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简介:An insightful, highly visual guide to the state-of-the-art in the practice of ophthalmic surgery "The subjects include new diagnostic instruments and have multiple chapters on individual surgical problems. This text is an excellent compilation of lucid color figures and surgical videos....An important contribution to contemporary opht... more 籬almic education...which will be of great value to the readers."--Travis A. Meredith, MD, Sterling A. Barrett Distinguished Professor, Chairman, Department of Ophthalmology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (from the foreword) "Dr. Sandeep Saxena has compiled an excellent collection of chapters, all written by experts in their respective fields. I am certain this book will make its space on the tables of all postgraduate students and ophthalmic surgeons."--Dipak Kumar, MS, Professor and Head, Department of Ophthalmology, King George's Medical University, Lucknow (from the foreword) Ophthalmologists determined to stay on the leading edge of the field as new diagnostic and therapeutic modalities emerge will find everything they need in this comprehensive guide to current practice. Here, in a single reference, is a far-reaching, authoritative compilation of the latest and best techniques in contemporary ophthalmic surgery -- enriched by more than 800 full-color photographs and illustrations. FEATURES:Offers expert guidance: chapters are written, and procedures demonstrated, by 77 of the world's leading practitioners in ophthalmic surgery Vividly and visually illustrates key concepts and surgical techniques with more than 1,500 illustrations -- 800 in full color Two DVD's demonstrate, in 75 videos, every surgical technique discussed in the book Treats anterior segment surgeries, including corneal and refractive surgeries, glaucoma surgeries, phacoemulsification, bimanual microphacoemulsification, small incision cataract surgery, and pediatric cataract surgery Includes posterior segment surgeries such as laser photocoagulation, photodynamic therapy, transpupillary thermotherapy, vitreoretinal surgeries and macular and submacular surgeries including macular translocation Presents surgical strategies in uveitis, strabismus, lid, orbit, and intraocular tumors Introduces the latest advances in phacoemulsification technology, including cold phaco, intraocular lens material and designs, plasma blade, and vitreoretinal surgery ?less
简介: This practical guide focuses on the evidence-based neuroscience information that is most relevant to the practice of physical rehabilitation. It connects the theory of neuroscience with real-world clinical application with such features as: stories written by real people with neurological disorders, case studies, and lists summarizing key features of neurological disorders. It also provides clear descriptions of a complete range of neurological disorders and the body systems they affect. The text progresses logically from the molecular and cellular levels, to systems, and then to regions, to help make complex information easy to master. Special features such as Clinical Notes boxes with "at-a-glance" summaries, Red Flag boxes, and hundreds of full-color illustrations, enhance the learning experience and make it easy for the student and clinician to access clinically relevant information. Includes clear descriptions of a wide range of neurological disorders and the body system they affect to help make complex information easier to master and to provide the framework essential for understanding the nervous system Uses full-color clinical and gross photographs to clarify the spatial relationships among neural structures and show pathological neural changes A color atlas provides gross photographs and scans with accompanying diagrams that label key structures in the brain Numerous tables, flow charts, and boxes highlight essential concepts, processes, and relationships At-a-Glance Disorder boxes outline the pathology, etiology, signs and symptoms, and prognoses of the most common neurological disorders to provide a quick summary of the features of neurological disorders commonly encountered in clinical practice Clinical Notes at the end of the chapter sections provide relevant case studies with questions to demonstrate clinical applications of neuroscience knowledge and challenges the student to apply the information to clinical situations Review Questions at the end of each chapter help students focus on key subject matter from each chapter Actual patient stories set the scene for many chapters to help the student and clinician relate the scientific information to clinical reality A DVD with approximately 40 video clips and animations supports concepts in the text Chapter outlines at the beginning of each chapter succinctly define the chapter content Red Flags boxes highlight physical and psychological manifestations of neurological disorders Nearly 90 new illustrations have been added to reflect updated research and new topics
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Take the mystery out of MRI interpretation and its relationship to arthroscopy with Presentation, Imaging and Treatment of Common Musculoskeletal Conditions: MR-Arthroscopy Correlation, by Drs. Mark D. Miller and Timothy G. Sanders. Abundantly illustrated with MR, arthroscopic, and anatomical images, this new title offers both orthopaedists and radiologists a correlated, systematic approach to diagnosis, helping you achieve accurate evaluations and ensuring that all clinically relevant structures are adequately assessed. An accompanying case-based DVD illustrates pathology and repair, with side-by-side comparisons of MRI and arthroscopic findings in the same patient. Improve diagnostic accuracy, surgical planning/decision making, and patient outcomes by seeing how to correlate MRI and arthroscopic findings.Gain an enhanced appreciation of the sensitivity and specificity of MRI as a tool in musculoskeletal diagnosis.Enhance your diagnostic skills by reviewing illustrative case studies for each major joint, examining specific MRI and arthroscopic findings and considering the range of possible diagnoses.View side-by-side comparisons of MRI and arthroscopic footage in the same patient - augmented by line illustrations that orient the arthroscopic views - by watching the videos on the bound-in DVD. Take the mystery out of MRI interpretation to assess more confidently. Publisher Summary 2 Take the mystery out of MRI interpretation and its relationship to arthroscopy with Presentation, Imaging and Treatment of Common Musculoskeletal Conditions: MR-Arthroscopy Correlation, by Drs. Mark D. Miller and Timothy G. Sanders. Abundantly illustrated with MR, arthroscopic, and anatomical images, this new title offers both orthopaedists and radiologists a correlated, systematic approach to diagnosis, helping you achieve accurate evaluations and ensuring that all clinically relevant structures are adequately assessed. An accompanying case-based DVD illustrates pathology and repair, with side-by-side comparisons of MRI and arthroscopic findings in the same patient. Improve diagnostic accuracy, surgical planning/decision making, and patient outcomes by seeing how to correlate MRI and arthroscopic findings.Gain an enhanced appreciation of the sensitivity and specificity of MRI as a tool in musculoskeletal diagnosis.Enhance your diagnostic skills by reviewing illustrative case studies for each major joint, examining specific MRI and arthroscopic findings and considering the range of possible diagnoses.View side-by-side comparisons of MRI and arthroscopic footage in the same patient - augmented by line illustrations that orient the arthroscopic views - by watching the videos on the bound-in DVD. Take the mystery out of MRI interpretation to assess more confidently.
Automatic control systems / 8th ed.
光盘作者: Benjamin C. Kuo, Farid Golnaraghi.
简介:CD-ROM contains: MATLAB files for ACSYS, PowerPoint files for the illustrations in the text, and appendices.
英文共同题名:New interior decoration illustrations
光盘作者: 《新编室内装修大图鉴》编写组编
Introduction to microbiology : a case history approach / 3rd ed.
光盘作者: John L. Ingraham, Catherine A. Ingraham.
简介: Would you like to bring guest lectures like researchers, physicians, or fellow instructors into you microbiology course? With this third edition of INTRODUCTION TO MICROBIOLOGY you get the perspective of all of those three professionals. John Ingraham, a professor of microbiology at University of California at Davis, and Catherine Ingraham, his daughter and a practicing physician, utilize their experience within a case history approach complemented by a great technology package. Each chapter in INTRODUCTION TO MICROBIOLOGY now consistently begins with a case history, which John Ingraham has found very motivational to students who are new to the study of basic science. Because Catherine Ingraham studied to become a physician by interviewing patients, determining causes and implementing solutions, she knows mastry comes from high interest human stories rather than clinical presentations. Many of the case histories found in this book are taken from Catherine's experience as a physician. This combination of experiences and talent brings a case-based quality to every lecture and homework session. This unique author team also provides up-to-the-minute currency. Coverage of new microbial "events" such as biological warfare, studied by John and its effects prepared for in Catherine's office, keeps students interested. The authors also highlight reemerging diseases, such as tuberculoses and smallpox. As with previous editions, this book takes a "body systems" organization. Students are exposed to the unknown, the world of the microbes, through the known, and the different parts of their own bodies. And, because art is so important, there is again a multimedia manager with this title, but with more exciting capabilities than ever before. Instructors receive powerful PowerPoint slides for all the illustrations, tables and figures from the text, plus several animations are at your fingertips. ...
英文共同题名:New interior decoration illustrations
光盘作者: 《新编室内装修大图鉴》编写组编
简介: 《新编室内装修大图鉴2》精选多家优秀设计公司近期的客厅设计作品效果图,按照不同的装修风格编辑分类,作品内容紧跟现代家居装修的流行趋势,并着重介绍客厅细节部位的主要材料,以帮助广大读者认识和选择,打造出理想的家居环境。
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 A complete multidisciplinary guide to breast surgical oncologyIncludes DVD with surgical video clips and breast ultrasound atlasA Doody's Core Title for 2011!A British Medical Association Book Awards Runner-up, Oncology category!"Kuerer's new textbook of Breast Surgical Oncology is a comprehensive volume that contains exceptionally detailed and thorough information about the diverse aspects of breast cancer care, and would serve as a valuable resource for any breast cancer clinician, regardless of their specialty. ... (the book) is easy to read and navigate, where clinicians can quickly obtain reliable, up-to-date information on a broad range of topics relevant to breast cancer. --Annals of Surgery,August 20104 STAR DOODY'S REVIEW! "...a comprehensive and authoritative synthesis of current information is sorely needed, and this book fulfills that need admirably....The figures (many in color) and tables reproduce beautifully. The chapters on ultrasound, clinical trials, and plastic surgery, are particularly valuable. This is a terrific and incredibly useful book on breast surgical oncology, and will be an important reference in the field."--Doody's Review ServiceWritten by an internationally recognized multidisciplinary team of authors, Kuerer's Breast Surgical Oncologyis the first text specifically dedicated to breast surgical oncology. Turn to any page, and you'll find cutting-edge, evidence-based information and insights鈥攕upplemented by a full-color presentation and a companion DVD鈥攁ll designed to help provide a solid foundation for current and future best practices.Kuerer'sexamines all clinically relevant knowledge in the field, from the pathology of the breast and clinical management, to follow-up and complications following diagnosis and therapy. The book also focuses on the next wave of molecular studies that represent the future of the discipline.Features Complete integration of the relevant disease pathology with clinical managementMajor sections on both oncoplastic and advanced operative management procedures An entire section on landmark breast cancer clinical trials that highlights essential knowledge and evidence in the fieldFull-color design with 750 illustrations that depict anatomy, breast cancer pathology, and trial results A DVD with surgical video clips that details some of the important surgical techniques and procedures featured in the text An entire section on breast imaging and an atlas on breast ultrasound and biopsy techniques that facilitate accurate diagnosis and treatmentTimely, special chapter on the influence of the media and the internet on breast cancer care and the funding of breast cancer researchA detailed overview of currently open and accruing clinical trials, along with the future critical questions that must be answered to move the field forwardCoverage of molecular findings that provides an enhanced perspsective on the full spectrum of malignancies with which they work
Discovering genomics, proteomics, and bioinformatics /
光盘作者: A. Malcolm Campbell, Laurie J. Heyer.
简介:CD-ROM contains: Illustrations to accompany text.
作者: 卫生署第一次营养研究会编著
简介:Utilize Powerful New Simulation Methods to Optimize Filter Design! Electronic Filter Simulation and Design shows you how to apply simulation methods and commercially available software to catch errors early in the design stage and streamline your design process. Using 150 detailed illustrations, this hands-on resource examines cutting-edge simulation methods for lumped passive filters...active RC filters...low-pass and band-stop distributed filters...high-pass and band-pass distributed filters...high-frequency filters...discrete time filters...and much more. The book also contains a skills-building CD with files for major case studies covered in the text, together with demo versions of Mathcad and SIMetrix, so that you can work the examples and adapt them to their own projects. Electronic Filter Simulation and Design features: A wealth of synthesis procedures for design Expert guidance on filter verification via simulation The latest design techniques for high-frequency filters A valuable CD with files for major case studies from the book, plus demo versions of Mathcad and SIMetrix for adapting them Inside this Time-Saving Filter Simulation and Design Guide • Basic Concepts • Lumped Passive Filters • Active RC Filters • Transmission Lines • Low-Pass and Band-Stop Distributed Filters • High-Pass and Band-Pass Distributed Filters • Special Designs of High Frequency Filters • Discrete Time Filters • Waveguide Filters • Appendixes
Casarett and Doull's toxicology : the basic science of poisons /
光盘作者: Curtis Klaassen
出版社:McGraw-Hill 2013
简介:The most trusted all-in-one overview of the biomedical and environmental aspects of toxicology--NOW more complete, up-to-date, and in full color A Doody's Core Title for 2017! NEW to the Eighth Edition FULL-COLOR design to allow for a clearer interpretationof the basic components of toxicology featured throughout the text EXPANDED tables, illustrations, and other visuals areupdated with state-of-the-art standards that makes thisedition even more current and relevant DVD with image bank features all tables and illustrations from the text in presentation-ready format NEW CHAPTERS include "Toxic Effects of Calories"and "Toxic Effects of Nanoparticles" The world's leading and most authoritative textbook on poisons has more to offer students,toxicologists, and pharmacologists than ever before. Now in full color, and thoroughly revised, the eighth edition of Casarett & Doull's TOXICOLOGY: The Basic Science of Poisons not only delivers a comprehensive review of the essential components of toxicology, it offers the most up-to-date,revealing, and in-depth look at the systemic responses of toxic substance available anywhere. Combined with the latest thinking by the field's foremost scholars plus solid coverage of general principles, modes of action, and chemical-specific toxicity, this landmark text continues to set the standard for toxicology references
简介:Maitland, Professor of Chemistry at New York University, and long-time teacher of the organic chemistry course at Princeton, is joined by Fleming (Temple University) in this update to his excellent textbook, which is designed to be accessible to non-chemistry majors. In addition to the numerous illustrations, they include icons indicating that an animated 3D representation of the reaction can be viewed on the accompanying CD-ROM. Examples, exercises, and some interesting asides complement their coverage, and the last four chapters discuss special topics such as intramolecular reactions and neighboring group participation. An ebook version is also available. Annotation 漏2010 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
简介: This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. Completely updated and revised, this classic text provides a definitive reference work on contact lenses for optometrists, dispensing opticians, ophthalmologists and contact lens practitioners. An everyday definitive reference work, this classic, beautifully designed text has been reinvented to provide the modern eye care practitioner with all the essential knowledge that they need in one volume. A prestigious list of internationally known experts has contributed chapters and Judith Morris is Consultant Editor for this the fifth edition. The book has been brought up to date to reflect modern day contact lens practice yet still provides the basic scientific foundations. From silicone hydrogels, orthoK and digital imaging to practice law, research projects and practical optics, all you need is included in one volume. Redesigned with numerous high quality line diagrams and clinical illustrations to further explain points brought out in the text. Refocused and tightened, the content has been overhauled to provide you with an essential touchstone for everyday practice. Erudite, definitive and comprehensive the book now concentrates on the evidence behind contact lens practice and enables you to make informed choices about the care you give to your patients. The CD-ROM provides you with a wealth of practice tools, illustrations, worked examples and calculators as well as helpful worked simulations and examples, plus training videos for further information.
Biology : concepts and applications / 6th ed., International student ed.
光盘作者: Cecie Starr, Christine A. Evers, Lisa Starr.
简介:This introductory textbook introduces the principles of cellular life, inheritance, evolution, biodiversity, plant structure and function, animal structure and function, and ecology. An introductory chapter introduces basic concepts and methods in the study of biology. Appendixes outline classification schemes, units of measure, major metabolic pathways, and the periodic table of elements. Color photographs and other illustrations are featured throughout. The CD- ROM contains diagnostic quizzes, animations, and video clips on controversial issues. Annotation 漏2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
Nature of biology. Book 1 / 3rd ed.
光盘作者: by Judith F.Kinnear and Marjory Martin
简介:Nature of Biology Book 1 3E is a comprehensive textbook resource written specifically to meet all requirements of units 1 and 2 of the VCE Biology Study Design. Nature of Biology Book 2 3E covers units 3 and 4 of the study design.The popular elements of previous editions are retained, and new features are introduced to engage students interest and ensure their understanding of biological concepts is developed clearly over the two years of study.Features New chapter introductions that relate topics to real and contemporary contexts High-quality, clearly labelled illustrations and unique images that bring the text to life and encourage discussion Australian case studies, personal stories and an expanded range of 'Biologist at work' profiles regular sets of 'Key ideas' and 'Quick-check' questions to test understanding of the key knowledge points New 'Biochallenge' pages that focus on applying knowledge in response to visual stimuli and data 'Chapter review' questions that specify the relevant key skills and include links to website to encourage further researchNature of Biology Book 1 3E is now supported by eBookPLUS!What is eBookPLUS'eBookPLUS gives students access to engaging digital support. This gives 24/7 access to the on-line text along with a wealth of ICT resources making student learning more engaging! eBookPLUS can also be purchased independently of the text.JacarandaPLUS is the on-line home of all our digital resources for teachers and students.All JacarandaPLUS websites that host the eBookPLUS and eGuidePLUS will be live by the end of 2008 for use in 2009.For further information call 1800 JAC PLUS (1800 522 7587) or go to http://www.jacplus.com.au
Biology : a guide to the natural world / 2nd ed.
光盘作者: David Krogh.
简介:This book serves as the most successful introduction to biology published in the last 10 years, and remains the only one written and illustrated from the ground up. The " biological literacy" approach continues to be paramount--from the journalistic writing style and original, Krogh specific illustrations to the seamless integration of media A seven-part organization covers essential parts: atoms, molecules, and cells; energy and its transformation; how life goes on: genetics; life's organizing principle: evolution and the diversity of life; a bounty that feeds us all: plants; what makes the organism tick? animal anatomy and physiology; and the living world as a whole: ecology and behavior. For the promotion of biological literacy--to make individuals aware that they need it to participate in the workforce, make everyday decisions, and make informed choices at the ballot box.
作者: John McMurry.
简介:McMurry (Cornell U.) presents this 7th edition introducing organic chemistry to undergraduates. Thirty chapters are organized primarily by functional group, from the most simple (alkanes) to the most complex. Concise text is supported by abundant illustrations and exercises. Sample topics include: stereochemistry, organohalides, structure determination using mass spectrometry and infrared spectroscopy, corbonyl condensation reactions, the four types of biomolecule, the organic chemistry of metabolic pathways, and synthetic polymers, among others. Updates include new coverage of noncovalent reactions, comparisons between biological reactions and laboratory reactions, chirality at phosphorus and sulfur, and terpenoid and steroid biosynthesis. Annotation 漏2007 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
Fundamental molecular biology /
光盘简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Featuring full color illustrations throughout, this introductory textbook uses an accessible style to teach students the essential concepts of molecular biology. Allison (biology, College of William and Mary) employs mainly eukaryotic examples, but comparisons with prokaryotic organisms are made where appropriate. The CD-ROM contains downloadable artwork from the text as well as a sample interactive animation and tutorial. Annotation 漏2007 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com) Publisher Summary 2 The author received the 2009 Outstanding Faculty Award, the Commonwealth of Virginia's highest honor for faculty, in January 2009.More accessible to beginning students in the field than its encyclopedic counterparts, Fundamental Molecular Biologyprovides a distillation of the essential concepts of molecular biology, and is supported by current examples, experimental evidence, an outstanding art program, multimedia support and a solid pedagogical framework. The text has been praised both for its balanced and solid coverage of traditional topics, and for its broad coverage of RNA structure and function, epigenetics and medical molecular biology.Focuses primarily on eukaryotic examples but includes key comparisons with prokaryotic organisms where it is appropriateIncludes all-original artwork providing the clearest possible insight into complex concepts. All artwork is available online and on CD-ROMSupplemented by outstanding student and instructor media resources including a CD-ROM that comes with every book and an interactive website at www.blackwellpublishing.com/allison featuring all artwork, animations of key processes, and useful student comprehension materialPedagogical boxes throughout explain additional concepts and topics in molecular biology: -TOOLS BOXESexplore key experimental methods and techniques in molecular biology -FOCUS BOXESoffer more detailed treatment of topics and delve into experimental strategies, historical background and areas for further exploration -DISEASE BOXESillustrate key principles of molecular biology by examining diseases that result from gene defectsVisit www.blackwellpublishing.com/allison to access helpful student and instructor resources online.Note:CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
简介:Accompanying CD-ROM contains "...complete text and illustrations of the book, in fully searchable PDF format."