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Analects of Confucius with illustrations a complete translated version.1
光盘作者: 于健主编
简介: 《漫画<论语>全译本上》内容简介:孔子(公元前551-前479年)是中国历史上伟大的思想家、教育家,也是世界历史上一位伟大的学者。他创建的儒家学说,成为中国传统文化的主体。他为中华文明乃至世界文明做出了不朽的贡献,联合国教科文组织把他列为世界十大历史名人之一。 两千多年来,《论语》一直是中国人必读的经典。这部书是孔子的弟子和后学弟子关于孔子及其弟子言行的记录,全书共20篇,集中体现了孔子的政治主张、伦理观念及教育原则,其核心思想是“仁”。 《论语》表达方式言简意赅,很多都是孔子触景生情、有感而发的议论,读起来很亲切,适合利用漫画形式阅读。 《漫画(论语)》(全译本)中英文版将《论语》原文、现代汉语译文、英语译文及漫画融为一体,并将原文加注汉语拼音,原文全部配有朗读录音,方便读者理解、背诵。 同各国古代经典一样,对《论语》的解读至今未止,所以,读者对书中一些内容的不解是很正常的。鉴于《论语》中大部分内容是中国人家喻户晓的,学习《论语》并熟读之,是汉语学习者很重要的一项任务。《漫画(论语)》(全译本)是学习汉语和中国文化的理想读物。
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 The landmark pediatrics reference -- now extensively updated in full color and more clinically relevant than everA Doody's Core Title ESSENTIAL PURCHASE for 2011!Rudolph's Pediatricshas virtually defined the pediatric field for over a century, becoming one of the most important and well-respected pediatrics texts ever published. Renowned for its balance of clinical features and treatment of disease with underlying biological principles, this classic sourcebook has helped generations of pediatricians optimize their care of infants, children, and adolescents. The 22nd edition of Rudolph's Pediatricscontinues a long tradition of adapting its content to changes in our understanding of children's health and disease, providing an up-to-date, in-depth survey of pediatric medicine unmatched by any other text. With its algorithmic approach to pediatric systems, the book facilitates the diagnosis and treatment of both common and uncommon pediatric illnesses; and it reflects new technologies and advances in molecular medicine that continue to evolve with current thinking about normal childhood development and pediatric disease processes.NEW TO THIS EDITION: New four-color design adds depth and clarity to the book's content Over 900 full-color, high-quality images and illustrations A reorganized, reader-friendly format broken down into sections and chapters for easier navigation and referenceNew emphasis on the clinical management of the patient makes this the most practical edition to dateNew sections provide a timely overview of pediatric care fundamentals and an entirely revised discussion of health promotion and disease preventionSubstantially revised sections cover key areas of pediatric study and practice, including infectious diseases, immunology, allergy, neoplastic disorders, the cardiovascular system, urinary complications, and more Greater use of tables and lists conveniently summarize need-to-know diagnostic and therapeutic informationNew DVD of additional content featuring over 1700 figures, 1100 tables, and 30,000 references
简介:Applied Physics, 8/e, formerly titled Physics for Career Education, provides comprehensive and practical coverage of physics concepts for students in technical or industrial career programs. The new title reflects changes in this new edition that make the text an appropriate choice for an applied general education physics course as well as for a traditional technical physics course. The authors make challenging and difficult concepts easier to understand by applying physics concepts in everyday applications, with which the students are already familiar, as well as in technical applications. Concepts are explained and reinforced with numerous detailed examples, photos and illustrations, and more than 3200 problems and questions. To allow for customized programs of study, chapters have been written with flexibility of topic presentation in mind. (Midwest)
Analects of Confucius with illustrations a complete translated version.2
光盘作者: 于健主编
简介: 于健主编的《漫画(论语)》(全译本)中英文版将《论语》原文、现代汉语译文、英语译文及漫画融为一体,并将原文加注汉语拼音,原文全部配有朗读录音,方便读者理解、背诵。鉴于《论语》中大部分内容是中国人家喻户晓的,学习《论语》并熟读之,是汉语学习者很重要的一项任务。《漫画(论语)》(全译本)是学习汉语和中国文化的理想读物。
作者: Mark H. Swartz MD FACP & Mark H. Swartz MD FACP
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 The new 4th Edition of this one-of-a-kind, humanistic text has been thoroughly updated to reflect the most current standards of physical diagnosis. Its core philosophy approaches the patient as a person suffering from disease, rather than an entity in which disease manifests. All chapters have been reviewed and revised, with an all-new chapter on nutrition that shows readers how to apply nutritional principles to the practice of medicine. New color images replace many old black-and-white images, and more than 200 NEW color photographs of pathological conditions enhance this Edition. A FREE CD-ROM includes a video demonstration of the complete physical examination of a man and the breast and pelvic examinations of a woman. Cross-referencing between the book and CD-ROM create a comprehensive clinical reference package designed to help readers identify basic pathophysiology and provide holistic patient care. The smart way to study! Elsevier titles with STUDENT CONSULT will help you master difficult concepts and study more efficiently in print and online! Perform rapid searches. Integrate bonus content from other disciplines. Download text to your handheld device. And a lot more. Each STUDENT CONSULT title comes with full text online, a unique image library, case studies, USMLE style questions, and online note-taking to enhance your learning experience. Your purchase of this book entitles you to access www.studentconsult.com at no extra charge. This innovative web site offers you... Access to the complete text and illustrations of this book. Integration links to bonus content in other STUDENT CONSULT titles. Content clipping for your handheld. An interactive community center with a wealth of additional resources. The more STUDENT CONSULT titles you buy, the more resources you can access online! Look for the STUDENT CONSULT logo on your favorite Elsevier textbooks!
简介: "...it comes as a gratifying surprise to find that just two people have been able to compile a comprehensive treatise, The Immune Response, on the topic...sets a high standard of excellence in the immunologic literature." - Robert S. Schwartz, M.D. for THE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE "This is a valuable book for any veteran immunologist or student of immunology, with its ability to make difficult concepts easy to understand through clear explanations and illustrations its major attraction." - Sam Mehr, MBBS, BMedSci, The Children's Hospital at Westmead for Doody's: 3 Star Review "A major strength of this text is that two authors wrote it with the assistance of two contributors, so that the information is integrated across the chapters and the style is consistent throughout rather than each chapter being written by a different author or set of authors with the editors then trying to integrate the information afterward. ...an excellent new textbook that combines excellent chapters on basic immunology with very good introductory chapters on clinical disorders related to immunology. This book will be particularly useful to serious students entering the field or to those in the field who want a well-written update across the breadth of immunology" - Andrew Saxon for CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY (Jan 2006) "...transitions smoothly from chapter to chapter, without the jarring inconsistency of writing styles that sometimes plagues multiauthor texts. The original two-color illustrations, fullcolor plates, and ample sidebars and summary boxes make for a pleasing, learner-centered book. The Immune Response is a well-written, well-organized, learner-centered text that is suitable for undergraduates, medical and graduate students, and more advanced learners of immunology." - James T. Li for JAMA (March 2006) "...very erudite and quite complete and accurate in its coverage..." -Peter Ward, University of Michigan Health Systems, Department of Pathology, USA (2004) "...very timely, reads very well, and should be of great interest to those wanting to get a start in understanding Immunology..." - Juan-Carlos Zuniga-Pflucker, Sunnybrook & Women's College Heath Sciences Centre, USA (2004) "The illustrations are terrific...One of the things I especially like is the use of the "Introducing..." and "More about..." sections. These give students a taste of what is to come without overwhelming them with details." - Douglas Green, La Jolla Institute of Allergy and Immunology, USA (2004) "...straight forward style...crystal clear definitions of complex immunological concepts...Uncomplicated style effortless for the reader to move from one section to the next, comfortable, unforced learning experience..." -Gillian Wu, Faculty of Pure and Applied Science, York University, Canada "A very readable and enjoyable text... Historical background is a nice idea that is essentially overlooked in many competing texts...contemporary and would be easy to recommend..." -Richard M. Locksley, Department of Medicine, University of California in San Francisco, HHMI, San Francisco, CA, USA "I particularly like the clear and conversational style of the prose...chapters are a delight to read...I {also} like the format of presentation with boxes for the specialists and plenty of illustration... This will be an important contribution to the field of Immunology." -Noel R. Rose, Director, Center for Autoimmune Disease Research, the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA "This book is an important contribution, providing the reader with a clear, complete, and concise overview of the immune system in both health and disease...This is a valuable book for any veteran immunologies or student of immunology, with its ability to make difficult concepts easy to understand through clear explanations and illustrations its major attraction." -Sam Mehr, MBBS, BMedSci (The Children's Hospital at Westmead) "...very erudite and quite complete and accurate in its coverage." -- Peter Ward, University of Michigan Health Systems, Department of Pathology, USA, 2004 "...it comes as a gratifying surprise to find that just two people have been able to compile a comprehensive treatise, The Immune Response, on the topic...sets a high standard of excellence in the immunologic literature." - Robert S. Schwartz, M.D. for THE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE "This is a valuable book for any veteran immunologist or student of immunology, with its ability to make difficult concepts easy to understand through clear explanations and illustrations its major attraction." - Sam Mehr, MBBS, BMedSci, The Children's Hospital at Westmead for Doody's: 3 Star Review "A major strength of this text is that two authors wrote it with the assistance of two contributors, so that the information is integrated across the chapters and the style is consistent throughout rather than each chapter being written by a different author or set of authors with the editors then trying to integrate the information afterward. ...an excellent new textbook that combines excellent chapters on basic immunology with very good introductory chapters on clinical disorders related to immunology. This book will be particularly useful to serious students entering the field or to those in the field who want a well-written update across the breadth of immunology" - Andrew Saxon for CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY (Jan 2006) "...transitions smoothly from chapter to chapter, without the jarring inconsistency of writing styles that sometimes plagues multiauthor texts. The original two-color illustrations, fullcolor plates, and ample sidebars and summary boxes make for a pleasing, learner-centered book. The Immune Response is a well-written, well-organized, learner-centered text that is suitable for undergraduates, medical and graduate students, and more advanced learners of immunology." - James T. Li for JAMA (March 2006) "...very erudite and quite complete and accurate in its coverage..." -Peter Ward, University of Michigan Health Systems, Department of Pathology, USA (2004) "...very timely, reads very well, and should be of great interest to those wanting to get a start in understanding Immunology..." - Juan-Carlos Zuniga-Pflucker, Sunnybrook & Women's College Heath Sciences Centre, USA (2004) "The illustrations are terrific...One of the things I especially like is the use of the "Introducing..." and "More about..." sections. These give students a taste of what is to come without overwhelming them with details." - Douglas Green, La Jolla Institute of Allergy and Immunology, USA (2004) "...straight forward style...crystal clear definitions of complex immunological concepts...Uncomplicated style effortless for the reader to move from one section to the next, comfortable, unforced learning experience..." -Gillian Wu, Faculty of Pure and Applied Science, York University, Canada "A very readable and enjoyable text.... Historical background is a nice idea that is essentially overlooked in many competing texts.....contemporary and would be easy to recommend..." -Richard M. Locksley, Department of Medicine, University of California in San Francisco, HHMI, San Francisco, CA, USA "I particularly like the clear and conversational style of the prose...chapters are a delight to read...I {also} like the format of presentation with boxes for the specialists and plenty of illustration... This will be an important contribution to the field of Immunology." -Noel R. Rose, Director, Center for Autoimmune Disease Research, the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA "This book is an important contribution, providing the reader with a clear, complete, and concise overview of the immune system in both health and disease...This is a valuable book for any veteran immunologies or student of immunology, with its ability to make difficult concepts easy to understand through clear explanations and illustrations its major attraction." -Sam Mehr, MBBS, BMedSci (The Children's Hospital at Westmead)
出版社: 2008年9月
简介:"J.M. Barrie's fantasy adventure with pirates, mermaids, and fairies, brought to life in a new book-and-CD edition." Peter Pan refuses to grow up. Instead he spends his never-ending childhood making mischief and seeking out adventure as leader of the Lost Boys on the small island of Neverland. His only cares in the world are stopping the pirates, led by the dangerous Captain Hook, from hurting any of his friends. Occasionally he even gets to see kids from the ordinary world, but he has never brought one back. Until he meets Wendy Darling... With Hear It Read It, Sourcebooks is proud to introduce a new take on this classic story, in a sturdy hardcover that children will return to again and again. For generations parents and grandparents have shared the classics with children as they start to read and "graduate" from ABCs to picture books to chapter books. These tales need no introduction: they are the same stories that were read to them, the very same adventures that filled their imaginations and taught them the power of the word to change and challenge. Sourcebooks' Peter Pan is a bridge that introduces budding readers to chapter books. It includes not only the abridged story and 20 engaging black and white illustrations, but also the same version read on audio CD, letting kids choose how to enjoy: listen to the story, read along with the CD, or read the story to themselves. The CD is produced by Naxos, a leader in junior classics on audio, and read by film and television actor Samuel West, with music and occasional effects to set the mood. Each HEAR IT READ IT classic presents the world's greatest stories in an easy-to-read abridged format. The included CD contains a dramatic reading-with music and sound effects-that matches the text, word for word, so children of all ages and reading levels can read along. HEAR IT READ IT classics give young readers the best possible introduction to the world's timeless tales.
作者: Julia Donaldson
简介:When Sugarlump the rocking horse wishes to see the world, a magical unicorn with a silver horn and sparkling blue eyes turns him into a real horse. But after trotting around the farm, galloping around a racetrack and even dancing at the circus, Sugarlump learns to be careful what he wishes for and realises how much he misses the children he left behind. Luckily the unicorn has one more wish to grant... The sixth title from this bestselling, chart-busting team is bursting with Julia Donaldson's rhythmic, lyrical verse and Lydia Monks's bright, beautiful illustrations. Sugarlump and the Unicorn is now yours to own as a beautiful board book.
Wriggle and roar! :: rhymes to join in with
光盘作者: Julia Donaldson (Author), Nick Sharratt (Illustrator)
简介:Are you tired of being you? Here's a whole bookful of things you can do! There are rhymes to make you wriggle and giggle, shrug and sigh, snap like a crocodile, and slither like a snake. Julia Donaldson's verses jump off the page and Nick Sharratt's snazzy illustrations add to the fun. Bright, bold, and accessible, these rhymes are packed full of noises and actions, making them perfect for joining in. Look out for more poems from Julia Donaldson and Nick Sharratt in Shuffle and Squelch!
作者: Elli Woollard
简介:The Giant of Jum is feeling a bit munchy. "Fee!" he says, and "Fi!" he says, and "Fo!" he says and "Fum!" And off he goes, in search of that sweet snack of a boy named Jack. On his hunt, he’ll meet children of all sorts. But before he can gobble them up, he finds himself waylaid by pleas for help. What's a hungry giant to do? Bright illustrations and sweet characters bring this fun and funny story to life―a wonderful read-aloud with a chorus everyone will want to shout out together!
简介: Now in full color and updated to reflect the 2010 ECC guidelines, Huszar's Basic Dysrhythmias and Acute Coronary Syndromes, 4th Edition is structured to match the order in which you learn specific skills: ECG components are presented first, followed by information on how to interpret ECGs to arrive at a diagnosis. More complex material follows basic skills, with advanced sections at the end. Packaged with a free companion CD with 200 practice rhythms and a free heart rate ruler, this edition has been updated throughout and comes loaded with extras designed to enhance your learning. Expert authorship from original author Dr. Robert Huszar and continuing author Dr. Keith Wesley, brings over 40 years of combined field experience to the text and maintain its relevancy to prehospital and hospital providers. Expert panel of reviewers who specialize in ECG interpretation and emergency cardiovascular care also ensure that the material is accurate, current and universal. Coverage of both basic and advanced concepts incorporates the latest research developments and provides material that is pertinent to both beginning and experienced prehospital care providers. - Chapters 1-15 cover ECG basics, 3-lead interpretation and treatment of dysrhythmias, pacemaker rhythms and more. - Chapters 16-19 cover acute coronary syndromes, thrombus formation, and advanced treatment options. Companion CD offers even more practice with 200 practice rhythm self-assessment exercises and answers in PowerPoint format. Drug Caution boxes provide valuable tips and reminders on drug use and administration. Patient care algorithms show you step-by-step management and treatment. Chapter summaries reinforce major concepts and tie information together. Chapter review questions test your understanding of key topics. Heart rate calculator ruler is included free in every text. Advanced level treatment material , such as complete thrombus formation, treatment and management offers critical information for both the hospital setting and the EMS setting. Self-assessment answer keys allow you to check your own work for self-evaluation. Chapter outline offers a quick overview of each chapter's content. Learning Objective boxes allow you to check off mastered information. Key terms help you learn essential vocabulary and reinforce basic concepts. Illustrations aid comprehension of difficult concepts. Notes sections provide a place to write down your lecture notes and keep information in one place for review. Updated content throughout ensures all chapters comply with the latest ECC guidelines . Full-color design makes it easier for you to follow the content and distinguish the sections of the text. Expansion of content for acute coronary syndromes , including description, diagnosis, and management, allows you to learn the latest standards in advanced cardiovascular care. Ten additional case studies with questions in the Arrhythmia Self-Assessment Test in Appendix C help you see the whole picture when interpreting an ECG rhythm.
Shuffle and Squelch :: poems and rhymes for children
光盘作者: Julia Donaldson
简介:Bright, bold, and accessible, this collection of poems is packed full of noises and actions—perfect for joining in. There are counting rhymes and animal rhymes, rhymes to make you shuffle and squelch and clatter and patter, and rhymes to make you gallop like a horse or slide down the banister. Julia Donaldson's verses jump off the page and Nick Sharratt's snazzy illustrations add to the fun. Look out for more poems from Julia Donaldson and Nick Sharratt in Wriggle and Roar!
作者: 张建民主编
简介: With conversational topics that cover a range of day-to-day activities, such as dining, traveling, entertaining, shopping and seeing doctors, the book has a comprehensive content that consists of 50 units, with each unit containing two conversations.From each unit, the writers have also selected two essential sentences to create a list of the 100 most useful sentences in day-to-day Chinese; this feature will undoubtedly be of great benefit to casual learners. English and French translations, and an audio disc in MP3 format make it simple for users to understand and quickly master Chinese expressions. The book features engaging illustrations and is also conveniently sized to make it easily portable. It is an ideal choice for foreigners who want to learn some Chinese during their stay in China.
Landscape simulation modeling : a spatially explicit, dynamic approach /
光盘作者: Robert Costanza, Alexey Voinov, editors.
简介:CD-ROM contains: "the SME software and Web pages that extend the book chapters with color illustrations, animations, movies, models, and data."
Rapid interpretation of heart and lung sounds : a guide to cardiac and respiratory auscultation i...
光盘作者: Francis W.K. Smith, Bruce W. Keene, Larry Patrick Tilley ; illustrations by Thomas Xenakis, Denis...
简介: Composed of an audio CD and a companion book, this package demonstrates how to do accurate clinical evaluations of the heart and lungs in the examining room. The CD offers step-by-step instructions on how to identify, interpret, and differentiate heart and lung sounds in dogs and cats. Made by using a heart sound simulator as well as recordings from patients, the CD also covers heart murmurs and arrhythmias. The book expands on the CD content and offers clear, concise illustrations of electrocardiograms (ECGs) and polarcardiograms (PCGs). It also includes pretests and posttests to ensure thorough understanding of the material, as well as content on properties of sound, the stethoscope, and keys to successful auscultation. * NEW! Lung sounds are now included, in addition to heart sounds. * An easy-to-follow format simplifies learning. * Pretests may be taken prior to reviewing the CD to measure how much the user already knows. * Posttests help determine when the material has been mastered. * Clinically relevant conditions are included, making it easy for readers to apply this information to day-to-day practice.
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Reflecting the 2010 Emergency Cardiovascular Care guidelines, Mosby's Paramedic Textbook, 4th Editionprovides a comprehensive learning tool for both first-time and refresher paramedic students. Coverage includes an overview of key subjects such as pharmacology, airway management, medical disorders, patient assessment, and trauma. ALS patient care skills are presented step by step, both in the book and in online video clips. New to this edition are nine new chapters, many new topics, and 150 new photos. Written by paramedic expert Mick Sanders, Mosby's Paramedic Textbookfollows the National EMS Education Standardsand offers complete coverage of the National Standard Curriculum (NSC)for the EMT-Paramedic. More than 1,000 illustrations -- including 150 that are聽NEW-- accurately present different techniques and skills.Chapter openers, objectives and key termsset the stage for learning.Advanced Life Support (ALS) skillsare presented step by step and in full color. Critical thinking questionshelp in understanding concepts and in applying them to patient care.A summary and a list of referencesin each chapter make review easier.A herbal appendix in the pharmacology chapter provides access to herbal content.Drug monographs on the Evolve companion websiteinclude Mosby's Essential Drugs,with instant access to comprehensive, up-to-date information on the medications that are administered by paramedics as well as those most commonly prescribed to patients. NEW! Nine new chapters and thoroughly updated contentalign the text with the new National EMS Education Standards and reflect the 2010 ECC (Emergency Cardiovascular Care) guidelines. NEW topics include coronary bypass, endocarditis, adult IO infusion, bird flu, new fluid resuscitation guidelines for trauma patients, drugs of abuse (Vicodin, Oxycontin), prediabetes, and management of hypothermia and drowning.NEW Show Me the Evidenceboxesshow the value and impact of evidence-based research.NEW Did You Know?boxessupplement chapter content with interesting and relevant information.NEW Look Againfeatureincludes cross-references and specific page numbers for easy review of information that was covered in earlier chapters.聽 NEW farm considerationsin the Traumasection enhance rural practice with the kinematics of farm machinery incidents.Additional Critical Thinkingboxesencourage the application of critical thinking skills to "real-life" EMS.Additional cultural considerationsenhance your ability to deal with the issues of multicultural patients.NEW Advanced Practice Procedures in Critical Careappendixprovides an overview of specialty procedures for paramedics who work in critical care settings.Revised and updated Emergency Drug Indexreflects the new 2010 ECC guidelines with coverage of more than 75 emergency drugs, their dose and administration, onset and duration, indications and contraindications, adverse reactions, and special considerations.
Pascoe's principles and practice of equine dermatology / 2nd rev. ed.
光盘简介: Professor Knottenbelt's approach is clear, authoritative and based on many years experience in treating equine dermatological conditions. The book presents over 650 photographs, most of them new and unique to this edition, and the accompanying CD-ROM offers an image library with over 300 extra illustrations. The new edition is designed as a fully practical, highly illustrated guide to skin diseases in the horse. It emphasizes how to obtain an accurate differential diagnosis and arrive at correct decisions for the appropriate treatment of a condition. The book includes the full range of skin diseases and conditions commonly encountered in equine practice. Rarer disorders and those with a limited geographical distribution are also reviewed, and there are separate chapters on diseases of the hoof, skin wounds, neoplastic diseases and the various dermatologic syndromes that are encountered in the horse. A practical guide emphasizing how to distinguish conditions of similar appearance but different implication for diagnosis, management, and prognosis. A unique ready reckoner (key points chart) is included in each disorder to allow rapid summary information acquisition and use for practitioners and students at all levels. Offers expert guidance with algorithms for decision making and treatment choices and considers syndromes as well as the diseases involved in the differential diagnosis and investigation. Focuses on commonly encountered skin diseases but includes rarer disorders. Covers skin conditions of the horse occurring worldwide. An extensive unique section on neoplastic disease is included. Includes discussion of hoof disorders and skin wounds. Superbly illustrated with over 650 full-colour figures. Contains CD-ROM with image library offering over 300 extra illustrations. fully updated through-out includes new colour illustrations
Biology : concepts and applications / 5th ed.
光盘作者: Cecie Starr ; Lisa Starr, biology illustrator.
简介:This introductory textbook introduces the principles of cellular life, inheritance, evolution, biodiversity, plant structure and function, animal structure and function, and ecology. An introductory chapter introduces basic concepts and methods in the study of biology. Appendixes outline classification schemes, units of measure, major metabolic pathways, and the periodic table of elements. Color photographs and other illustrations are featured throughout. The CD- ROM contains diagnostic quizzes, animations, and video clips on controversial issues. Annotation 漏2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, Twelfth Edition
光盘作者: Laurence Brunton, Bruce A. Chabner , Bjorn Knollman
出版社:McGraw-Hill 2011
简介:"This 12th edition of the most authoritative book in pharmacology is the best both in content and physical appearance....This edition of Goodman & Gilman's continues to be the most authoritative and widely used resource bridging the discipline of pharmacology with therapeutics. Moreover, readers will find this edition to be substantially improved from past editions in both content and physical appearance."--Doody's Review Service The most universally respected and read medical text in all of pharmacology, Goodman & Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics represents the pinnacle of authority and accuracy in describing the actions and uses of therapeutic agents in relation to physiology and pathophysiology. Goodman & Gilman’s careful balance of basic science and clinical application has guided thousands of practitioners and students to a clear understanding of the drugs essential to preventing, diagnosing, and treating disease. Enriched by a new full-color presentation and updated to reflect all critical new developments in drug action and drug-disease interaction, the twelfth edition includes more than 440 color illustrations depicting key principles and actions of specific pathways and therapeutic agents. The companion DVD includes all the images and tables in the text along with narrated animations.
简介:The authoritative reference text on KAME and IPv6! IPv6 was introduced in 1994 and has been in development at the IETF for over 10 years. It has now reached the deployment stage. KAME, the de-facto open-source reference implementation of the IPv6 standards, played a significantrole in the acceptance and the adoption of the IPv6 technology. The adoption of KAME by key companies in a wide spectrum of commercial products is a testimonial to the success of the KAME project, which concluded not long ago. This book is the first and the only one of its kind, which reveals all of the details of the KAME IPv6 protocolstack, explaining exactly what every line of code does andwhy it was designed that way. Through the dissection of both the code and its design, the authors illustrate how IPv6 and its related protocols have been interpreted and implemented from the specifications. This reference will demystify those ambiguous areas in the standards, which are open to interpretation and problematic in deployment, and presents solutions offered by KAME in dealing with these implementation challenges. About the Authors Qing Liis a senior architect at Blue Coat Systems, Inc. leading the design and development efforts of the next-generation IPv6 enabled secure proxy appliances. Qing holds multiple US patents. Qing is a contributing author of the book titled Handbook of Networked and Embedded Control Systems published in June 2005. He is the author of the embedded systems development book titled Real-Time Concepts for Embedded Systems published in April 2003. Tatuya Jinmei Ph.D. is a research scientist at Corporate Research & Development Center, Toshiba Corporation. He had been a core developer of the KAME project since the launch of theproject through its conclusion. In 2003, he received the Ph.D. degree from Keio University, Japan, based on his work at KAME. Keiichi Shima is a senior researcher at Internet Initiative Japan Inc. He was a core developer of the KAME project from 2001 to the end of the project and developed Mobile IPv6/NEMO Basic Support protocol stack. He is now working on the new mobility stack (the SHISA stack) for BSD operating systems. *Covering a snapshot version of KAME dated April 2003 based on FreeBSD 4.8 *Extensive line-by-line code listings with meticulous explanation of their rationale and use for the KAME snapshot implementation, which is generally applicable to most recent versions of the KAME IPv6 stack including those in recent releases of BSD variants * Numerous diagrams and illustrations help in visualizing the implementation * In-depth discussion of the standards provides intrinsic understanding of the specifications * Two CD-ROMs filled with the complete KAME IPv6 protocol stack and FreeBSD software.