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Vernacular architecture and regional design : cultural p rocess and environmental response /
简介: Sustainable design requires that design practitioners respond to a particular set of social, cultural and environmental conditions. 'Vernacular Architecture and Regional Design' defines a set of strategies for understanding the complexities of a regional setting. Through a series of international case studies, it examines how architects and designers have applied a variety of tactics to achieve culturally and environmentally appropriate design solutions. . Shows that architecture and design are inextricably linked to social and environmental processes, and are not just technical or aesthetic exercises. . Articulates a variety of methods to realise goals of socially responsible and environmentally responsive design. . Calls for a principled approach to design in an effort to preserve fragile environments and forge sustainable best practice. 'Vernacular Architecture and Regional Design' will appeal to educators and professional practitioners in the fields of architecture, heritage conservation and urban design. Dr. Kingston Wm. Heath is Professor and Director of the Historic Preservation Program at the University of Oregon. Previously he was Professor of Architecture at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte where he taught seminars on vernacular architecture and regional design theory. He holds graduate degrees from the University of Chicago and Brown University. In addition to numerous articles in scholarly journals, he is the author of Patina of Place, and winner of the Abbott Lowell Cummings Award from The Vernacular Architecture Forum for excellence in a scholarly work. He has earned an international reputation in the field of vernacular architecture and has directed field schools in Italy and Croatia. * A series of international case studies demonstrates the place of vernacular architecture in the design process for a wide selection of contemporary architects' work. * Offers a clear analysis of the vernacular building tradition, placing architecture in its social context. * Introduces a new, socially and environmentally inspired approach to sustainable design.
作者: (加)伊丽莎白·艾宝特(Elizabeth Abbott)著;邱维珍,薛芸如译
简介:这是加拿大著名畅销书作家伊丽莎白,艾宝特的权威著作。作者旁征博引,讲述了许多真实个案倾诉出来的密事,披露自身亲密生活中的细节,辅以自身的故事,坦诚和幽默,以优雅、机智与风趣之笔,写独身以及男人女人的生活故事。 伊莉莎白·艾宝特,任职多伦多大学。著有《海地:杜瓦历埃家族传奇》。加国最畅销历史著作《加拿大编年史》主编。艾宝特现定居加拿大多伦多。 邱维珍,纽约大学教育行政硕士,台湾大学历史系学士。 薛芸如,日本东北大学英语研究所,清华大学语言学研究所,东吴大学日本文化研究所硕士,现任元智大学应用外语系讲师。 独身现象并非罕见,千千万万的人多少都曾有过独身的经历。未婚的守贞少女也许会为欲念挣扎,长斯守身的神职人员也会有性冲动。当代的独身有着传统的独身模式,也有现代的不屑,独身成了双面刃。 独身是支撑,也是痛苦的来源;独身给予人们生命的力量,也可能令人怨艾一生;独身可以提供保护伞,也可能带来屈辱;独身是赏赐,也可能是惩罚。 守贞,难道仅是女性的义务? 禁欲是心甘情愿,还是迫不得已? 独身是环境所迫,还是无奈的选择? 守贞就是天使,失更多>>
作者: Jeff Abbott 著
简介: One balmy Texas evening, widowed financier Ben Fosberg answersthe door to two Homeland Security agents. From the minute he letsthem in, his life spirals out of control. A businessman has beenkilled in a hit gone wrong and Ben's card is in the dead hitman'spocket. The agents have a thousand questions for which he has noanswers, but the evidence is still piling up against him when amysterious stranger, known as Pilgrim, snatches him away from theagents and sets them both on a dangerous journey. Pilgrim's bosshas been abducted by a man to whom destroying Ben's life is merelya task for the day. Ben and Pilgrim flee across the US with a hoardof agents and killers on their trail. Ben is still mourning hiswife, cruelly murdered two years ago on their honeymoon. He isabout to get answers to his questions about Emily's death - butthey won't be the ones he was expecting. As betrayal and danger dogthem at every turn, Ben and Pilgrim have to uncover a deadly planand save their own lives - before it's too late...
作者: [美]Martin L. Abbott Michael T. Fisher
出版社:人民邮电出版社 2016年03月
简介:经典图书修订版 网站运营的宝典 详细分析网站扩展性的通用原则 业内专家多年实战总结,亚马逊书店好评如潮 网站建设是一项复杂的工程,随着规模的扩大,许多网站势必会遇到严重的性能和可扩展性问题。大量用户涌入时如何保证网站不崩溃?如何缩短页面载入时间?这都是摆在网站开发和运维人员面前迫待解决的问题。
Secrets of droon,Mysterious island·City in the clouds
作者: (美)托尼·阿博特(Robert T. Abbott)著;(美)蒂姆·杰塞尔,(美)戴维·梅里尔插图;牛秀芳,信莉翻译
简介:《多伦王国的秘密:2神秘岛?隐形城》编辑推荐:“多伦王国的秘密”系列是美国顶级畅销儿童魔幻小说,全世界销量突破1200万册,来自全球最大的少儿图书出版机构之一、《哈利?波特》出版商美国学者社,此次为“多伦王国的秘密”系列简体中文版首次全系列完整引进。“多伦王国的秘密”系列小说是美国著名童书作家托尼?阿博特从1999年开始创作的一套童书。故事的主人公埃里克和他的两个好朋友隔三差五便通过地下室壁橱内神奇的魔法楼梯,来到一个叫做“多伦”的神秘王国,和那里的朋友们联手,一次次地与邪恶巫师作斗争,一次次地揭开神奇多伦的一个个秘密。 “多伦王国的秘密”系列里充满了儿童喜闻乐见的各种因素。每个人小时候应该都有过这样的幻想,憧憬自己是救人于危难之中的英雄或等待被救的公主,憧憬骑上家里那把扫地用的笤帚就可以飞天,憧憬散步的时候能够遇到异形生物,憧憬即使是被关在家里也可以进行奇妙历险……阿博特无疑就是帮助我们实现幻想的人。他用简单而富于镜头感的语言加上奇特的想象以及紧张的情节,构建起了这样一个神奇的多伦王国。没有花哨的描写,单刀深入直奔主题,读者往往还来不及思索,便卷入快节奏的剧情。而即使在再紧张的时刻,作者也不忘幽默一把,放松大家的情绪。比如在激烈的对抗之际,男孩子居然掏出肉丸子,将对手打得落花流水,读来令人捧腹。 “多伦王国的秘密”系列是一套不折不扣的儿童魔幻小说。实际上,真正适合孩子看的魔幻小说并不多,因为它们大多都受自身庞大繁琐的情节限制,而被归到了更高级别的年龄段(通常是初中极其以上)。该系列反其道而行之——并不急于展示整个幻想中的世界,而是小心地拿捏着,在每个故事中展示一部分,并围绕此段展开故事。于是小读者既保有了幻想故事带来的新鲜感,也永远不会因为信息庞杂而产生阅读疲惫。于是,如图地图一点点铺开,大家热热闹闹地跟着埃里克等人认识了巫师们,下了火山宫,去了神秘小岛,逛了隐形城市……直到整个多伦世界极其自然地呈现在面前。然而此刻再回过头去细细一看,不禁为多伦世界的精密复杂而惊叹,更为作者高超的构造能力而惊叹。成人需要幻想,孩子们更需要幻想,阿博特笔下的埃里克、朱莉和尼尔这三个小伙伴亦是如此。多伦王国虽然奇妙有趣,但也充满了危险,三人几次在那里死里逃生。可三人每次回到现实世界后的第一个念头,都是想着什么时候才能再去多伦王国历险。这不仅是对下一本书的冒险故事的铺垫,更蕴含了作者对孩子们的期待,那就是即使是在现实世界中,也永远不要放弃希望和幻想。 “多伦王国的秘密”作者历时10年打造,8国出版,36个故事,红遍法国、波兰、西班牙、荷兰、捷克、土耳其、日本、韩国等国。被美国书商协会评选为“等待下一本《哈利?波特》出现之前的十大好书之一”,也是美国儿童每月读书会和许多学校、图书馆一致推荐的“优良童书”,并获得我国国内12位知名儿童文学作家、评论家的联袂推荐。
Secrets of droon,Tower of the elf king·Quest for the queen
作者: (美)托尼·阿博特(Robert T. Abbott)著;(美)蒂姆·杰塞尔,(美)戴维·梅里尔插图;牛秀芳,信莉翻译
简介:《多伦王国的秘密:5怪物的高塔?寻找王后》编辑推荐:“多伦王国的秘密”系列是美国顶级畅销儿童魔幻小说,全世界销量突破1200万册,来自全球最大的少儿图书出版机构之一、《哈利?波特》出版商美国学者社,此次为“多伦王国的秘密”系列简体中文版首次全系列完整引进。“多伦王国的秘密”系列小说是美国著名童书作家托尼?阿博特从1999年开始创作的一套童书。故事的主人公埃里克和他的两个好朋友隔三差五便通过地下室壁橱内神奇的魔法楼梯,来到一个叫做“多伦”的神秘王国,和那里的朋友们联手,一次次地与邪恶巫师作斗争,一次次地揭开神奇多伦的一个个秘密。 “多伦王国的秘密”系列里充满了儿童喜闻乐见的各种因素。每个人小时候应该都有过这样的幻想,憧憬自己是救人于危难之中的英雄或等待被救的公主,憧憬骑上家里那把扫地用的笤帚就可以飞天,憧憬散步的时候能够遇到异形生物,憧憬即使是被关在家里也可以进行奇妙历险……阿博特无疑就是帮助我们实现幻想的人。他用简单而富于镜头感的语言加上奇特的想象以及紧张的情节,构建起了这样一个神奇的多伦王国。没有花哨的描写,单刀深入直奔主题,读者往往还来不及思索,便卷入快节奏的剧情。而即使在再紧张的时刻,作者也不忘幽默一把,放松大家的情绪。比如在激烈的对抗之际,男孩子居然掏出肉丸子,将对手打得落花流水,读来令人捧腹。 “多伦王国的秘密”系列是一套不折不扣的儿童魔幻小说。实际上,真正适合孩子看的魔幻小说并不多,因为它们大多都受自身庞大繁琐的情节限制,而被归到了更高级别的年龄段(通常是初中极其以上)。该系列反其道而行之——并不急于展示整个幻想中的世界,而是小心地拿捏着,在每个故事中展示一部分,并围绕此段展开故事。于是小读者既保有了幻想故事带来的新鲜感,也永远不会因为信息庞杂而产生阅读疲惫。于是,如图地图一点点铺开,大家热热闹闹地跟着埃里克等人认识了巫师们,下了火山宫,去了神秘小岛,逛了隐形城市……直到整个多伦世界极其自然地呈现在面前。然而此刻再回过头去细细一看,不禁为多伦世界的精密复杂而惊叹,更为作者高超的构造能力而惊叹。成人需要幻想,孩子们更需要幻想,阿博特笔下的埃里克、朱莉和尼尔这三个小伙伴亦是如此。多伦王国虽然奇妙有趣,但也充满了危险,三人几次在那里死里逃生。可三人每次回到现实世界后的第一个念头,都是想着什么时候才能再去多伦王国历险。这不仅是对下一本书的冒险故事的铺垫,更蕴含了作者对孩子们的期待,那就是即使是在现实世界中,也永远不要放弃希望和幻想。 “多伦王国的秘密”作者历时10年打造,8国出版,36个故事,红遍法国、波兰、西班牙、荷兰、捷克、土耳其、日本、韩国等国。被美国书商协会评选为“等待下一本《哈利?波特》出现之前的十大好书之一”,也是美国儿童每月读书会和许多学校、图书馆一致推荐的“优良童书”,并获得我国国内12位知名儿童文学作家、评论家的联袂推荐。
Gentle measures in the management and training of the young
作者: (美)雅各布·阿博特(Jacob Abbott)著;郭丽莉,刘国荣译
简介: 怎样才能教出一个好孩子,许许多多的父母感到无从下手,头昏脑涨 。有些人迫不得已,对孩子动不动就厉声呵斥,或者干脆“劈柴炖肉”。 令孩子觉得:爸爸妈妈真霸道,爸爸妈妈真恐怖! 作为父母,需要在孩子面前树立权威,并引导孩子长大成人。然而, 树立权威和教育孩子,却并不是一定要板起面孔,做“太上皇”。如果善 用“怀柔”的方法,你的孩子也会变得更听话,更乖巧,更上进。 不错,好孩子是被教出来的,但好孩子更是用爱的方法教出来的!
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 For two and a half centuries, Philadelphians have been actively involved in archaeological research. In particular, three vital and venerable cultural institutions鈥攖he American Philosophical Society (founded 1743), the Academy of Natural Sciences (founded 1812), and the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania (founded 1893)鈥攈ave nurtured the "systematic study of antiquities."聽 The ten essays in this volume focus on Philadelphians who were concerned with Americanist archaeology, or the "archaeology of the New World." As Europeans, and later, Euroamericans, spread across North, Central, and South America in the 16th through the 19th centuries, they encountered a bewildering variety of native peoples, customs, and languages, as well as tens of thousands of ancient ruins attesting to a long endemic culture history of obvious complexity.聽 The essays examine most of the key players in the development of the methods to study these phenomena. Enlightenment scholars such as Benjamin Smith Barton, Peter S. Duponceau, Thomas Jefferson, Daniel Garrison Brinton, John Wesley Powell, and Benjamin Rush all contributed to the surge of scientific study of America's prehistoric cultures. So did two pioneering women who have received scant attention to date鈥擲ara Yorke Stevenson and Lucy W. Wilson鈥攂ut whose work is well treated in this study. Other essays detail the varied contributions of C. C. Abbott, Frank Hamilton Cushing, Clarence B. Moore, Edgar Lee Hewett, and John L. Cotter. This volume should stimulate continued interest in the origins and history of archaeology and the relationship of Philadelphia patrons and institutions to scientific inquiry. 聽聽 Publisher Summary 2 Philadelphia and the Development of Americanist Archaeologyreveals the crucial role the intellectuals and institutions of Philadelphia played in the development of the science of archaeology. The ten essays in this volume focus on Philadelphians who were concerned with Americanist archaeology, or the "archaeology of the New World."
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Selected by Choicemagazine as an Outstanding Academic Title for 2001 It has been called one of the nation's most livable regions, ranked among the best managed cities in America, hailed as a top spot to work, and favored as a great place to do business, enjoy the arts, pursue outdoor recreation, and make one's home. Indeed, years of cooperative urban planning between developers and those interested in ecology and habitability have transformed Portland from a provincial western city into an exemplary American metropolis. Its thriving downtown, its strong neighborhoods, and its pioneering efforts at local management have brought a steady procession of journalists, scholars, and civic leaders to investigate the "Portland style" that values dialogue and consensus, treats politics as a civic duty, and assumes that it is possible to work toward public good. Probing behind the press clippings, acclaimed urban historian Carl Abbott examines the character of contemporary Portland—its people, politics, and public life—and the region's history and geography in order to discover how Portland has achieved its reputation as one of the most progressive and livable cities in the United States and to determine whether typical pressures of urban growth are pushing Portland back toward the national norm. In Greater Portland, Abbott argues that the city cannot be understood without reference to its place. Its rivers, hills, and broader regional setting have shaped the economy and the cityscape. Portlanders are Oregonians, Northwesteners, Cascadians; they value their city as much for where it is as for what it is, and this powerful sense of place nurtures a distinctive civic culture. Tracing the ways in which Portlanders have talked and thought about their city, Abbott reveals the tensions between their diverse visions of the future and plans for development. Most citizens of Portland desire a balance between continuity and change, one that supports urban progress but actively monitors its effects on the region's expansive green space and on the community's culture. This strong civic participation in city planning and politics is what gives greater Portland its unique character, a positive setting for class integration, neighborhood revitalization, and civic values. The result, Abbott confirms, is a region whose unique initiatives remain a model of American urban planning. Publisher Summary 2 Carl Abbott reports how Portland became a model of American urban planning. Publisher Summary 3 Selected by Choicemagazine as an Outstanding Academic Title for 2001 It has been called one of the nation's most livable regions, ranked among the best managed cities in America, hailed as a top spot to work, and favored as a great place to do business, enjoy the arts, pursue outdoor recreation, and make one's home. Indeed, years of cooperative urban planning between developers and those interested in ecology and habitability have transformed Portland from a provincial western city into an exemplary American metropolis. Its thriving downtown, its strong neighborhoods, and its pioneering efforts at local management have brought a steady procession of journalists, scholars, and civic leaders to investigate the "Portland style" that values dialogue and consensus, treats politics as a civic duty, and assumes that it is possible to work toward public good. Probing behind the press clippings, acclaimed urban historian Carl Abbott examines the character of contemporary Portland鈥攊ts people, politics, and public life鈥攁nd the region's history and geography in order to discover how Portland has achieved its reputation as one of the most progressive and livable cities in the United States and to determine whether typical pressures of urban growth are pushing Portland back toward the national norm. In Greater Portland, Abbott argues that the city cannot be understood without reference to its place. Its rivers, hills, and broader regional setting have shaped the economy and the cityscape. Portlanders are Oregonians, Northwesteners, Cascadians; they value their city as much for where it is as for what it is, and this powerful sense of place nurtures a distinctive civic culture. Tracing the ways in which Portlanders have talked and thought about their city, Abbott reveals the tensions between their diverse visions of the future and plans for development. Most citizens of Portland desire a balance between continuity and change, one that supports urban progress but actively monitors its effects on the region's expansive green space and on the community's culture. This strong civic participation in city planning and politics is what gives greater Portland its unique character, a positive setting for class integration, neighborhood revitalization, and civic values. The result, Abbott confirms, is a region whose unique initiatives remain a model of American urban planning.
作者: (美)杰夫·阿博特(Jeff Abbott)著;侯小翊译
简介:一份引来杀身之祸的名单,将平凡的“我”变得不再平凡。 父母的真实身份竟然是从小被派往美国某镇接受特殊训练的克格勃间谍! 杀害“我”母亲的凶手,“深藏”组织头目贾格,凶残、暴虐、不择手段,而他竟是和“我”父亲一同长大的亲生弟兄,是“我”的叔叔! 女友卡丽形迹可疑,她是“深藏”的耳目还是救“我”于危难之中的天使? “我”到底是谁?“我”究竟应该相信谁? 为了得到名单,救出父亲,“我”辗转于得克萨斯、伦敦和佛罗里达;“我”靠撒谎骗来车和弹药;“我”亡命天涯,甚至在逃亡途中杀死过人;“我”花钱请黑客破译复杂的情局密码,但情况总是那么不尽人意,父亲危在旦夕,恐慌逐步升级…… “我”必须赶快!一份引来杀身之祸的名单,将平凡的“我”变得不再平凡。 父母的真实身份竟然是从小被派往美国某镇接受特殊训练的克格勃间谍! 杀害“我”母亲的凶手,“深藏”组织头目贾格,凶残、暴虐、不择手段,而他竟是和“我”父亲一同长大的亲生弟兄,是“我”的叔叔! 女友卡丽形迹可疑,她是“深藏”的耳目还是救“我”于危难之中的天使? “我”到底是谁?“我”究竟应该相信谁? 为了得到名单,救出父亲,“我”辗转于得克萨斯、伦敦和佛罗里达;“我”靠撒谎骗来车和弹药;“我”亡命天涯,甚至在逃亡途中杀死过人;“我”花钱请黑客破译复杂的情局密码,但情况总是那么不尽人意,父亲危在旦夕,恐慌逐步升级…… “我”必须赶快!一份引来杀身之祸的名单,将平凡的“我”变得不再平凡。 父母的真实身份竟然是从小被派往美国某镇接受特殊训练的克格勃间谍! 杀害“我”母亲的凶手,“深藏”组织头目贾格,凶残、暴虐、不择手段,而他竟是和“我”父亲一同长大的亲生弟兄,是“我”的叔叔! 女友卡丽形迹可疑,她是“深藏”的耳目还是救“我”于危难之中的天使? “我”到底是谁?“我”究竟应该相信谁? 为了得到名单,救出父亲,“我”辗转于得克萨斯、伦敦和佛罗里达;“我”靠撒谎骗来车和弹药;“我”亡命天涯,甚至在逃亡途中杀死过人;“我”花钱请黑客破译复杂的情局密码,但情况总是那么不尽人意,父亲危在旦夕,恐慌逐步升级…… “我”必须赶快!
简介:G. F. Abbott spent two years at the turn of the twentieth century studying the cultural beliefs and folklore of Greek-speaking Macedonia. His results are formulated in this 1903 book and include accounts of such varying topics as the folk-calendar, funeral rites and bird legends among many other observations. Filled with anecdotes of his adventure and reports from local inhabitants, this work is a highly engaging travelogue with many ethnographic insights. Those interested in the development of anthropology will find Abbott's study a telling example of Victorian methods while the general reader will find his prose style warm and enjoyable.
Secrets of droon,Hawk bandits of tarkoom·Under the serpent sea
作者: (美)托尼·阿博特(Robert T. Abbott)著;(美)蒂姆·杰塞尔,(美)戴维·梅里尔插图;王彩霞,牛秀芳,信莉翻译
简介:《多伦王国的秘密:6塔库姆的鹰盗?蛇海惊魂》编辑推荐:“多伦王国的秘密”系列是美国顶级畅销儿童魔幻小说,全世界销量突破1200万册,来自全球最大的少儿图书出版机构之一、《哈利?波特》出版商美国学者社,此次为“多伦王国的秘密”系列简体中文版首次全系列完整引进。“多伦王国的秘密”系列小说是美国著名童书作家托尼?阿博特从1999年开始创作的一套童书。故事的主人公埃里克和他的两个好朋友隔三差五便通过地下室壁橱内神奇的魔法楼梯,来到一个叫做“多伦”的神秘王国,和那里的朋友们联手,一次次地与邪恶巫师作斗争,一次次地揭开神奇多伦的一个个秘密。 “多伦王国的秘密”系列里充满了儿童喜闻乐见的各种因素。每个人小时候应该都有过这样的幻想,憧憬自己是救人于危难之中的英雄或等待被救的公主,憧憬骑上家里那把扫地用的笤帚就可以飞天,憧憬散步的时候能够遇到异形生物,憧憬即使是被关在家里也可以进行奇妙历险……阿博特无疑就是帮助我们实现幻想的人。他用简单而富于镜头感的语言加上奇特的想象以及紧张的情节,构建起了这样一个神奇的多伦王国。没有花哨的描写,单刀深入直奔主题,读者往往还来不及思索,便卷入快节奏的剧情。而即使在再紧张的时刻,作者也不忘幽默一把,放松大家的情绪。比如在激烈的对抗之际,男孩子居然掏出肉丸子,将对手打得落花流水,读来令人捧腹。 “多伦王国的秘密”系列是一套不折不扣的儿童魔幻小说。实际上,真正适合孩子看的魔幻小说并不多,因为它们大多都受自身庞大繁琐的情节限制,而被归到了更高级别的年龄段(通常是初中极其以上)。该系列反其道而行之——并不急于展示整个幻想中的世界,而是小心地拿捏着,在每个故事中展示一部分,并围绕此段展开故事。于是小读者既保有了幻想故事带来的新鲜感,也永远不会因为信息庞杂而产生阅读疲惫。于是,如图地图一点点铺开,大家热热闹闹地跟着埃里克等人认识了巫师们,下了火山宫,去了神秘小岛,逛了隐形城市……直到整个多伦世界极其自然地呈现在面前。然而此刻再回过头去细细一看,不禁为多伦世界的精密复杂而惊叹,更为作者高超的构造能力而惊叹。成人需要幻想,孩子们更需要幻想,阿博特笔下的埃里克、朱莉和尼尔这三个小伙伴亦是如此。多伦王国虽然奇妙有趣,但也充满了危险,三人几次在那里死里逃生。可三人每次回到现实世界后的第一个念头,都是想着什么时候才能再去多伦王国历险。这不仅是对下一本书的冒险故事的铺垫,更蕴含了作者对孩子们的期待,那就是即使是在现实世界中,也永远不要放弃希望和幻想。 “多伦王国的秘密”作者历时10年打造,8国出版,36个故事,红遍法国、波兰、西班牙、荷兰、捷克、土耳其、日本、韩国等国。被美国书商协会评选为“等待下一本《哈利?波特》出现之前的十大好书之一”,也是美国儿童每月读书会和许多学校、图书馆一致推荐的“优良童书”,并获得我国国内12位知名儿童文学作家、评论家的联袂推荐。
简介:In The System of Professions Andrew Abbott explores central questions about the role of professions in modern life: Why should there be occupational groups controlling expert knowledge? Where and why did groups such as law and medicine achieve their power? Will professionalism spread throughout the occupational world? While most inquiries in this field study one profession at a time, Abbott here considers the system of professions as a whole. Through comparative and historical study of the professions in nineteenth- and twentieth-century England, France, and America, Abbott builds a general theory of how and why professionals evolve. Abbott begins by evaluating the link - which he calls jurisdiction - between an occupation and its work. The concept of jurisdiction leads directly to an analysis of professions as existing in a system ; since one profession can preempt another's work, the histories of professions are inevitably interdependent. Abbott goes on to discuss both internal and external cultural and social forces bearing on this system and closes by illustrating his approach with three detailed histories of contested jurisdictions, in the areas of information, law, and psychotherapy. Underlying Abbott's theoretical synthesis is an explanation of how a division of labor - in this case a division of expert labor - constructs itself in modern society. In addressing this question, he also offers a powerful analysis of contingency that bridges the gap between analytic sociology and narrative history. Written with grace and clarity, this highly original treatise will be required reading for those interested in the history and sociology of the professions. - Back cover.
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Describes how to recognize career-harming habits and stop them to improve one's business and personal life. Publisher Summary 2 Kick your bad habits鈥攁nd CLOSE MORE SALES!鈥淚 love this book, especially the importance of empathy鈥攃are enough about what you are selling to personalize its value to your customer!鈥? 鈥擩im Farley, VP Global Marketing, Ford Motor Company鈥淚n over 20 years of sales leadership, I had yet to see someone describe self-improvement through the elimination of existing behaviors rather than the creation of new ones鈥攚hat a simple, concise, and personally applicable developmental tool. This is a must-read for everyone in sales!鈥? 鈥擟hris Richardson, VP Global Sales, Abbott Vascular鈥淒on Brown and Bill Hawkins, collaborating with Marshall Goldsmith's incredible insight, have created strategy and ideas that will help you grow, sell more, and prosper!鈥? 鈥擩effrey Gitomer, author of The Little Red Book of Selling鈥淲hat Got You Here Won't Get You There in Sales!is a practical guide for anyone in sales鈥攖hey hit the nail on the head! Read this book to learn how to build your relationships with customers while shedding the habits that are holding you back!鈥? 鈥擳om Reilly, author of Value-Added Selling鈥淒eep and meaningful connections with people in business can change the trajectory of your career. This is a brilliant playbook for professionals who want to step up their game and truly own their success. I have seen the power of this approach in action鈥攁nd IT WORKS!鈥? 鈥擱ich Daly, Executive Vice President, Takeda PharmaceuticalsAbout the Book:One of the most influential business coaches of our time, Marshall Goldsmith helps businesspeople pinpoint career-harming behaviors, understand why they engage in them and, most importantly鈥攕top. His book What Got You Here Won't Get You Therewasn't just a runaway bestseller, it has helped untold numbers dramatically improve their careers and personal lives.Now, Goldsmith teams up with leading sales thought leaders Don Brown and Bill Hawkins to help you break the habits that specifically damage sales relationships. This dream team's combined clients have increased their sales from 5 to 30 percent鈥攁nd their gross profit up to 50 percent! In short, their approach works.What Got You Here Won't Get You There in Sales!provides simple-to-use tools for maintaining and leveraging quality personal connections by doing something much easier than learning new behaviors: simply stoppingold ones. When dealing with your customers, do you:Needlessly verbalize and execute every possible step in the sales process?Repeatedly initiate communication for no apparent purpose?Attempt to verbally 鈥渙ne up鈥?your customer in conversation?The authors name 16 bad habits in all, and they provide proven techniques for reversing their negative effects by putting them to rest for good. There is no profession that depends more on good relationships than sales. And there's no one more qualified to coach you to create and nurture productive sales relationships than these three authors.You dohave the power to change. Let Goldsmith, Brown, and Hawkins help you kick your bad habits to improve relationships, increase sales, and enjoy a more fulfilling, enriching career.
简介:One of the most lively and contentious issues in contemporary linguistic theory concerns the elusive boundary between semantics and pragmatics, and Professor Laurence R. Horn of Yale University has been at the center of that debate ever since his groundbreaking 1972 UCLA dissertation. This volume in honor of Horn brings together the best of current work at the semantics/pragmatics boundary from a neo-Gricean perspective. Featuring the contributions of 22 leading researchers, it includes papers on implicature (Kent Bach), inference (Betty Birner), presupposition (Barbara Abbott), lexical semant.
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Written in a clear, accessible, storytelling style, African American Theater will shine a bright new light on the culture which has historically nurtured and inspired Black Theater. Functioning as an interactive guide for students and teachers, African American Theater takes the reader on a journey to discover how social realities impacted the plays dramatists wrote and produced. The journey begins in 1850 when most African people were enslaved in America. Along the way, cultural milestones such as Reconstruction, the Harlem Renaissance and the Black Freedom Movement are explored. The journey concludes with a discussion of how the past still plays out in the works of contemporary playwrights like August Wilson and Suzan-Lori Parks. African American Theater moves unsung heroes like Robert Abbott and Jo Ann Gibson Robinson to the foreground, but does not neglect the race giants. For actors looking for material to perform, the book offers exercises to create new monologues and scenes. Rich with myths, history and first person accounts by ordinary people telling their extraordinary stories, African American Theater will entertain while it educates.
Scalability rules: 50 principles for scaling web sites
作者: (美)Martin L. Abbott,(美)Michael T. Fisher著;张欣,杨海玲译
简介: 网站建设是一项复杂的工程,随着规模的扩大,许多网站势必会遇到严重的性能和可扩展性问题。大量用户涌入时如何保证网站不崩溃?如何缩短页面载入时间?这都是摆在网站开发和运维人员面前迫待解决的问题。 本书作者凭借他们在世界上业务流量最高的网站中积累的管理经验,针对性能测试到IT管理等诸多实际问题,总结出了高扩展性网站建设的50条最佳原则。这些原则适用于所有前端和后端系统,帮助你应对规模迅速增大的网站。 通过克隆、复制、分离功能和拆分数据集提高网站扩展性; 采用横向扩展方案代替纵向扩展;? 在不损害网站可扩展性的前提下,最大程度地利用数据库; 避免不必要的重定向和冗余的二次检查;? 在不引入复杂性的前提下,更加充分地使用缓存和内容分发网络; 要求网站设计具备容错、优雅降级和易回滚的功能;? 设计系统时尽可能选择无状态实现,如果确实需要状态,做到合理高效; 有效利用异步通信;? 无论你的网站刚刚起步,还是正在设计开发过程中,或者已经成熟运转了很长时间,你都能从书中找到很有针对性的指导原则,提高网站的可扩展性。
简介: "I've been using AutoCAD for 22 years and have written a hundred books on the subject. I reviewed many CAD books back in the days when book reviews were common in CAD publications; some were innovative, others were just sad. But for nearly a decade, it's been mostly silence on the book review front. Then earlier in the summer, a book arrived in the mail from Sybex: AutoCAD Secrets Every User Should Know by Dan Abbott. Reading it, I got excited: here's a book for every AutoCAD user, even old-timers like me." - Ralph Grabowski, Editor, upFront.eZine.com: The Business of CAD Learn the "why" behind the "how" in this one-of-a-kind reference packed with tips and techniques from award-winning AutoCAD expert Dan Abbott. This info-packed guide reveals some of the best kept AutoCAD secrets on technical standards, AutoLISP programming, DOS functions, scripts, 3D, and everything in between. Based on his popular "Things Every AutoCAD User Should Know" session at Autodesk University and other industry events, Dan gives you the answers to frequently asked AutoCAD questions in his direct and entertaining style while using real-world case studies to put your skills into practice. Read it cover to cover or dive right in to the sections you need most, then get ready to improve your productivity, save more time, and become an AutoCAD all-star.
Gentle measures in the management and training of the young
作者: (美)雅各布·阿博特(Jacob Abbott)[著];余卓恒翻译
简介: 本书是作者唯一一部论述家庭教育在青少年教育方面的作用和意义的 著作,在西方被誉为教育界的必读书,再版无数次,至今仍经久不衰,可 见作品的价值所在。书中的案例虽已久远,但道理和方法却并非过时,是 家长和教育工作者的难觅瑰宝。 用温和的手段培养和管教孩子——这是本书的中心思想内容。但是, 本书所要说的温和手段却并非那些家长所误解的那样,温和手段的真正目 的在于:帮助父母在孩子心里树立一种全方位的、绝对的、不容动摇的权 威。
Introduction to chemical engineering thermodynamics
作者: (美)J. M.史密斯(J. M. Smith),(美)H. C. 范内斯(H. C. Van Ness),(美)M. M. 阿博特(M. M. Abbott)著;刘洪来,陆小华,陈新志等译