简介:The new edition of Small's Fundamentals of Phonetics offers a refreshingly unique and thorough practice-based approach to learning the skills necessary for expert phonetic transcription of individuals with disordered speech. Emphasis is placed on the issues tied to linguisitic phonetics with an introduction to clinical phonetics, and issues involving dialectal variation of speech. The available audio CD enables readers to listen to examples and absorb additional information. This new edition offers more transcription exercises with examples of children with disordered speech, Arabic Influenced English and Russian Influenced English.
简介: 本书通过6位绘师的精彩案例和作品赏析,向大家展示了清新唯美的水彩绘画世界。书中一开始即对友风子老师绘制封面插图的整个过程进行了充分介绍。之后又将益城、七神茉奈、梅四月朔日、荷薇、朱华几位绘师在《SS Small S》杂志上连载过的作品的绘画过程进行了重新编排,还增加了作品介绍、创作的小秘密以及揭秘各种技巧的Q&A专栏!
本书通过6位绘师的精彩案例和作品赏析,向大家展示了精致丰富的马克笔绘画世界。在卷首,里林的新作插图的绘制步骤非常详细,背景的上色也包含其中。此外,本书重新调整了莺、Babiry、昭野铃鹿、香琳、菜波理尾在《SS Small S》中刊登过的采访,并增加了作品展示、创作的秘密和技巧Q&A,超多实用干货供您学习参考。
本书通过多位绘师的精彩案例和作品赏析,向大家展示了黑白线稿的多种绘画技法。本书大量汇集了《SS Small S》杂志封面创作的草稿及绘画步骤——包括齐木琴的“HybridTECHNICA·圆珠笔&网点纸”、干本耶江的“圆笔”、Omi的“Signo·圆珠笔”、Mzukirio的“铅笔&自动铅笔”以及Dite的“Painter& Photoshop”。这些都是对《季刊S》上刊登的内容进行了改编的特别版,并且新增了揭开作品创作秘密的Q&A访谈。
简介:Knowledge of the cat has advanced rapidly in the 9 years since the second edition of Feline Medicine and Therapeutics was published. The primary object of this book remains the same however - to help veterinary surgeons and students to practise the art and science of feline medicine.
简介:It is a book in terms of extended coverage of the natural environment and some aspects of presentation. It includes 465 additional definitions, together with 18 new line diagrams and-a wholly new departure-a selection of appropriate photographs.
简介:The BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Abdominal Imaging is the third Manual in the diagnostic imaging series. The first section of the Manual outlines the approach to abdominal imaging, with chapters dedicated to radiography and ultrasonography. The remainder of the Manual is devoted to the individual body systems, including the liver and gallbladder, the kidneys and ureters, and the small intestine. Extensively illustrated throughout.