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作者: (法)纳蒂雅·贝尔凯纳(Nadia Berkane)文;(法)亚历克斯·纳斯姆(Alexis Nesme)图;王舒柳译
简介: 考拉宝宝,一个值得你拥有的好伙伴。读考拉宝宝的成长故事,学习新的词汇。 该睡觉了,可是考拉宝宝怎么也睡不着。夜里一丁点儿声响都会吓到她,尤其还有一只爱调皮捣蛋的小仓鼠来捣乱,整天老想着怎么吓唬她!考拉宝宝能战胜黑暗吗?
作者: Nadia
出版社:上海教育出版社 2017年09月
作者: (美)汤姆·汤森(Tom Townsend)著;方永彬,陶开雪译
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 The 25 essays appearing in this volume were first published in the Journal of Democracy between 1994 and 2001. Where previous volumes featured collections of articles on East Asia and Africa, the current volume focuses on Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, tracing developments in the countries of these two regions since the fall of communism. Suitable for use in courses on East European and post-Soviet politics. Annotation (c) Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com) Publisher Summary 2 The last quarter of the twentieth century was marked by two dramatic political trends that altered many of the world's regimes: the global resurgence of democracy and the collapse of communism. Was the process that brought down communism in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union fundamentally different from the process that gave birth to new democracies in other regions of the world? Were the transitions away from communism mostly like or mostly unlike the transitions away from authoritarianism that took place elsewhere? Is the challenge of building and consolidating democracy under postcommunist conditions unique, or can one apply lessons learned from other new democracies? The essays collected in this volume explore these questions, while tracing how the countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union have fared in the decade following the fall of communism.Contributors: Anders 脜slund, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, D.C.; Leszek Balcerowicz, Warsaw School of Economics; Archie Brown, Oxford University and St. Antony's College; Zbigniew Brzezinski, Johns Hopkins University, a former U.S. national security advisor; Valerie Bunce, Cornell University; Nadia Diuk, National Endowment for Democracy in Washington, D.C.; M. Steven Fish, University of California鈥揃erkeley; Charles H. Fairbanks Jr., the Johns Hopkins University; Bronislaw Geremek, former foreign minister of Poland; John Higley, University of Texas at Austin; Judith Kullberg, University of Michigan鈥揂nn Arbor; Mart Laar, prime minister of Estonia; Michael McFaul, Stanford University; Ghia Nodia, Tbilisi State University; Jan Pakulski, University of Tasmania in Australia; Richard Rose, University of Strathclyde in Glasgow; Jacques Rupnik, College of Europe in Bruges; Lilia Shevtsova, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, D.C.; Aleksander Smolar, Stefan Batory Foundation in Warsaw and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in Paris; G.M. Tams formerly of Georgetown University; Vladimir Tismaneanu, University of Maryland at College Park; Grigory Yavlinsky, member of the Russian State Duma (parliament).
简介:"It is usually held that representative government is not strictly democratic, since it does not allow the people themselves to directly make decisions. But here, taking as her guide Thomas Paine's subversive view that "Athens, by representation, would have surpassed her own democracy," Nadia Urbinati challenges this accepted wisdom, arguing that political representation deserves to be regarded as a fully legitimate mode of democratic decision-making - and not just a pragmatic second choice when direct democracy is not possible." "As Urbinati shows, the idea that representation is incompatible with democracy stems from our modern concept of sovereignty, which identifies politics with a decision-maker's direct physical presence and the immediate act of the will. She goes on to contend that a democratic theory of representation can and should go beyond these identifications. Political representation, she demonstrates, is ultimately grounded in a continuum of influence and power created by political judgment, as well as the way presence through ideas and speech links society with representative institutions. Integrating the ideas of such thinkers as Rousseau, Kant, Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes, Paine, and the Marquis de Condorcet with her own, Urbinati constructs an alternative vision of representative government that is sure to generate admiration and discussion among political philosophers and students."--BOOK JACKET.
简介:Beginning with a single entry for the year 1889, when he was twenty, and continuing intermittently but indefatigably through his life, the Journals of Andr Gide constitute an enlightening, moving, and endlessly fascinating chronicle of creative energy and conviction. Astutely and thoroughly annotated by Justin O'Brien in consultation with Gide himself, this translation is the definitive edition of Gide's complete journals.The complete journals, representing sixty years of a varied life, testify to a disciplined intelligence in a constantly maturing thought. These pages contain aesthetic appreciations, philosophic reflections, sustained literary criticism, notes for the composition of his works, details of his personal life and spiritual conflicts, accounts of his extensive travels, and comments on the political and social events of the day, from the Dreyfus case to the German occupation.Gide records his progress as a writer and a reader as well as his contacts and conversations with the bright lights of contemporary Europe, from Paul Valry, Paul Claudel, Lon Blum, and Auguste Rodin to Marcel Proust, Stephen Mallarm, Oscar Wilde, and Nadia Boulanger.Devoid of affectation, alternately overtaken by depression and animated by a sense of urgency and hunger for literature and beauty, Gide read voraciously, corresponded voluminously, and thought profoundly, always questioning and doubting in search of the unadulterated truth. 'The only drama that really interests me and that I should always be willing to depict anew', he wrote, 'is the debate of the individual with whatever keeps him from being authentic, with whatever is opposed to his integrity, to his integration. Most often the obstacle is within him. And all the rest is merely accidental'. Volume 4 reveals a creative mind that remains vigorous and unique as Gide enters his seventies. He records the fall of France and the German occupation during World War II, the landing of the Americans and the fall of Tunis, as well as a memorable meeting with General de Gaulle. His literary commentary touches on such writers as Virgil, Goethe, Racine, Dashiell Hammett, and John Steinbeck.
简介:Discover beautiful and inspiring illustrations from children's stories in 1,000 Illustrations for Children! Colorful, whimsical drawings fill the pages, brought to you by expert contributors from around the world, including: -Wolf Erlbruch (Germany) -Julia Wauters (France) -Nadia Budde (Germany) -Marije Tolman (The Netherlands) -Kitty Crowther (Belgium) -Suzy Lee (Korea) -Komako Sakai (Japan) -Owen Davey (UK) -Oliver Jeffers (USA) -Renato Moriconi (Brazil) -Rilla Alexander (Australia) -And many others
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 While Giuseppe Mazzini (1895-72) is well remembered as a leading figure of the Italian Risorgimento (the political consolidation of the modern Italian state), the importance and influence of his political writings on democracy, national self-determination, and other issues has been not as well understood in the Anglo-American world, perhaps because many of his most seminal writings have never been translated into English. Rechhia (a doctoral candidate in political science at Columbia U.) and Urbinati (contemporary civilization and political theory, Columbia U.) here encourage the rediscovery of Mazzini's political thought by presenting 22 of his most significant essays, about half of which are newly translated from the original Italian or French (the others were originally written in English by Mazzini himself or originally translated under his supervision and are presented with only minor editorial interventions concerning sentence structure or spelling). The writings, spanning the years 1831 to 1871, address Mazzini's conceptions of republican democracy, national revolutions, international politics, and war. Recchia and Urbinati also include an introductory essay introducing the facts of Mazzini's life and providing an analytic overview of his political thought. Annotation 漏2010 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com) Publisher Summary 2 This anthology gathers Giuseppe Mazzini's most important essays on democracy, nation building, and international relations, including some that have never before been translated into English. These neglected writings remind us why Mazzini was one of the most influential political thinkers of the nineteenth century--and why there is still great benefit to be derived from a careful analysis of what he had to say. Mazzini (1805-1872) is best known today as the inspirational leader of the Italian Risorgimento. But, as this book demonstrates, he also made a vital contribution to the development of modern democratic and liberal internationalist thought. In fact, Stefano Recchia and Nadia Urbinati make the case that Mazzini ought to be recognized as the founding figure of what has come to be known as liberal Wilsonianism.The writings collected here show how Mazzini developed a sophisticated theory of democratic nation building--one that illustrates why democracy cannot be successfully imposed through military intervention from the outside. He also speculated, much more explicitly than Immanuel Kant, about how popular participation and self-rule within independent nation-states might result in lasting peace among democracies. In short, Mazzini believed that universal aspirations toward human freedom, equality, and international peace could best be realized through independent nation-states with homegrown democratic institutions. He thus envisioned what one might today call a genuine cosmopolitanism of nations.
简介: Wordsworth Classics covers a huge list of beloved works of literature in English and translations. This growing series is rigorously updated, with scholarly introductions and notes added to new titles. Gwendolene Harleth marries for money and power rather than love, but finds marriage a trap and her husband's sadistic use of power constricting. The upper-class Victorian society in which she moves is juxtaposed with that of the hero, Daniel Deronda, whose influence is a redemptive force. Novel by George Eliot, published in eight parts in 1876. It is notable for its exposure of Victorian anti-Semitism. The novel builds on the contrast between Mirah Cohen, a poor Jewish girl, and the upper-class Gwendolen Harleth, who marries for money and regrets it. The less convincingly realized hero, Daniel, after discovering that he is Jewish, marries Mirah and departs for Palestine to establish a home for his people. The warm picture of the Cohen family evoked grateful praise from Jewish readers, but the best part of Daniel Deronda is the keen analysis of Gwendolen's character, which seems to many critics the peak of George Eliot's achievement. Nadia May meets the strenuous demands of Eliot's narration with easy assurance. In this enduring Victorian classic written in 1876, two stories weave in and out of each other: The first is about Gwendolen, one of Eliot's finest creations, who grows from a self-centered young beauty to a thoughtful adult with an expanded vision of the world around her. The second is about Daniel Deronda, adopted son of an aristocratic Englishman who becomes fascinated with Jewish traditions when he meets an ailing Jewish philosopher named Mordecai and his sensitive sister, Mirah. Providentially, Daniel then discovers that he himself is Jewish. Eliot's (Middlemarch, Audio Reviews, LJ 3/15/95) tender portrait of Mordecai is considered by some critics to be one of the most sympathetic treatments of a Jewish character in Victorian literature. Characterizations are strong throughout, except when the author takes center stage and delivers one of her lengthy monologs. Once the compelling drama resumes, it makes incredible demands on the narrator. However, whether May is reading French or German or Italian quotations, or interpreting Mordecai's Zionist speeches, she deserves to share the final applause with George Eliot herself.?Jo Carr, Sarasota, FL In her lifetime, Marian Evans (1819-80) was celebrated under her pen name of George Eliot as England's greatest living novelist. Today, she is known primarily as the bane of school kids who, having SILAS MARNER thrust down their throats, learn to despise the written word. Dove seeks to make palatable this dreaded tome, about an idealistic orphan who discovers his Jewish heritage in the course of rescuing a Jewish singer and giving succor to the beautiful Gwendolen, who is trapped in a bad marriage. Like Beacham, Bron negotiates the author's difficult locutions with comprehension and aplomb. Unfortunately her Masterpiece Theaterish delivery loses some of Eliot's personality. However, she so masterfully and assuredly puts across the text and so insightfully presents the characters that we can forgive her the lapse into the prevailing fashion. If you're a former school kid wondering just what the heck makes this novel living literature, you may find out by picking up this audiobook. Y.R. Edmund White is the author of many novels, including A Boy’s Own Story (available as a Modern Library hardcover classic) and The Married Man. He has written a long biography of Jean Genet and a short one of Proust. His most recent book is The Flaneur: A Stroll Through the Paradoxes of Paris. White teaches writing at Princeton University. length: (cm)19.8 width:(cm)12.6
The Mysterious Affair at Styles 斯泰尔斯庄园奇案 9780007119271
简介: Agatha Christie launches the legendary career of Hercule Poirot with this classic tale of intrigue. Did one of the Cavendish brothers poison their stepmother, Mrs. Iglethorp, or was it her new husband? Nadia May reads with such a delightful English accent, intonation, and careful pacing that the suspense and drama build gradually. Each character is easily distinguishable and a treat to listen to, especially Poirot. This baffling tale with many characters is a bit difficult to follow but well worth the effort. The compulsion to discover the truth is motive enough for all listeners. S.C.A. (c)AudioFile, Portland, Maine --This text refers to the Audio Cassette edition. 作者简介: Agatha Christie is known throughout the world as the Queen of Crime.Her books have sold over a billion copies in English with another billion in 100 foreign languages.She is the most widely publiShed author of all time and in any language,outsold only by the Bible and Shakespeare.She is the author of 80 crime novel and short story coUections,19 plays,and six novels written under the narne of Mary Westrmacott. Agatha Christie’S fast novel,The Mysterious Affair at Styles,was written towards the end of the First Wold War.in which she served as a VAD.In it she created Hercule Poiroh the little Belgian detective who was destined tO become the most popular detective in crime fiction since Sherlock Holmes.It was eventually published by The Bodley Head in 1920. In 1926,after averaging a book a year,Agatha Christie wrote her masterpiece.The Murder ofRoger Ackroyd was the first of her books tO be published by Collins and marked the beginning of an author-pubfisher relationship which‘lasted for 50 years and well OVer 70 books.Murder of Roger Ackroyd was also the first of Agatha Christie's books to be dramatised—under the name Alibi-and to have a successful run in London’S West End.The Mousetrap,her most famous play of all,opened in 1952 and is the longest-running play in history. Agatha Christie was made a Dame in l971.She died in 1976,since when a number of books have been published posthumously:the bestselling novel Sleeping Murder appeared later that year,followed by her autobiography and the short story collections Miss Marple's Final Cases,Problem at Pollensa Bay and While the Light lasts.In 1998 Black Coffes WaS the first of her plays tO be novelised by another author,Charles Osbome.
简介:Stories about Jewesses proliferated in nineteenth-century Britain as debates about the place of the Jews in the nation raged. While previous scholarship has explored the prevalence of antisemitic stereotypes in this period, Nadia Valman argues that the figure of the Jewess - virtuous, appealing and sacrificial - reveals how hostility towards Jews was accompanied by pity, identification and desire. Reading a range of texts from popular romance to the realist novel, she investigates how the complex figure of the Jewess brought the instabilities of nineteenth-century religious, racial and national identity into uniquely sharp focus. Tracing the narrative of the Jewess from its beginnings in Romantic and Evangelical literature, and reading canonical writers including Walter Scott, George Eliot and Anthony Trollope alongside more minor figures such as Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna, Grace Aguilar and Amy Levy, Valman demonstrates the remarkable persistence of this narrative and its myriad transformations across the century.
简介:Approaches to an understanding of the construction of minority identities -- Secularism and the accommodation ofMuslims / Tariq Modood and Riva Kastoryano -- The construction of what? / Michel Wieviorka -- Debating cultural difference in France / Catherine Wihtol de Wenden-- The French Republic unveiled / Max Silverman -- Experiencing the construction of minority identities -- Shifting socio-cultural identities: young people of North African origin in France / Nadia Kiwan -- Converging at last? France, Britain and their minorities / Vincent Latour -- Veiled interventions in pure space: honour, shame and embodied struggles -- Among Muslims in Britain and France / Pnina Werbner -- The construction of identity,integration and participation of Carribbeans in British society / Harry Goulbourne.
简介:【內容簡介】 通過呼吸控制法(對呼吸的控制)的練習,我們可以駕馭能量的運行。根據瑜伽理論,人體中有五種能量:命根氣、下行氣、中駐氣、遍行氣和上行氣。它們各自掌控身體及頭腦的不同功能。如果這五種能量在體內運轉良好,身體和心理層面都不會出現任何問題。 如果控制了呼吸我們就能控制頭腦,因為頭腦與呼吸同步。如果呼吸急促,頭腦就飛快運轉;如果呼吸緩慢,頭腦就變的平和;如果呼吸停頓,頭腦也陷入停頓。一旦我們控制了呼吸,冥想就非常容易。冥想的練習直接作用於頭腦,只有在我們很好地控制住五個感官的時候,冥想才有可能發生。瑜伽中有很多用於全然控制頭腦的冥想方法,但我們應該只選擇其中一種,並長期反覆練習。要始終牢記,冥想不是做出來的,它是在不知不覺中發生的,我們不知它何時會發生,它的發生可能持續數秒或數小時,一旦它發生,你即進入最自然舒服的狀態。 本書中的瑜伽體位和呼吸方法正是這種努力的一部分,也是最容易、最普便被廣大瑜伽練習者所接受的。希望大家不僅僅是閱讀瑜伽書籍,還能夠體驗並感受瑜伽的練習,這體驗與感受會使你不斷進步。這本美麗的瑜伽書籍會幫助和指引你對幸福與真我的追尋。 【本書特色】 名模左永寧 大力推薦! 連續再版12次,蟬聯冠軍排行20週 韓國暢銷10萬冊的燃脂瑜伽書! 韓國女子團體FIN.K.L知名減肥藝人玉珠賢的瑜伽老師Nadia親身示範教學 維持體態零負擔,想瘦身就從改變體態開始 減肥不再需要戰戰兢兢的控制 讓雕塑身材輕鬆成為生活的一部分! 隨書附贈瑜伽小冊,隨時隨地輕鬆瘦!
简介: Jouha is loading his donkeys with dates to sell at the market. How many donkeys are there? His son helps him count ten, but once the journey starts, things change. First there are ten donkeys, then there are nine When Jouha stops to count again, the lost donkey is back. What's going on? Silly Jouha doesn't get it, but by the end of the story, wise readers will be counting correctly - and in Arabic Margaret Read MacDonald and Nadia Jameel Taibah are the tellers of this funny tale from the Middle East. The sunny pictures were painted by Carol Liddiment.
作者: (法)纳蒂雅·贝尔凯纳(Nadia Berkane)文;(法)亚历克斯·纳斯姆(Alexis Nesme)图;王舒柳译
简介: 考拉宝宝,一个值得你拥有的好伙伴。读考拉宝宝的成长故事,学习新的词汇。 放假了,大家一起去海边玩喽!考拉宝宝先用沙子堆出了一座城堡,接着又下海玩水,后来还用小网兜找到了贝壳。哎呀,小仓鼠皮皮,小心螃蟹哦,它们的钳子可厉害啦!
Digital landscape architecture now /
作者: Nadia Amoroso ; [foreword by George Hargreaves].
简介: Presenting work by some of the most innovative practices across the globe: inspiring ideas for a world of more beautifully designed outdoor spaces Despite its importance to place-making, urban planning, and the environment, landscape design has often played an inferior role to architecture. Typically, as little as three percent of a project’s construction budget is allocated to the space that surrounds a building, but that is changing. A greater desire to blend buildings into their contexts, ecological considerations, legislation, and new definitions of “scaping” have opened up exciting possibilities. Coinciding with heightened social sensitivities, advances in material application, data-driven mapping techniques, and digital technologies and construction methods, landscape designers are producing a new wave of work around the world, reshaping gardens, public squares, leisure areas, and industrial parks. Among the practices included in this survey are designers who have bridged modernism with newer forms (Emergent, West 8); architects whose work fuses with the earth’s contours (Zaha Hadid, MVRDV); and a generation of designers only just emerging from universities. Nadia Amoroso is Professor of Landscape Architecture at the University of Toronto and has lectured at Harvard and Cornell universities. c. 700 color illustrations
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 A detailed, authoritative portrait of a commanding figure in twentieth-century music. Publisher Summary 2 Nadia Boulanger's life spanned nearly a century, and at her death she was still director of the American School of Music at Fontainebleau, which she helped found after World War I. Enormously influential, she taught many distinguished performers and composers-among them Aaron Copland, Virgil Thomson, and Elliott Carter. She helped American music gain worldwide recognition. For this first full biography, L茅onie Rosenstiel has drawn on papers and records to which Boulanger gave her unprecedented access and also on numerous interviews. The result is a rich portrait of an important woman of our time.
J.S. Mill's political thought : a bicentennial reassessment /
作者: edited by Nadia Urbinati, Alex Zakaras.
简介:The year 2006 marked the two hundredth anniversary of John Stuart Mill's birth. Though his philosophical reputation has varied greatly, it is now clear that Mill ranks among the most influential modern political thinkers. Despite his enduring influence, the breadth and complexity of Mill's political thought is often underappreciated. While his writings remain a touchstone for debates over liberty and liberalism, many other important dimensions of his political philosophy have until recently been ignored. This book aims to correct such neglect, by illustrating the breadth and depth of Mill's political writings, by drawing together a collection of essays whose authors explore underappreciated elements of Mill's political philosophy. The book shows how Mill's thinking remains pertinent to our own political life in three broad areas - democratic institutions and culture, liberalism, and international politics - and offers a critical reassessment of Mill's political philosophy in light of recent political developments and transformations.
Reading matters:an interactive approach to reading.4
作者: Mary Lee Wholey,Nadia Henein原著;于秀金,孟凡胜总主编;高新艳[册]主编
简介: 《大学英语交互阅读教程.4》内容及特色如下: 1.选篇经典,题材多样,内容丰富 阅读能力是在大量实践中培养起来的。《大学英语交互阅读教程》1-4册提供了大量阅读文章,本教材以主题划分单元,每册6个单元,每个单元包含2个章节,每个章节选有3-6篇与主题相关的文章。单元主题导入部分采用引文、照片或者图片的方式,调动学习者的兴趣,引发学习者个人相关体验的回忆,图文并茂,生动活泼。 2.练习设计精巧,形式多样,寓学于乐 本教材突破传统练习的刻板模式,贯彻“任务依托式”的教学理念,尽可能地采用交互式的活动形式。 3.融合多种技能,培养阅读策略,授人以渔 以阅读技巧、阅读方法为主线,体现“主次分明,精泛结合”的原则,讲练阅读策略,例如预测、略读、扫读、“语块”阅读、猜词、识别文体、理解作者的意图等,培养学习者自主学习能力,“授人以渔”。使学习者不仅能快速、准确地阅读一般性题材的英文文章,还能进行一定的分析、推理和判断,促进其语言实际应用能力。
Decision behaviour, analysis and support
作者: (英)西蒙·弗兰奇(Simon French), (英)约翰·莫尔(John Maule), (英)纳蒂娅·帕米歇尔(Nadia Papamichail)著;李华旸译
Take on Listening: Listening and Speaking Strategies.1,Instructor’s Manual
Take on Listening: Listening and Speaking Strategies.2,Instructor’s Manual
Comparative genomics : RECOMB 2006 international workshop, RCG 2006, Montreal, Canada, September...