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简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Because neurons and glia in culture are remarkably similar to those in situ, culture systems make it possible to identify significant cell interactions and to elucidate their mechanisms. This book is in many ways a do-it-yourself manual for culturing nerve cells, complete with recipes and protocols. But it also provides an understanding of the principles behind the protocols. In effect the contributors invite you into their labs and provide much of the information you would obtain from such a visit.The authors of the introductory chapters present the nuts-and-bolts principles of growing nerve cells. The authors of the following chapters discuss the culturing of specific cell types. They explain how their experimental goals have shaped their particular cell culture approach and the advantages and disadvantages of the cell culture systems they have developed. They provide detailed protocols and describe their cultures in practical terms, from when the cells are first plated through the various phases of their development.Contributors : Janet Alder, Hannelore Asmussen, Gerard Bain, Gary Banker, Robert W. Baughman, Richard P. Bunge, Ann Marie Craig, Matthew E. Cunningham, Dominique Debanne, Stephen E. Farinelli, Michael F. A. Finley, Gerald D. Fishbach, Beat H. G盲hwiler, W.-Q. Gao, Daniel J. Goldberg, Kimberly Goslin, David I. Gottlieb, Lloyd A. Greene, Mary Beth Hatten, Dennis Higgins, James E. Huettner, Kenneth A. Jones, Naomi Kleitman, Raul Krauss, Ronald M. Lindsay, Nagesh K. Mahanthappa, Carol A. Mason, Margot Mayer-Pr枚schel, R. Anne McKinney, Mary E. Morrison, Mark Noble, David S. Park, Paul H. Patterson, Mu-ming Poo, Richard T. Robertson, Samuel Schacher, Michael M. Segal, Carolyn L. Smith, Nacira Tabti, Scott M. Thompson, Roseann Ventimiglia, Ginger S. Withers, Patrick M. Wood, Min Yao. Publisher Summary 2 A do-it-yourself manual for culturing nerve cells, complete withrecipes and protocols.
出版社:Orion 2012-9-1
简介: When James Bowen found an injured, ginger street cat curled up in the hallway of his sheltered accommodation, he had no idea just how much his life was about to change. James was living hand to mouth on the streets of London and the last thing he needed was a pet. Yet James couldn't resist helping the strikingly intelligent tom cat, whom he quickly christened Bob. He slowly nursed Bob back to health and then sent the cat on his way, imagining he would never see him again. But Bob had other ideas. Soon the two were inseparable and their diverse, comic and occasionally dangerous adventures would transform both their lives, slowly healing the scars of each other's troubled pasts. A Street Cat Named Bob is a moving and uplifting story that will touch the heart of anyone who reads it.
Bringing out the best in yourself at work: how to use the enneagram system for success
作者: (美)金杰·拉皮德·伯格达(Ginger Lapid-Bogda)著;于红梅译
简介: 书籍 经济管理学书籍 本书主要讲述了九型人格体系在工作中的应用。“哪一种类型最适合某项工作?”或是“我们如何建立一个理想的团队?”这是九型人格应用中常用的问题。本书给出了这些问题的答案:“发现成熟的人。” 九型人格专家拉皮特.伯格达博士把九型人格理论用当前组织化的语言和结构表述出来。深入浅出的结合了九型人格的知识,并在此基础上分析的不同人格在职场上的表现和沟通、反馈方式。
作者: (美)Ginger Lapid-Bogda(金格·拉皮德·波格丹) 著,秦竞竞 译
出版社:电子工业出版社 2015年12月
作者: (美)金杰·拉皮德·伯格达(Ginger Lapid-Bogda)著;于红梅译
简介: 九型人格理论——一种关于性格类型的革命性理论、一种深层洞悉他人和自己的经典心理系统,因其非凡实用性被列入美国中央情报局必读内容及美国斯坦福大学商学院MBA必修科目,同时成为苹果、宝洁、花旗银行、惠普、诺基亚、通用汽车等世界500强企业管理与员工培训教程。 《九型人格与领导力》由九型人格权威研究机构——国际九型人格协会前主席为职场人士量身打造。作者在美国被誉为“实现九型人格理论与商业应用最佳结合的九型导师”,她将九型人格与个人职场能力提升相结合,深入探讨每种人格类型的职场人士领导力高效提升之道。 如何在任何规模的团队中成为卓有成效的引领者?如何快速提升职场沟通能力与团队协作能力?如何评估自己的管理特征,找到团队中最佳位置?如何进行战略性思考,制定最优方案? 全面的领导力发展更能成为职场强大推力。本书呈现九种人格类型和七种领导力全面提升法,双向锁定每一位职场人士,为你量身拓展职场快车道!
Metrics for project management formalized approaches
作者: (美)帕维兹·F. 拉德(Parviz F. Rad),(美)金格·莱文(Ginger Levin)著;广联达软件股份有限公司译
Interpersonal skills for portfolio, program, and project managers
作者: (美)金格·莱文(Ginger Levin)著;周琦译
简介: 金格?莱文所著的《项目组合、项目集、项目经理人际关系技巧》为 项目组合、项目集和项目经理提供了提高人际关系技巧的有效资源: ◎建设高绩效团队的不同策略; ◎与虚拟团队有效合作的指南; ◎建立和维护与各级干系人之间的关系的方法; ◎有效激励团队和个人的行之有效的方法; ◎管理压力和应对突发性危机事件的方法。 无论你的管理经验丰富与否,通过阅读《项目组合、项目集、项目经 理人际关系技巧》,你会发现这些经实践检验的实用方法是提高你的人际 关系技巧的捷径,将引领你获得管理上的成功。
作者: (日)大野更纱著;王昕昕译
简介:《我,不绝望》编辑推荐:日本出版三个月内加印十次。面对终生难愈的世界罕见疑难病,在如炼狱般难熬的日子里,二十五岁的大野更纱以幽默和勇气写下了这些让人笑中带泪的文字。还有什么比罹患终生无法治愈的罕见疑难病更糟糕的事呢?有,那就是疑难病的治疗过程,包括: 每周一次不打麻药的活检; 在男性放射科医生面前裸露自己的身体,并且被机器挤压乳房; 服用类固醇药物后时时刻刻处于“初恋告白前五秒”的状态,心脏狂跳,无法入睡; 在最狼狈时遇到当了医生的前男友; 臀部破了一个洞,渗出一公升的液体,至今仍无法堵上; …… …… 而我,要试着与这一切和平共处。 《读卖新闻》、《每日新闻》、AERA、女性自身、GINGER、富士晚报、SWITCH、anan等媒体争相报道,另外被TBS电视台“国王的分析”栏目制作成特辑,反响强烈。
PMP exam: practice test and study guide
作者: (美)J. 雷诺·沃德(J. LeRoy Ward),(美)金格·莱文(Ginger Levin)著;戴炼译
简介: 《ESI PMP考试全真模拟试题集》由具有20多年项目管理咨询与培训经验的国际知名机构ESI组织编写,是全球历届考生的必备。全书在透彻研究PMP考试特点的基础上,按照PMBOK(第4版)的组织结构,对9大知识领域的每个领域给出了学习提示、主要专题清单及40道选择题,并对答案做了较为详细的解释,给出了相关考点所涉及的领域及有关的参考文献。《ESI PMP考试全真模拟试题集(第8版)》提供了200道原创模拟试题,并列出了一个学习矩阵,用于评估读者在每个操作领域的每个层次上的强项与弱点,确定在参加PMP认证考试前需要进一步强化学习的领域。
简介: 你在纽约会有什么奇遇? 逃逸到帝国大厦顶层赴一次浪漫约会?在“新”市中心布鲁克林发掘新潮精品时装店和旧式拱廊酒吧?在Babbo品尝大厨Mario Batali的拿手好菜——特制羊脑或米兰猪蹄?在超棒的新现代艺术博物馆里,思索毕加索的作品?三位音乐家》或波洛克的作品One?戴香奈尔特大号时髦眼镜,挽迪奥手袋。着巴宝莉套装?在Arlene’s Grocery欣赏独立乐队现场表演,或在摇滚卡拉OK中当一回明星? 本书在手,事半功倍:全彩的活页地图为你轻松导航;当地作者推荐最棒的餐厅、俱乐部、剧院、博物馆等等;精心挑选的精华景点、路线和网络资源,助你在短期旅行中得到最大收获;纽约客与你分享心情:采访杂货店老板、三轮车夫和新闻系学生。
作者: Beatrix
出版社:Penguin 2012年03月
简介:It's been 110 years since Frederick Warne published BeatrixPotter's very first book, "The Tale of Peter Rabbit", and incelebration, we are delighted to be publishing special editions ofher entire body of work. Unlike the traditional little white books,these editions have delightful colourful covers and speciallydesigned endpapers. And to make them extra special, we haveincluded a publisher's note to tell you all about the history ofhow each book came to be. Ginger and Pickles (a ginger cat and aterrier) keep a very popular shop. Their customers love to buytheir provisions there, but they are somewhat less keen to pay forthem, and run up a great deal of credit, making poor Ginger andPickles' lives very difficult indeed. "The Tale of Ginger andPickles" is number 18 in Beatrix Potter's series of 23 littlebooks.
The Tale of Peter Rabbit 彼得兔的故事 ISBN 9780307030719
作者: Western
Beatrix Potter's classic tale of the mischievous little rabbitwho hops into trouble in Mr. MacGregor's vegetable garden islovingly reillustrated by master artist Cyndy Szekeres. Fullcolor.
A two-sided laminated gatefold features Ginger and Pickles'shop on one side and a panoramic farmyard on the other. Fortyreusable stickers will create hours of fun stocking the villagestore and re-creating life on the farm.
作者: 刘军茹
出版社:五洲传播出版社 2015年05月
The Origins oF Food
Traditional Foods
Foreign Foods
Eating Utensils and Etiquette
The Art of Chopsticks
Chinese Dinner Parties
Eating Etiquette
Food and Eating Customs
The Taste of Home Dishes
Eating During Festivals
The Eating Habits of Minority Ethnic Groups
Drinking Tea and Drinking Wine
Chinese People’s Fondness for Tea
The Joy of Drinking Wine
Food and Health
The Harmony of The Five Flavors
The Culinary Arts
Food for Health Preservation
Eating Taboos
Eating around China
Local Dishes with Distinctive Flavors
Snacks from around China
Restaurants in China’s Various Regions
Post******: My Meal in a US Cafeteria
Food for Health Preservation
Diet therapy is an important part of China’s eating culture. The Chinese have had a long tradition of taking foods as medicines and of taking medicines as foods. Indeed, Shen Nung, the agricultural god of Chinese legend, was not only meant to have taught people to cultivate crops, but was also known as the king of medicine who “tasted all herbs.” This myth reflects an important idea that lies at the heart of traditional Chinese medicine – “medicine and food have the same origin”. In other words, for the Chinese, eating food is very closely associated with the promotion of health and with the prevention and treatment of disease.
China’s medical classic The Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic was the first Chinese book to highlight the importance of a varied diet to a person’s health. Today the importance of eating a nutritious and balanced diet is well known. Modern Chinese people therefore structure their daily diet so that it provides everything their bodies need to be strong and to resist disease. They also take food specifically as medicine.
Compared with medicines, foods are mild. However, despite this, many foods contain substances that can affect the wellbeing of the human bodies. For example, pears, bananas and kiwi fruit can all clear away heat (pears mainly clear away heat from the lungs, bananas mainly clear away heat from the intestines and kiwi fruit mainly clear away heat from the bladder). Foods with different tastes have different effects on the body. It is generally thought that “sourness enters the liver, piquancy enters the lungs, bitterness enters the heart, saltiness enters the kidneys and sweetness enters the spleen.” In other words, different flavors are absorbed by different internal organs. Foods that are too salty, sweet, sour or spicy are not good for the body. Too much salt harms the heart, spleen and kidneys and induces hypertension. Excessive sourness or piquancy can over stimulate the tissue of the gastric mucosa and cause ulcers. As a result, Chinese diet therapy emphasizes the harmony of the five flavors and a bland diet.
In the past, the diet of most Chinese people was predominantly made up of vegetables and grains and contained very little meat. This diet reflected the level of development of the country’s economy and agriculture at the time. However when this diet is analyzed from a health perspective it is found to be more healthy than diets rich in meat (like those eaten by many Western people).
Since ancient times Chinese people have believed that eating porridge will help them to live a long life. They therefore drink a bowl of thin porridge early in the morning every day. As the Chinese folk saying goes, “eating porridge is better than eating meat.” Porridge is particularly nutritious when it is stewed over a slow fire for a long period, as this concentrates the proteins, vitamins, inorganic salts and other nutrients its contains. Porridge is a source of water and can also enhance a person’s appetite. People who often eat fish and meat can get essential fluids by eating some five cereals porridge, vegetable porridge and edible wild herb porridge. This type of porridge also invigorates the kidneys. Eating it is an approach to “health preservation” that is particular to the Chinese people.
Many Chinese people who want to have a healthy diet choose to eat bland foods and a lot of porridge. They also eat vegetables regularly. This is a sensible choice as modern medicine has shown that foods made with raw materials such as vegetables, fungi and bean products are easily digested, very nutritious and, therefore, very healthy. The development of vegetable foods in China was closely related to the spread of Buddhism. When Buddhism spread to China, Buddhists had no strict food taboos. Later, in the Southern Dynasties (420-589), the pious Buddhist Emperor Wu of Liang (on the throne from 502 to 549) came to believe that eating meat was in violation of Buddhist doctrine, so he went to great lengths to advocate vegetable foods, prohibited monks from eating meat and drinking wine and harshly punished monks who disobeyed him. As a result, Buddhist temples banned wine and meat, monks began to eat vegetable foods all the year round, and “hermits”, who practiced Buddhism at home, began to behave in a similar manner. Many vegetable foods at the time were bland and unappetizing, but as vegetarianism spread so the quality and variety of vegetarian dishes improved. In particular, in order to meet Buddhists’ needs, many non-religious cooks began making and selling vegetarian dishes, and this greatly influenced the subsequent development of vegetarian food across China. In the Song Dynasty, because of the scholar-bureaucrats’ advocacy, vegetable foods became widely eaten. Modern Chinese people have realized that it is difficult to get enough nutrition from vegetables alone – for example, a vegetarian diet can be lacking in certain elements that the body needs, such as calcium. The majority of Chinese therefore follow diets that are balanced and which follow the advice of nutritionists and other health professionals.
The Chinese believe that it is important to pay attention to seasonal changes when deciding what to eat. For example, in the spring, when it gets warm, it is a good idea to eat some spicy vegetables as these can aerate the five internal organs. In the summer, when it is damp and hot, drinking foods such as mung bean soup, sweet-sour plum juice, lily soup and herbal tea can help prevent heatstroke and so protect a person’s health. In autumn, when it is dry, people should eat foods that can moisten the body and nourish the lungs. These include pears, persimmons, olives, radishes and white fungi. Chinese people particularly favor radishes, which are cheap and which also have notable health improvement qualities. Both spare-ribs braised with radishes and mutton stewed with radishes are used in diet therapy to preserve health. Chinese chestnuts, Chinese yams and field snails are also seasonal foods that are used to provide nourishment in the autumn. In winter it is particularly important to get enough “nourishment.” During this season, Chinese people therefore like eating fatty, high-calorie foods such as chicken, pork shanks, beef, mutton, longan, walnuts and sesames. Some people who are physically weak and afraid of the cold eat dog meat during the winter to make their bodies warmer.
Chinese diet therapy advocates particular foods for particular age groups. For example, middle-aged people are encouraged to eat both high-energy foods to preserve their health and anti-aging foods to slow down their bodies’ decline. Because old people’s metabolisms are slow, they are encouraged to eat less meat from four-legged animals such as cattle, sheep and pigs. They are also encouraged to eat more “two-legged” poultry, “one-legged” fungi and “no legged” fish.
More and more Chinese people are adopting the diet therapy approach to health protection. As the saying goes, “drug therapy is less effective than food nourishment, and diet therapy is more effective than drug treatment.” It is now widely known that common vegetables and fruits can prevent and cure diseases. In families that follow this approach it is known that if a family member catches a cold, he or she can get better if they drink hot soup (boiled with several slices of ginger, several sections of scallion stalk and brown sugar) and then sweat out their cold under a thick quilt.
简介:During his short but prolific career, George Gershwin (1898-1937) produced a varied body of work that combined symphonic composition with the musical styles popular in his era, including jazz and African-American spirituals. Known primarily for his jazz-tinged orchestral work Rhapsody in Blue, his folk opera Porgy and Bess, and his many wonderful songs featured in the films of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, Gershwin and his lyricist brother Ira were key figures in the songwriting circles of pre-war America. Rodney Greenberg's lively biography paints a vivid picture of this exciting era in the development of American music, and places Gershwin's life and career within the social and cultural contexts in which he flourished. George Gershwinis part of Phaidon s successful 20th Century Composersseries, which presents authoritative and engaging biographies of the great creative musicians of our time, augmented by striking visual material and essential reference information. This edition of the book features a whimsical new cover by Jean-Jacques Semp??, the world-renowned illustrator and cartoonist.
简介: "Altstiel and Grow's book provides golden nuggets of information that will help equip students in developing sound strategy and deploying solid tactics." —Ginger Rosenkrans, Pepperdine University In a rapidly changing industry, the Second Edition of Advertising Creative: Strategy, Copy, and Design is a reliable resource on the most recent trends of strategy, concepts, design, and integration of media and technology. This hands-on textbook is packed with cutting edge examples and details that take readers well beyond traditional media. Woven throughout the book are examples and case histories related to diversity and an ever-expanding global marketplace. Authors Tom Altstiel and Jean Grow provide a unique blend of real-world advice and academic perspectives (as a teaching professor for one of the top advertising programs in the country and an award-winning creative director and agency principle). New to the Second Edition * Reflects the changes in the advertising industry— especially the expansion of digital media— with revised chapter organization that allows for greater tactical discussion * Provides a clear picture of the industry with insightful stories from seasoned creative professionals and student ad examples * Now four-color throughout, the text showcases vivid sample ads that clearly illustrate recent trends * Brings featured concepts to life in the classroom with end-of-chapter exercises High-quality Ancillaries * An author-developed test bank for each chapter is available to instructors at www.sagepub.com/altstiel2einstr * An author-hosted interactive blog provides both instructors and students with a forum for an ongoing dialogue about teaching and learning advertising creative, posting work and sharing assignments more information about teaching advertising. Visit www.teachingadcreative.comand join the conversation today! Intended Audience This accessible resource is designed as a core textbook for advanced undergraduate and graduate students studying advertising, public relations, or marketing. Its clear and engaging style will also motivate and inspire entry-level professionals.
简介: Eating is no longer a pure experience of smell and taste but rather an effective agency to communicate and engage, an indication of cultural values, lifestyle, artisanship, criticism, aspirations and imagination this present day. While no single aspect of food and the associated can epitomise the new food culture, EAT ME takes out a slice of modern life where food has been taken as the medium to promote social interactions and ginger up our every day. In addition to the highly competitive realm of food packaging design, the book also features a symphony of recent art creations, social events, identity projects, restaurant designs, culinary implements and products inspired by food. The substantial showcase is complemented by fascinating insights in their forewords and case studies given by experts, entrepreneurs and practitioners, each distinct with regards to their experience in product, packaging, image-making, branding and spatial design.
简介:"How the Victorians loved things!" So exclaims Allison Kyle Leopold in Cherished Objects: Living with and Collecting Victoriana, a collector's cornucopia of 330 full-color photographs of every conceivable object for the home: ornately carved loveseats, lacy antimacassars, pressed-glass candy dishes, silver napkin rings, ginger-bread dollhouses, majolica, samplers, and walking sticks, among a host of others. Author of Victorian Splendor and a renowned scholar of Victoriana, Leopold conveys the warmth and romantic appeal of Victorian antiques as well as a vivid sense of American domestic history. Leopold is also an avid collector, and here she inspires Victorian fans to scour antiques stores, auctions, and flea markets for such beautiful 19th-century inventions as Parian ware and photographic portraits and such curiosities as hair receivers and mustache cups. She shares her pleasure in the Victorian sense of whimsy, too, with board games and seashell-studded picture frames. For the sophisticated Victorian buff, Cherished Objects offers new ways to enjoy and expand established collections; for the newcomer to Victoriana, it opens a window onto a past filled with intimate and endlessly varied treasures. Cherished Objects not only documents the historical background of Victorian collecting and decorating and highlights the range of Victorian styles from grand to exotic to period-perfect, but it also reveals valuable tips on finding, preserving, and displaying. Anyone who shares the Victorian passion for things will welcome this delightful compendium of their ancestors best-loved knick-knacks, gadgets, and elegant antiques.
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Devoted to medicinal plants, the sixth volume in the publisher's series (the same title as the book) comprises 30 contributions. Initial chapters offer broad views of the history (since antiquity) and current use of medicinal plants throughout the world, as well as landmark research that has drawn on traditional knowledge. Following are chapters on medicinal plants in Southeast Asia, China, the Middle East, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ghana, and Australia. The focus shifts in subsequent chapters pertaining to particular plants and their uses, including legumes, artemesia, poppies, ginger, turmeric, ginseng, coffee, mint, aloe vera, and Stevia rebaudiana, among others. The final chapter offers discussion of applications of biotechnology and molecular markers in botanical drug standardization and quality assurance. The audience for this compendium is wide. Editor Singh is an agronomist and plant cytogeneticist who has brought passion, method, and innovation to his own research and, with this series, to the dissemination of knowledge. Annotation 漏2011 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
Bringing out the best in yourself at work: how to use the enneagram system for success
Metrics for project management formalized approaches
作者: (美)帕维兹·F. 拉德(Parviz F. Rad),(美)金格·莱文(Ginger Levin)著;广联达软件股份有限公司译
作者: Beatrix