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简介:The 27th EARSeL Symposium and related Workshops have been hosted by the EURAC Conven-tion Center, Bolzano, Italy, a structure which also includes the Institute for Applied Remote Sens-ing of EURAC Research. The title of the Symposium, GeoInformation in Europe reflects the broadening scope and deeper integration of diverse technologies towards the better management of European resources and rec-ognition of the need to develop new ways to foster and strengthen these developments through various European initiatives including GeoInformation, INSPIRE, Galileo, GMES, GEOSS, etc. In these proceedings the papers presented at the 27th EARSeL Symposium are collected. The Bolzano Symposium traces the passage from the traditional publications of EARSeL to the e-proceedings way that will be the future, peer reviewed, for the scientific publication of works pre-sented in EARSeL events. The technical papers included in this volume cover the following topics: Geoinformation and Re-mote Sensing, Radar remote sensing, New sensors and instruments, Urban remote sensing, Forest and forest fire observation, Image processing and classification, Land use and land cover, Hydrol-ogy, ice and snow, Data fusion, Land use planning, Imaging spectroscopy, Education & training, 3D analysis, World heritage and developing countries, Hazards, disaster and public health. The papers are printed in black and white, and are also found in full on the accompanying CD-ROM, including all full-colour illustrations. IOS Press is an international science, technical and medical publisher of high-quality books for academics, scientists, and professionals in all fields. Some of the areas we publish in: -Biomedicine -Oncology -Artificial intelligence -Databases and information systems -Maritime engineering -Nanotechnology -Geoengineering -All aspects of physics -E-governance -E-commerce -The knowledge economy -Urban studies -Arms control -Understanding and responding to terrorism -Medical informatics -Computer Sciences
Li Lanqing’s Essays on Music,The Classical Music of Europe
简介: 欧洲经典音乐也常被人们称为欧洲古典音乐。我之所以称之为经典音乐,不仅是为了避免与18世纪中叶至19世纪初的古典主义音乐相混淆、更得要的是想强调它的久盛不衰,百听不厌,能给人以美的享受,有助于提高人们的文化修养和精神文明的境界。同时,欧洲经典音乐的基本理论和作曲技巧,也是其他音乐包括现代民族音乐发展和提高所需要借鉴的。我国的民族音乐有悠久的历史和独特的魅力,但它的发展和提高,也需要吸收和借鉴欧洲经典音乐的精髓,这样才能在世界乐坛上产生更大的影响。这是我们常常强调的:建设社会主义文化先进文化,既要继承和发展我国民族文化的优良传统,又要吸收其他民族一切先进文明成果。我国当代音乐文化的发展和繁荣,正是我国音乐工作者遵循这个原则辛勤努力的结果。
简介:Peter Goodford begins by explaining the basic principles of his GRID software for determining energetically favorable binding sites on molecules of known structure, which has been incorporated into many other software packages designed to predict the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) of a drug. Then chemists and pharmacologists from industry and academia in Europe and the US discuss calculating and applying molecular interaction fields, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacokinetics. The accompanying disk contains some software packages discussed in the text. Annotation 漏2006 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Cohen (medicine, New York U.) provides gastroenterologists and trainees with 34 chapters that describe the skills required to perform endoscopy. A group of gastroenterologists from North America, Europe, and Japan discuss key concepts of training, the tools used, major procedure categories and specialized diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, and the future of training and retraining. They include description of training program requirements, prerequisite knowledge, training methods, technical skills, and defining and assessing procedural competency. The DVD contains about 130 annotated teaching videos of procedures and ex-vivo animal model simulations. Annotation 漏2011 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com) Publisher Summary 2 Endoscopy is the primary diagnostic method for GI complaints and is replete with an ever expanding array of therapeutic capabilities. Successful Training in Gastrointestinal Endoscopywill provide all gastroenterologists with the exact set of skills required to perform endoscopy at the highest level. GI trainees will find it a crucial primer for learning endoscopy; teachers will find it a guide to understand how best to develop the expertise of their students; and experienced practicing gastroenterologists will find it a useful refresher tool to brush up on their existing endoscopic skills and to familiarise themselves with new procedures, including issues of safety and competence while performing them.With contributions from internationally recognized leaders in endoscopy education and an endorsement by the World Organisation of Digestive Endoscopy, each chapter will examine the specific skill sets and procedure related tasks which must be mastered when learning a particular technique, including:Specific descriptions of accessories requiredStandard training methods for the procedureOptimal utilization of novel learning modalities such as simulatorsQuality measures and objective parameters for competencyAvailable tools for assessing competency once training has been completedIn addition to the 400 high-quality, outstanding colour photos, the book will come with a DVD containing over 130 annotated teaching videos of both actual procedures and ex-vivo animal model simulations. These videos will illustrate, in a step by step fashion the proper techniques to be followed, highlighting clinical pearls from the experts and the most common mistakes to avoid.Successful Training in Gastrointestinal Endoscopywill be a key purchase for all gastroenterologists, whether in training or experienced, to allow them to develop and perfect their endoscopic skills. It聽will be a particularly useful guide for those interested in mastering the latest new techniques and procedures and an essential reference for teachers of endoscopy and students alike.
简介: During the last two decades rock mechanics in Europe has been undergoing some major transformation. The reduction of mining activities in Europe affects heavily on rock mechanics teaching and research at universities and institutes. At the same time, new emerging activities, notably, underground infrastructure construction, geothermal energy development, radioactive waste and CO2repository, and natural hazard management, are creating new opportunities of research and engineering. Rock mechanics today is closely associated with, and indeed part of, construction, energy, and environmental engineering. Rock Mechanics in Civil and Environmental Engineeringcollects 200 papers presented at the European Rock Mechanics Symposium EUROCK 2010, covering recent developments in rock mechanics. Topics include: rock mechanics theory, rock dynamics and rate dependent behaviour, laboratory and field test techniques, numerical modelling methods, and rock mechanics applications to engineering design, tunnel excavation and support, slope stabilisation, radioactive waste repository, petroleum and hydropower energy, earthquake and natural hazard management. The book will be invaluable to academics and engineers involved and interested in rock mechanics and rock.
简介:Introducing the most dramatically revised edition of Harrison's ever! Now with NEW bonus DVD with 37 chapters and more than 500 brand new images and video clips! MORE THAN TRUSTED, BEYOND ESSENTIAL . . . The #1 selling medical textbook worldwide, Harrison's has defined internal medicine for millions of clinicians and students. The new Seventeenth Edition retains Harrison's acclaimed balance of pathobiology, cardinal signs and manifestations of disease, and best approaches to patient management, yet has been massively updated to give you an innovative array of bold new features and content. If ever there was one must-have resource for clinicians and students - this is it! UNMATCHED EXPERTISE AT YOUR FINGERTIPS. As an unprecedented amount of medical information bombards you and your patients, where do you go to sort it out and make sense of it all? When your patients request clarification on something they've 鈥減rinted off鈥?where do you turn for expert explanations? The same trusted resource physicians and students have turned to for over fifty years: Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. Now more than ever, trust Harrison's to filter and clarify the exploding knowledge base, to highlight the breakthroughs, and to deliver a clear, balanced distillation of the best and most current information on which to base clinical decisions. THE MOST EXCITING AND EXTENSIVELY REVISED EDITION EVER! Here are just a few of the reasons why the new 17th Edition of Harrison's is the best edition yet: bonus companion DVD featuring: 37 new 鈥渆-chapters鈥? over 500 brand-new radiological, laboratory, and clinical images, including complete atlases; state-of-the-art video clips; an Image Bank of nearly all the illustrations contained in the parent text, and much more; expanded, modernized illustration program with more than 800 brand-new, additional illustrations-a 60% increase over the previous edition; dozens of brand new chapters on vital topics in medical education and clinical practice: Global Issues in Medicine: Patient Safety and Health Quality; Health Disparities: Atlas of EKGs; Clinical Management of Obesity: Atlas of Hematology: Atlases of Chest, Neurological, and Cardiovascular Radiology, and much more! Also included a complete new Section on biological foundations and emerging clinical applications of regenerative medicine!; brand new, reader-friendly text design optimizes the full-color format; an expanded, innovative focus on global health; NEW Global Advisory Board comprised of 11 prominent medical experts from Asia, Europe, and South America; revision of the popular On Line Learning Center, which offers more skill-sharpening self-assessment questions and answers, plus additional case studies for helping you apply Harrison's content to the daily care of patients; and Harrison's related products are available in a full suite of formats to meet all your educational and clinical needs. Harrison's Practice of Medicine is a complete database of more than 700 clinical topics formatted for use at the point of care. The Harrison's Manual of Medicine is one of the most popular and heavily used handbook-sized resources in internal medicine. The Harrison's Self-Assessment and Board Review features more than 1000 board-type cases and questions and highlights the use of Harrison's as a great board prep resource. - Publisher.
Frontier of pop playing-singing in Europe and North America
光盘作者: 徐欣熠编著
简介:《欧美流行弹唱前沿》:一谱多用、吉他弹唱、钢琴配弹、独唱独奏,内容包括:1 2 3 4、Always Come Back To Your Love、Apologize、Back At One、Boucevard Of Broken Dream、Gotta Have You、How Deep Is Your Love、I Believe I Can Fly、I Don't Want To Miss A Thing等。
简介:This set of proceedings details the contributions for the 4th International Conference on Steel and Composite Structures (ICSCS 10) held in Sydney, Australia from 21 23 July 2010. The conference builds on a successful series which were initiated by Professor Chang-Koon Choi of KAIST and held in Pusan, Korea in 2001 (ICSCS 01), Seoul, Korea in 2004 (ICSCS 04) and Manchester, UK in 2007 (ICSCS 07). The conference is supported by and focuses on the themes of the successful international Journal published by Techno-Press, Steel and Composite Structures which is Managed by Professor Chang-Koon Choi, and supported by Regional Editors Professors David Nethercot, Christopher Earls and Brian Uy for Europe, America and Asia-Pacific respectively. This conference has attracted 143 contributions from 27 countries and 6 continents. Nine Keynote papers are included which emanate from 7 countries and 4 continents. The broad topics of the conference which included 27 technical sessions covered the broad areas of Steel Structures, Composite Structures, Bridge Structures, Building Structures, Structural Health Monitoring, Uses of FRP and Sustainability Issues. The conference has been managed by a Local Organising Committee (LOC) in collaborationwith ICE Australia. The Local Organising Committee wish to thank Laura Moody and Andrea Gall from ICE Australia, together with Mrs Magdalene Wong-Borgefjord, Jodie Clark and Narelle Chambers from the School of Engineering and Civionics Research Centre for all the administrative support in organising this event. The LOC also would like to thank the International Conference Chairs and the International Scientific Committee for their role in promoting and contributing articles to the conference. Furthermore, the role of the many reviewers that assessed and reviewed some 200 abstracts and 150 full papers is gratefully acknowledged. The LOC wishes to make special mention to thank the Keynote Presenters for their excellent contributions to making the ICSCS 10 conference such a success. The nine Keynote Presenters selected are all international experts in their field and all have contributed to national and international specifications in the fields of steel and composite structures for the Australian Standards, American Institute of Steel Construction, British Standards, Chinese Standards, Eurocodes, Hong Kong Buildings Department, Japanese Standards and Singapore Structural Steel Society
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 For surgical oncologists, surgeons, radiotherapists, nurses, and medical students, Audisio (U. of Liverpool, UK) compiles 40 chapters that present a multidisciplinary approach to cancer surgery consisting of technical notes on the most common surgical oncology procedures. Each procedure has b&w illustrations and discussion of techniques for procedures relating to urological, breast, colorectal, hepato-biliary, gynecological, thoracic, thyroid, prostate, and other cancers. The accompanying DVD contains video clips. Contributors specialize in oncology, various types of surgery, urology, obstetrics and gynecology, and other medical fields, in Europe. Annotation 漏2010 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com) Publisher Summary 2 This unique book presents a series of concisely written technical notes on the most common surgical oncology procedures. Each procedure is illustrated with pictures framing the precise technical point of the procedure. The book is accompanied by a CD-ROM that includes video clips of the procedures.Written by top European experts, this volume will provide an invaluable resource for young surgical oncologists to study and critically approach the basic technicalities of surgical procedures. It will also be a useful source of reference for oncologists, surgeons, radiotherapists, surgical oncologists and nurses, as well as final-year medical students.
简介:This world history textbook emphasizes the development of the major religious traditions around the world, not just Europe. The abridged version eliminates 25 percent of the original text and moves source documents to the accompanying CD-ROM. The fifth edition transfers sections of the chapter on North America into related chapters. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
简介:The growth of new drugs entering the practice of ophthalmology requires both the resident and established ophthalmologist to understand and accurately prescribe the new pharmacologic armamentarium. This excellent handbook 芒聙聵Drugs in Ophthalmology' contains drug information compiled by experts from the United States (Kaiser Permanente and Jules Stein Eye Institute/ UCLA) and Europe (University of Vienna). It is concise, well-structured and easy to use. With separate sections for antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals, anesthetics and immunosuppressants, it provides following subsections for each drug: Class of the drug, Indications, Dosage, Contraindications, Warnings, Adverse reactions, Drug interactions. Practitioners may want to have multiple copies of the book for easy reference.
简介:An earlier, combined edition is cited in Books for College Libraries, 3d ed. Gardner remains a standard in art history surveys, with solid coverage of the diverse themes current in the field applied to works of art and architecture from ancient times to the present. This edition focuses on Europe and the west, with a chapter summarizing Islamic art. Inset boxes contain useful supplemental material on belief systems, artistic practice, notable figures, and cultural currents. The maps are frequent and well executed. The CD-ROM contains digital images of each work discussed in the text as well as study questions, timelines, and map commentaries. Annotation 漏2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
简介:With its practical guidance on how to get the most out of your commercial transactions Restrictive Covenants under Common and Competition Law will let you advise with the confidence that you are not only complying with regulations but making effective agreements that benefit and protect you and your clients. This title can bring you up-to-date on not only the latest case law and legislation but also the latest developments in this area. THE NEW 6TH EDITION: Discusses the application of the competition law provisions in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) and the new Vertical Agreements Regulation Comes with an expanded section on severability and private enforcement of competition cases and arbitration Covers new developments in employment law Includes new chapters providing detailed commentary on atypical restraints, gardening leave,the law relating to team moves and their development in recent cases Looks at new cases developing the law in relation to restraint of trade in an employmentand commercial context Offers expert interpretation on the principles governing confidentiality agreements Incorporates a new section on restrictions in franchising agreements Comes with updated appendices including the latest CP Practice Directions dealing with applications and interim injunctions New cases include : Calor Gas v Express Fuels andEnglish Welsh Railway v E.On UK Enron Coal Services (In Liquidation) v English Welsh and Scottish Railway Ltd Levicon International Holdings v Linklaters SG&R Valuation Service Co LLC v Boudrais [2008] IRLR 771 and Standard Life Healthcare Limited v Gorman [2009] EWCA Civ 1292 Norbrook Laboratories (GB) Limited v Adair [2008] EWHC 978 and Tullett Prebon Plc v BGC Brokers LP [2010] EWHC 484 Vestergaard Frandsen A/S v Bestnet Europe Ltd [2009] EWHC 1456and its application inUBS Wealth Management (UK) Ltd v Vestra Wealth LLP [2008] EWHC 1974
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Land use change is driven by a variety of forces, including spatial policies formulated at supra-national, national, regional and local levels. The main focus of this book is to contextualise, explain and illustrate a new methodology for simulating land use change in different parts of Europe. It considers some of the more important causal factors and identifies state-of-the-art approaches to modelling human and environmental systems, and for evaluating and visualising altenative scenarios. The last part of the volume presents material from two case studies, one from The Netherlands and one from Portugal, of the implementation of a new simulation model called EuroScanner. Audience: This work will be of interest to researchers and practioners whose work involves geography, simulation and modelling, environmental planning, spatial decision making, the methodology of social sciences, and economics.
简介:D'Haenens (communication, Radboud U. Nijmegen, the Netherlands) and Saeys (communication studies, Ghent U., Belgium) present a series of case studies that apply the Media Performance Model examining the interrelationship between media, market, civil society, and government and the Structure Content Model assessing market structure, conduct, and performance (both as described by McQuail in 1992's Media performance, Mass communication and the public interest) to analysis of the radio and television broadcast media of Europe and North America. Following introduction of the theoretical approach that pays special attention to recent legal, technological, and sociological evolutions in Europe, individual chapters are presented for Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, the United Kingdom, Russia, Canada, and the United States, each of which provides a short media history followed by analysis of the current situation of public and commercial broadcasting services, media content, media economics, anti-trust and cross-ownership media law initiatives, and recent trends. The CD-ROM contains the data that underpins the analysis Annotation 漏2007 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
简介:An earlier, combined edition is cited in Books for College Libraries, 3d ed. Gardner remains a standard in art history surveys, with solid coverage of the diverse themes current in the field applied to works of art and architecture from ancient times to the present. This edition focuses on Europe and the west, with a chapter summarizing Islamic art. Inset boxes contain useful supplemental material on belief systems, artistic practice, notable figures, and cultural currents. The maps are frequent and well executed. The CD-ROM contains digital images of each work discussed in the text as well as study questions, timelines, and map commentaries. Annotation 漏2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
简介: This book interprets Western civilization broadly—continuing to discuss the Middle East beyond the confines of the ancient period. The chronologically organized narrative integrates political, social, economic, and intellectual history. It broadens readers? perspective on the American experience in context with the rest of the world, and helps them discover bridges to other cultures and develop sympathy with their struggles. KEY TOPICSChapter topics cover The archaic states of the Bronze Age, The Iron Age, Aegean civilization, the Hellenistic era and the rise of Rome, Rome?s empire and the unification of the Western world, the West?s medieval civilization, the emergence of Europe, Europe?s High Middle Ages, Renaissance and exploration, Europe?s scientific revolution, and the Age of Enlightenment. For an understanding of the processes that formed the Western way of life.
简介:Some of the greatest gardens, parks, and piazzas of Italy, France and England are showcased in this publication and its accompanying CD-ROM. Landscape designers will marvel at the extensive collection of electronic photos that complement the images, sketches, associated plans, and timelines found in Landscape Interpretations. This presentation successfully links historic principles to contemporary design. The landscape designer will appreciate discussions of essential and inspiring design ideas about these many great examples of landscape acrhitecture in Western Europe, as well as definitions of terms and a list of resources for further reading.
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 As an overview of the principles underlying participatory budgeting, this book analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of its use in countries around the world, so that policy makers and practitioners can improve practices in the interest of inclusive governance. It brings together learning modules in nine chapters, which were prepared for the World Bank Institute learning programs over the past three years by Shah (economics and public sector governance, World Bank Institute). The second section consists of regional surveys of areas of the developing world: Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and the Middle East and North Africa. On the CD-ROM, specific country cases of Bangladesh, India, the Philippines, Russia, South Africa, Thailand, and the Ukraine are presented. Contributors work in public administration, political science, economics, public affairs, and other fields and are from around the world. The book is aimed at public officials, development practitioners, students, and those interested in public governance in developing countries. Annotation 漏2007 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com) Publisher Summary 2 In the past three or four decades, public finance theorists and practitioners have struggled to identify and design institutional arrangements to help close the gap between the preferences of voters and the mix of public services actually delivered. Participatory budgeting is potentially a good approach. This book presents an authoritative guide to the principles and practice of participatory budgeting, providing a careful analysis of the potentials of participatory budgeting in strengthening inclusive and accountable governance as well as risks associated with interest group capture of participatory processes. For interested policy makers and practitioners, the book presents the 'nuts and bolts' of participatory budgeting. It provides a regional survey of such practices worldwide and draws lessons from seven individual country case studies. A CD-ROM included with the book contains these seven country case studies on Bangladesh, India, the Philippines, Russia, South Africa, Thailand and the Ukraine.
简介:The book seeks not to present a detailed history and discussion, but instead is intended to provide the studentwith an appreciation of the idea that all cuisines of the world have something unique to offer to a menu. The authorstrongly believes that foods of other nations (and even other areas of the United States) are too often given short shrift by culture-bound students and chefs, and thatevery attempt should be made to open their minds to the unlimited possibilities available. The word "foodism" is introduced to refer to biases against foods outside your culture. * Draws on diverse culinary traditions including the Americas, Europe, Pacific Rim, Africa, the Middle East,and South Asia to teach students to appreciate that all cuisines of the world have something unique to offer to a menu * Introduces the concept of "foodism," a bias that can impair a chef's creativity * Offers comparisons in thehistory, evolution, and migration of food ingredients and techniques * Includes a CD with recipes from around the world.
Hitchhiker’s guide to Visual Studio and SQL Server:best practice architectures and examples