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3D Games.Vol 1,Real - Time Rendering and Software Technology
光盘作者: (英)Alan Watt,(英)Fabio Policarpo著;沈一帆,陈文斌,朱怡波等译
简介:本书分为两卷。卷1主要从理论上探讨最新的游戏引擎技术,包括建模 技术、真实感图形生成技术、实时渲染技术、动画技术,以及声音、输入输 出控制和物理引擎等高级技术,力求使读者能有一个较完备的理论知识背景 ,在日后开发中对各方面的技术具有系统的把握能力。 卷2从实践的角度出发,具体描述了一个游戏引擎的构建过程,着重于 基本开发工具的使用、软件构架、开发技巧和优化等方面,并结合具体的游 戏代码详细说明,帮助读者将卷1的理论付诸于实践,使读者尽快进入开发 者角色。此外,卷2还初步介绍了游戏设计原理和游戏引擎的使用,主要目 的在于使游戏引擎开发者能够了解整个游戏开发过程和客户(游戏设计者)的 需求。 本书最后给出了一个完整的三维游戏引擎实例,该引擎采用C++语言开 发,基于Windows平台运行,并且支持DirectX9。我们鼓励读者在看懂实例 的基础上进一步加入自己的想法,不断完善,从而增强实际动手能力,成为 一名专业的游戏引擎开发人员。更多>>
作者: (美)阿兰·辛普森(Alan Simpson)著;赵良叶等译
简介:本书内容共分基本知识技巧、常用设置和操作、扩展维护与调整、工作和娱乐、走向世界、成为因特网协议专家、局域网和高级特性等8个部分,由浅到深、全面详细地讲解了Windows 98的所有功能特性和操作,并配有大量的图片、操作步骤和示例,尤其适合具有中初级计算机基础知识的读者阅读。本书也介绍了Windows 98中因特网、局域网、内联风、注册表、脚本等技术性较强的内容,对于有经验的计算机专家和用户,本书也具有较高的指导和参考价值。 本书还带有一张光盘,在该盘上含有包含商用、娱乐、教育、家用、体育、实用工具程序等方面共160多个共享软件。
The AutoCAD 2002 Tutor for Engineering Graphics
简介:本书是《AutoCAD 2002工程制图教程》的习题集。全书清晰地介绍了AutoCAD 2002的各种功能和基本概念,而且对AutoCAD 2002中的新增功能和难点做了重点强调。 本书是《AutoCAD 2002工程制图教程》的习题集。本书根据AutoCAD 2002教程讲解的顺序提供了大量的习题,并时行了详细的解答,以便读者更好地掌握AutoCAD 2002软件在工程制图方面的使用。
简介: Preface It is so easy to forget, in learning a foreign language, that language chiefly in its spoken form. For many students, the convenience and availability of books, the relative permanence of writing, and the authority of great literature combine to give the written language a preeminence that it does not really possess. Speech is then seen as a pale reflection of writing, and its grammar and vocabulary is judged, misleadingly, by the standards of written expression. The English language has often been taught in this way, and students who have followed a course in which the written language is the chief or only model of communication inevitably encounters great difficulties when they arrive in an English speaking country for the first time. In particular, the vocabulary of everyday speech, and the range of idioms used, is dramatically different from what is typical of writing. In informal speech as heard not only in the street but also in films and on television—there is a vast array of slang and taboo language which foreigners need every help with, if they are to interpret it correctly and use it appropriately. Alan Duan has produced a most useful compilation of the way the language is actually used, having spent several years collecting idiomatic expressions, fixed phrases, and sayings from everyday English. He paid attention to conversational style, to different levels of informality, and to impolite as well as polite colloquial vocabulary—something which cannot always be said about books which claim to be introductions to ‘real’ English. I have no doubt, therefore, that this dictionary will be of great practical assistance to Chinese learners. David Crystal 体 例 说 明 ■ 收词范围 本词典只收录英联邦国家英语口语中使用频率最高的习语、客套语、惯用语或惯用句,以及生活中常用的俗语,如Well, I never!I am afraid, I couldn’t agree more, Business is businesss, Love is blind等。过时语、俚语及行话则不在收录范围之内。 本词典还专门收录了一般字典或参考书中不常见的、英语口语中最有代表性、最常见的粗话和脏话,如:You bastard! Oh, shit! Piss off等,供学习者鉴别、参考。 本词典在附录中收录了一些对雅思(IELTS)口语考试有用的词条。这些词条也是口语交流中最常使用的功能语句。 ■ 词条的编排 本词典正文由两部分组成:文明用语部分和粗脏话部分。 两部分词条均按字母顺序排列,利用主词查阅词条,方便快捷。主词一般为句中的名词,无名词的则为动词,无动词的则为形容词。如果一个词条中既没有名词,也没有动词,还没有形容词,那么就查找第一个单词。如果词条中有两个相同词性的主词,查第一个。例如:Act your age! 查age; Fire away!查fire; Not too bad! 查bad; After you! 查after。 一个典型的完整词条包括条目、注音、条目类型、使用说明、释义、例证、注解等部分,但根据实际需要,一些词条并不包含上述所有部分。由于大部分词条都配有两至三个例句,各例句句首用 ■ 标示,以方便大家阅读。 若词条的使用说明或注解含有两项或多于两项,或者当词条不含使用说明,但释义不止一种时,并列各项用①②③……按序排列。 有些词条通过参见查阅,如:like anything ?誅 mad(P. 250)即like anything词条的意思可参见250页mad主词下的具体词条,查阅可知like anything与like mad意义、用法相同。但相比之下,前者不如后者常用,故提供参见方式查阅。 若部分词条意义相近,这些词条的用法中会注明各意义相近的词条及页码,供大家参照。如:Be my guest! 用作回答Can I...? May I...?这类请求的一种相当友好、客气的常用语。另见feel free(P. 117)。 ■ 词条分类 本词典将所收录的词条按其不同属性分成习语、惯用语或惯用句、客套语、俗语等几大类别。 习语『习』指那些由若干词组合而成产生新意的短语。如:Make no bones about it! Bob is your uncle! 俗语『俗』口语中极为常用的常言、谚语或格言在词典中均归入俗语类。如:Love is blind. Better late than never. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 惯用语或惯用句『惯』指在口语中用法较固定的常见短语或句子。如:As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t have it if you gave it to me. 客套语『套』指口语中仅在礼节性问候等场合下固定使用的短语或句子。如:Can I help you? Correct me if I am wrong. 客套语也包括一些只在正规场合下使用的短语或句子。如:No Comment! Compliments of the season! I beg to differ. 有些来自美国英语口语的词条,现已在英联邦各国普遍使用,这样的词条标明“(美)”字样。澳大利亚英语特有的口语词条标明“(澳)”字样。 ■ 发音说明 为方便读者使用,本词典在词条后均标注其在实际口语中的发音。这种发音的标注与一般字典和发音指导参考书上的不大一样。采用的是English Pronouncing Dictionary(《英语发音词典》)第14版(J. M. Dent, 1977年由Daniel Jones教授主编,AC Gimson教授修订)的音标体系。许多词条中,单词之间在发音时发生连读的情况,词典则将其音标连在一起,以示自然语流中的发音。
3D Games.Vol 2,Animation and Advanced Real - Time Rendering
光盘作者: (英)Alan Watt,(英)Fabio Policarpo著;沈一帆,陈文斌,朱怡波等译
简介:本书分为两卷。卷1主要从理论上探讨最新的游戏引擎技术,包括建模 技术、真实感图形生成技术、实时渲染技术、动画技术,以及声音、输入输 出控制和物理引擎等高级技术,力求使读者能有一个较完备的理论知识背景 ,在日后开发中对各方面的技术具有系统的把握能力。 卷2从实践的角度出发,具体描述了一个游戏引擎的构建过程,着重于 基本开发工具的使用、软件构架、开发技巧和优化等方面,并结合具体的游 戏代码详细说明,帮助读者将卷1的理论付诸于实践,使读者尽快进入开发 者角色。此外,卷2还初步介绍了游戏设计原理和游戏引擎的使用,主要目 的在于使游戏引擎开发者能够了解整个游戏开发过程和客户(游戏设计者)的 需求。 本书最后给出了一个完整的三维游戏引擎实例,该引擎采用C++语言开 发,基于Windows平台运行,并且支持DirectX9。我们鼓励读者在看懂实例 的基础上进一步加入自己的想法,不断完善,从而增强实际动手能力,成为 一名专业的游戏引擎开发人员。更多>>
简介: Internationally renowned since its initial publication in 1954, Campbell's UROLOGY boasts sweeping revisions that reflect all of the latest knowledge and clinical practices. Renamed Campbell-Walsh UROLOGY in recognition of Dr. Patrick C. Walsh's outstanding contributions to the field, the 9th Edition is a complete reference to guide your practice. Includes a CD-ROM with references linked to MEDLINE. Hundreds of internationally recognized contributors address every aspect of the specialty in complete detail. Uses algorithms, photographs, radiographs, and line drawings to illustrate essential concepts, nuances of clinical presentation and technique, and decision-making. For the first time, this edition boasts a full-color design with key points boxes and relevant treatment algorithms throughout Presents Dr. Alan J. Wein as the new lead Editor of this trusted classic, along with an all-new editorial board and a host of new expert contributors Includes 24 new chapters on such hot topics as vascular and prosthetic surgery for erectile dysfunction, female sexual function and dysfunction, laparoscopic bladder surgery, tumor markers for prostate cancer, neuromodulation and electrical stimulation Includes over 2500 high-quality illustrations, most in full color New organization by anatomical region to mirror the way you work, and an entire volume (IV) on pediatric urology With more than 150 additional contributing experts.
简介:本书特色: 1 囊括TOEIC听力测验4大题型,提供400道精华练习题。 2 题型、题量、难度最符合考试需要,与考试绝不脱节。 3 答题技巧与应试秘决大公开,用最短的时间,挑战最不可能的任务。 4 外籍专业人员录音,仿若原音重现,有如身临考场。 5 版面编排清晰易读,一目了然。
简介:This textbook covers the foundations of physical geography, including discussions of earth-sun cycles, the ozone layer, air temperature, weather systems, global climates, ecosystems, soil, earth materials, the lithosphere, volcanic and tectonic landforms, weathering and mass wasting, fresh water, landforms made by running water and wind, and glacial landforms and the ice age. A companion CD-ROM features video and graphics complementing the text. Alan Strahler teaches at Boston University. Arthur Strahler taught at Columbia University. Annotation copyrighted by Book News Inc., Portland, OR.
Accelerating business and IT change : transforming project delivery
光盘作者: Alan Fowler and Dennis Lock.
简介:Fowler has some 30 years of experience in business change and IT systems projects in some 50 public and private organizations. Lock has some 40 years of experience in electronics engineering and project management. The two UK-based authors examine some of the common reasons for project failure--late delivery, gross overspending, flawed performance--and recommend radically new methods that have been proven effective in delivering the project outcomes that stakeholders expect. Coverage includes recognizing project success; benefits, business opportunities and threats; making the business case; planning; project authorization; risk; organizing the project; controlling progress and costs; managing changes to the project; executing the business change; and enabling the business to change. Distributed in the U.S. by Ashgate. Annotation 漏2006 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
The AutoCAD 2002 Tutor for Engineering Graphics
光盘作者: (美)Alan J.Kalameja著;夏链,韩江等译
简介: 本书从工程制图的角度,详细地介绍了AutoCAD 2002的强大功能和各种技巧,用大量教例带领初学者入门,并快速达到专业水平。内容包括:AutoCAD基础、工程设计问题、AutoCAD灵活环境、三维实体建模、提高绘图效率的方法和用户化设计技术、正等轴测图等等。 本书内容全面、深入浅出,实例丰富,可供工程技术人员及大学、大专、中专相关专业的学生和教师参考。 本书有配套习题集,包括所有教例和习题详解。光盘包含教例图形文件。
简介: Macroeconomics: Principles and Policy remains a proven leader in the world of economics. Since introducing the aggregate supply/aggregate demand model as a fundamental tool for learning economics over two decades ago, William J. Baumol and Alan S. Blinder continue to equip students with the knowledge and tools they need to apply modern economics to their world--now and in the future. This is all the more true today, as the U.S. economy enters its first recession in more than a decade.
简介:3 Steps to Success Get Ready - Organize a plan of attack Open the book for a thorough, proven course that will make you a Windows NT Workstation 4.0 expert, put together by Alan R. Carter, one of the best MCSE trainers on the planet Pop in the IDG Books Testing Software CD-ROM for a diagnostic exam that not only identifies your weak spots, but refers you back to the specific sections in the book you need to review Get Set - Practice, Practice, Practice Use the tutorials, labs, summaries, examples, and self-assessments in the book to refine your knowledge of each topic Set the exam simulations on IDG Books Testing Software to give you extra practice on topics that give you trouble - and even create electronic flash cards for intensive drills Configure and troubleshoot large or small networks with the operating system simulations on the CD-ROM - and get the hands-on experience you need to succeed Go - Watch your career take off! Use IDG Books Testing Software's amazingly realistic, fully adaptive test simulations to pinpoint exactly when you're ready to pass the exam Keep the book at your desk for tested solutions to real-world problems - and use the operating system simulations to hone your network skills Advanced Test Preparation Software IDG Books Testing Software Standard test simulations Adaptive test simulations Operating system simulations fully integrated with IDG Books Testing Software Diagnostics, bookmarking, flash cards, and more All simulations mapped back to topics in the book Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0 120-day evaluation edition Free 30-day evaluation copy
简介:Authored by two longtime researchers in tobacco science, The Chemical Components of Tobacco and Tobacco Smoke, Second Edition chronicles the progress made from late 2008 through 2011 by scientists in the field of tobacco science. The book examines the isolation and characterization of each component. It explores developments in pertinent analytical technology and results of experimental studies on biological activity, toxicity, and tumorigenicity, including the inhibition of adverse biological activity of one specific tobacco smoke component by another tobacco smoke component. Adding to the progress reported in the First Edition, the comprehensive Second Edition provides nearly 7,000 references on almost 9,600 components. The authors discuss the controversies over the extrapolation of the biological effect of a specific component administered individually by one route versus its biological effect when the component is in a highly complex mixture and is administered by a different route. They also cite studies in which cigarette design technologies were developed to control the per-cigarette mainstream smoke yield of Federal Trade Commission-defined tar and one or more specific tobacco smoke components of concern. New in the Second Edition: Approximately 1,000 newly reported components have been inserted and several dozen duplicates have been deleted from various tables and from the Alphabetical Index Improved and sharper chemical structures Insertion of new pertinent references for the components in each of the major chapter tables devoted to a particular functional component Updated Index organized by the CAS Registry Number listing of the components Updated discussions in the Introduction and at the beginning of each chapter A searchable companion CD-ROM containing the 350-page alphabetical Component Index Authors Alan Rodgman and Thomas A. Perfetti were jointly awarded the 2010 CORESTA (Cooperative Centre for Scientific Research Relative to Tobacco) Prize for their extensive work on documenting the vast literature on the chemical composition of tobacco and tobacco smoke in their original edition.
简介: Pharmacology Principles: Roadside Assistance presents and reinforces the core principles of pharmacology through a dynamic DVD and workbook package with a unique, engaging approach. The friendly and fun Alan Agins guides you through challenging concepts in a humorous, non-threatening manner. * DVD features Alan Agins in 10 presentations (40 minutes) of dynamic video footage covering the core pharmacology principles all nursing students need to know. * Workbook introduces, summarizes, and reinforces the principles depicted in the DVD. * Each workbook module concludes with a variety of learning activities and a Test Your Knowledge quiz section including NCLEX examination-style review questions. * Individual DVD/workbook modules address drug therapy for pediatric, older adult, and pregnant and lactating patients. * Glossary reviews important, often confusing, terminology. * Unique approach engages and teaches in a way no other pharmacology text can.
简介: Alan Agresti and Chris Franklin have merged their research and classroom experience to develop this successful introductory statistics text. Statistics: The Art and Science of Learning from Data, Third Edition,helps students become statistically literate by encouraging them to ask and answer interesting statistical questions. It takes the ideas that have turned statistics into a central science in modern life and makes them accessible and engaging to students without compromising necessary rigor. The Third Editionhas been edited for conciseness and clarity to keep students focused on the main concepts. The data-rich examples that feature intriguing human-interest topics now include topic labels to indicate which statistical topic is being applied. New learning objectives for each chapter appear in the Instructor’s Edition, making it easier to plan lectures and Chapter 7 (Sampling Distributions) now incorporates simulations in addition to the mathematical formulas.