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英语共同题名:Best selection of Chen Yixin pop piano arrangements
简介: 本曲集在弹奏技巧难度和音乐表现手法上重点考虑并定位于具有普通钢琴弹奏程度和理解阅历的读者,却同时又为专业音乐家们提供了准确扼要的演绎提纲及无限的即兴表现空间。以最扼要经济的表现手法概括原创的风格精髓。 本曲集是作者从大量经典及时尚的流行歌曲中精选出最优秀、最适合钢琴化表现的作品加以改编移植,在写作上既严格忠实歌曲原创精神,又坚持深入浅出,通俗易懂,可听性强的原则。
简介:The Trainer's Workshop Series is designed to be a practical, hands-on roadmap to help you quickly develop training in key business areas. Each book in the series offers all the exercises, handouts, assessments, structured experiences and ready-to-use presentations needed to develop effective training sessions. In additionto easy-to-use icons, each book in the series includes a companion CD-ROM with PowerPointT presentations and electronic copies of all supporting material featured in the book. New Supervisor Training helps new and experienced supervisors make the transition from individual contributor to leader with ready-made training tools and materials. This guide includes sections on interactive training, evaluation and improvement and provides key skills to new leaders. Contains exercises, handouts, assessments and tools to help you: .set up supervisor training in record time .provide key skills to new leaders .become a more effective and efficient facilitator .ensure training is on target and gets results"Jones and Chen share a wealth of practical experience aimed at the realities of becoming and succeeding as a newsupervisor. This is required reading for trainers." Ed Oxford, Vice President and Director, Leadership, Learning and Performance, Commercial, Government and Industrial Solutions Sector, Motorola, Inc. Other books in this series: Leadership Training, Customer Service Training, New Employee Orientation Training, Leading Change Training. Practical hands-on guide offers all the exercises, handouts and presentations you need to develop effective training programmes 'Workshop' approach helps you quickly and easily develop training in key business areas Includes a companion CD-ROM.
"Red" violin:a violin collection by Chen Gang
光盘作者: 陈钢编著