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作者: Pijush K. Kundu,Ira M. Cohen,David R. Dowling[著]
简介: 流体力学是研究流体在不同作用力下相互作用行为以及其在各个领域的应用,不管是在在流体中、气态中或者在这两态中,《流体力学(第5版)(英文影印版)》都有包括。这本书是第5版,作者做了全面更新和修订,适用于流体力学专业的高年级本科生和研究生。这本流体力学的高级教程包含一份免费光盘,有了这份光盘,读者通过将近1000流体视频片段更深入了解流体力学的精髓;可以在超过20的模拟实验室和仿真中进行流体模拟;可以观看众多其他的新的进展,从而在很大程度上提高了他们的流体力学学习经验。 目次:导引;carresian张量;运动学;守恒定律;漩涡动力学;理想流;引力波;层流;边界层和相关论题;计算流体力学;不稳定性;湍流;地球物理流体力学;空气动力学;可压缩流;生物流体力学导引。 读者对象:流体力学专业的学生、老师和相关的科研从业人员。
How to Think Like a Computer Scientist Learning With C++
光盘作者: (美)Allen Downey,(美)Jonah Cohen,(美)Paul Bui著;张平译
简介:《探秘C++:如何像计算机科学家一样思考》内容简介:C++语言是目前最流行的面向对象的编程语言。它具有强大的功能,既能面向一般工程开发,又能面向计算机底层应用,为广大编程者和学习者所青睐。《探秘C++:如何像计算机科学家一样思考》的特点有五:一是用类似英语教学中的情景教学方法,尽可能用简洁明快的方式按部就班地叙述。二是多用读者日常生活中随手可拈的趣味性实例作为编程材料。三是把计算机科学家们在编程实践中总结出来的诀窍“捅”给读者。四是用最清晰准确的语言介绍C++语言的难点——指针、引用和模板。五是所有的习题均用脚注形式给出答案。 《探秘C++:如何像计算机科学家一样思考》从结构上可分两部分。其中1-17章为C++语言的基础部分,循序渐进地介绍c++语言的各种要素:变量、操作符、条件语句、循环语句、嵌套与递归、指针、引用、数组、结构、类以及模板等。18~23章为数据结构部分,分门别类地介绍各种常用的数据结构:链表、堆栈、队列、优先队列、树、堆、矩阵、集合以及文件等。 另外,《探秘C++:如何像计算机科学家一样思考》附赠的光盘含有c++编程语言(Borland公司免费软件。BCC 5.5.1,自由软件Dev.CPP.4960和Dev.CPP.4990以及Microsoft公司的Visual c++Express Bata)、优秀编程环境SciTE以及其他一些资料。 阅读《探秘C++:如何像计算机科学家一样思考》的读者可以是真正的初学者,可以是在校学习的研究生、本科生或大专生,也可以是企、事业单位的初、中级用户。最合适的读者是非计算机专业的大学本科生或大专生,以及中、小学生中信息技术的爱好者。
著者还有:(美)迈克尔·沃尔(Michael Wohl)、(美)理查德·哈林顿(Richard Harrington)、(美)玛丽·普卢默(Mary Plummer)
光盘作者: (美)迈克尔·E. 科恩(Michael Cohen)[等]著;姜振宇,靳雯译
简介: 本书全面介绍苹果公司推出的iLife' 09系列软件中的iPhoto、iMove 、iWeb、GarageBand等,iLife' 09是苹果深受用户欢迎的多媒体日常软件 套装的最新版本。本书主要内容包括:把照片制作成相册、图书、卡片等 自己喜欢的东西,在自己制作的片段中添加动画或音乐,制作视频、音乐 、电影或特效等,并直接传送到自己的博客和播客上,等等,以充分贴近 当今的苹果数码生活,还将详细介绍iLife'09各软件的新功能。本书分为4 篇,共17课,强调以循序渐进的实践课程和项目案例进行实践培训,针对 性强,易学易懂,使初、中级读者也能够系统而牢固地掌握这几种软件工 具。 附书光盘内容为相关课程文件和媒体文件。 本书适合于初、中级水平的苹果电脑用户和苹果办公软件用户。
作者: [美]Judy L. Miller,[美]Robert F. Cohen[编]
简介:《北极星大学英语系列教程》是由清华大学出版社引进,培生教育集团面向非英语国家精心打造的21世纪最新大学英语教材。它知识内容极其丰富、内涵颇深,极具亲和力,更能适应新世纪英语学习者的需要。教材分两个系列:听说系列(Focus on Listening and Speaking)和读写系列(Focus on Reading and Writing)。每个系列各分为5个等级,即:入门(Introductory)、基础(Basic)、中级(Intermediate)、提高(High Intermediate)、高级(Advanced),它具有多方面的特色:编写思路明确,编写人员水平出众,语言真实地道,文化信息量大,强调互动式学习,教材体系完备,设有配套学习网站(www.loangman.com/northstar))。本书为读写(高级)学生用书。读者对象:广大高等院校,尤其是扩招、新升本的大学,专升本等及师范类院校、高职高专学生。
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Cohen (medicine, New York U.) provides gastroenterologists and trainees with 34 chapters that describe the skills required to perform endoscopy. A group of gastroenterologists from North America, Europe, and Japan discuss key concepts of training, the tools used, major procedure categories and specialized diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, and the future of training and retraining. They include description of training program requirements, prerequisite knowledge, training methods, technical skills, and defining and assessing procedural competency. The DVD contains about 130 annotated teaching videos of procedures and ex-vivo animal model simulations. Annotation 漏2011 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com) Publisher Summary 2 Endoscopy is the primary diagnostic method for GI complaints and is replete with an ever expanding array of therapeutic capabilities. Successful Training in Gastrointestinal Endoscopywill provide all gastroenterologists with the exact set of skills required to perform endoscopy at the highest level. GI trainees will find it a crucial primer for learning endoscopy; teachers will find it a guide to understand how best to develop the expertise of their students; and experienced practicing gastroenterologists will find it a useful refresher tool to brush up on their existing endoscopic skills and to familiarise themselves with new procedures, including issues of safety and competence while performing them.With contributions from internationally recognized leaders in endoscopy education and an endorsement by the World Organisation of Digestive Endoscopy, each chapter will examine the specific skill sets and procedure related tasks which must be mastered when learning a particular technique, including:Specific descriptions of accessories requiredStandard training methods for the procedureOptimal utilization of novel learning modalities such as simulatorsQuality measures and objective parameters for competencyAvailable tools for assessing competency once training has been completedIn addition to the 400 high-quality, outstanding colour photos, the book will come with a DVD containing over 130 annotated teaching videos of both actual procedures and ex-vivo animal model simulations. These videos will illustrate, in a step by step fashion the proper techniques to be followed, highlighting clinical pearls from the experts and the most common mistakes to avoid.Successful Training in Gastrointestinal Endoscopywill be a key purchase for all gastroenterologists, whether in training or experienced, to allow them to develop and perfect their endoscopic skills. It聽will be a particularly useful guide for those interested in mastering the latest new techniques and procedures and an essential reference for teachers of endoscopy and students alike.
简介: Rev. ed. of: Memmler's structure and function of the human body / Barbara Cohen. 9th ed. c2009.