moores University The Fundamentals of Biomedical Science Series is written to reflect the challenges of praclising biomedical science today. It draws together essential basic science with insights into laboratory practice to show how an understanding of the biology of disease is coupled to the analytical approaches that lead to diognosis. Immunology gives an insight into the function of the immune system from the perspective of the Biomedical Scientist based in an immunology laboratory. The main strength is the description of the methods used in a laboratory setting. This is a unique feature and makes it stand out from other textbooks in the area.---Dr Fiona L. Heriquez, University of the West of Scotland Students not only get to understand what is happening, but they begin to see why this is important, how this can affect the patient, and what it could mean to them in the diagnostic laboratory.---Glenn Hussey, Keele University Publisher Summary 2 Designed to reflect the challenges of practicing biomedical science today, The Fundamentals of Biomedical Science series combines essential basic science with insights into laboratory practice, demonstrating how an understanding of the biology of disease is coupled with the analytical approaches that lead to diagnosis. Assuming only a minimum of prior knowledge, the series reviews the full range of disciplines to which a biomedical scientist may be exposed, from microbiology to cytopathology to transfusion science. A new volume in this exciting series, Immunologyoffers biomedical science students insights into the function of the immune system, the frontline of defense against pathological disease, and the diagnostic techniques used to identify associated malfunctions and disorders. By examining the key immunological principles and scientific basis of laboratory techniques--with a focus on the biomedical scientist's role in the diagnostic laboratory--the authors provide students with everything they need to know in order to prepare for specialist studies in immunology. Case studies cover current tests, the rationale behind their use, the technologies employed, the quality measures applied, and the ways in which clinicians interpret test results in order to help patients. Immunologyis enhanced by numerous examples and full color throughout. A Companion Website offers resources for students and instructors, including a fully interactive digital microscope with a range of cell and tissue images for examination.
First encyclopedia of the human body
作者: (英)菲奥娜·钱德勒(Fiona Chandler)编著;王玉敏,顾康毅,朱丽君译
作者: ( )[F.佩恩]Fiona Payne原著;杜立雅等译
简介:有名模Fiona和设计师洛迟这两位叱咤时尚圈的高中同窗,林飒的品牌服装店稳稳当当地屹立在S市。心安理得地“压榨”两位好友的同时,林飒也牢牢守护着彼此之间的友谊。 而洛迟对林飒长达九年的痴心暗恋和默默守护,难道甘愿只做她梦想路上的绝配搭档? 大学时代的恋情无疾而终,林飒与爱情路上的第二位队友狭路相逢,他的酒吧与她的服装店隔路相望,两个人相处模式就是夜以继日地斗嘴互损,斗着斗着,就散了…… 对洛迟道出某人学生时代的秘密,Fiona如释重负,与同样身为模特的追求者展开了一场你追我闪,你闪我让你闪无可闪的死皮赖脸的追逐。 彼时的洛迟显然就没那么轻松了,一段迟到了九年才被接收到的少女秘密心事,让闷骚的大牌设计师终于决定主动出击,关键时刻 嗯?似乎有人要抢占主动权?
简介:Manhattan Music by Meena Alexander; Rico by Peter Bacho; I Would Remember by Carlos Bulosan; Melpomene Tragedy by Theresa Hak Kyung Cha; The Chinese in Haifa by Jefferey Paul Chan; Falling Free by Diana Chang; Natives by Fiona Cheong; Moon by Marilyn Chin; No Sayang Lost by Lawrence Chua; Dragon Seed by Kiana Davenport; Eucalyptus by Hisaue Yamamoto DeSoto; The Bread of Salt by N.V.M. Gonzales; Film Noir by Jessica Hagedorn; Afterbirth by Kimiko Hahn; the Water-Faucet Vision by Gish Jen; The Floating World by Cynthia Kadohata; Twisters and Shouters by Maxine Hong Kingston; Itsuka by Joy Kogawa; The Connoisseur of Chaos by Alex Kuo; Safe by Cherylene Lee; Geography One by Russell Leong; Black Korea by Walter Lew; This World by Jocelyn Lieu; They Like You Because You Eat Dog ... by R. Zamora Linmark; Pangs of Love by David Wong Louis; Fourscore and Seven Years Ago by Darrell Lum; Resistance by Laureen Mar; Thousand Pieces of Gold by Ruthanne Lum McCunn; Razia Begum in London by Ruxana Meer; The Chauvinist by Toshio Mori; A Father by Bharati Mukherjee; Fictive Fragments of a Father and Son by David Mura; A Red Sweater by Fae Myenne Ng; Chang by Sigrid Nunez; The Stranded in the 'World by Han Ong; Sugar & Salt by Ninotchka Rosca; Walk-In Closet by Kerri Sakamoto; Immigration Blues by Bienvenido Santos; Faith by John J. Song; Alien Relative by Amy Tan; Untitled Story by Jose Garcia Villa; Lenox Hill, December 1991 by Marianne Villanueva; Talking to the Dead by Sylvia WAtanabe; Eye Contact by Shawn Wong; Face by Yoji Yamaguchi; Empty Heart by Lois-Ann Yamanaka; That Was All by Wakako Yamauchi; Photographs for an Album (Third Version) by John Yau.
简介:Bring color, life, and individuality to any wedding ceremony. Arrange your own wedding flowers or show a professional a range of examples to interpret from 20 seasonal schemes that are so breathtakingly splendid they can't fail to please. Evoke a feeling of beauty and sophistication with tulips in Color and Elegance; reproduce the marvelous variety of blooms found in nature in Woodland Romance; recall days of courtly love by combining flowers, fruit, vegetables, nuts, and berries in Medieval Magnificence; and suggest romance with blossoms rich in history and symbolism in Valentine Wedding. Fashion enchanting bridal bouquets, headdresses, corsages, swags, garlands, pomanders, and table decorations. Fiona Barnett, whose prestigious clients include Cosmopolitan magazine, encourages you to make the most of one of the most important elements of a wedding. 144 pages (all in color), 9 x 9 1/2.
Business in a Virtual World:Exploiting Information for Competitive Advantage
作者: (英)菲奥纳·查尔内斯加(Fiona Czerniawska),(英)加文·波特(Gavin Potter)著;何瑛等译
Business consulting:a guide to how it works and how to make it work
作者: (英)吉尔伯特·托平(Gilbert Toppin),(英)菲奥娜·切尔尼亚夫斯卡(Fiona Czerniawska)著;付彦,刘勇等译