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Biology : life on earth / 5th ed.
光盘作者: Teresa Audesirk, Gerald Audesirk.
简介:New edition of a text (first published in 1986) by a husband-wife team who have put together an information-dense introduction to the field. Organization is in units on the life of the cell, inheritance, evolution, plant anatomy and physiology, animal anatomy and physiology, animal behavior, and ecology. Clearly designed; generously illustrated. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.
简介: Written in response to numerous requests by nurse practitioners and other graduate faculty for a nursing literature resource, this new two-color book is based on the Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: A Manual for Evidence-Based Practice by Dr. Gordon Guyatt and Dr. Drummond Rennie, published in 2001 by the AMA. Revised for the nursing audience, Evidence-Based Nursing is a reader-friendly, accessible guide that features plentiful examples from the nursing literature and the addition of specific nursing issues such as qualitative research, with direct application for clinical practice. Drs. DiCenso, Ciliska, and Guyatt are three of the leaders in the evidence-based nursing community and command worldwide recognition. Evidence-Based Nursing will enable nurses to frame their clinical questions in a way that will help them find and distinguish between strong and weak evidence; clearly understand study results; weigh the risks and benefits of management options! ; and apply the evidence to their individual patients to improve outcomes. This is the only book of its kind that helps nurses use the nursing literature effectively to solve patient problems. Three-step approach to dissecting a problem — to help find the best evidence and improve patient care, most questions can be divided into three parts: (1) Are the results valid? (2) What are the results? and (3) How can I apply the results to patient care? Part One – The Basics: Using the Nursing Literature provides a basic approach to the problems faced by nurses when determining optimal care, predicting patient progress, and protecting patients from potentially harmful side effects and includes a literature assessment summary and management recommendations. Part Two – Beyond the Basics: Using and Teaching the Principles of Evidence-Based Nursing expands on Part One, providing concrete examples through the presentation of cases. Two-part organization helps both beginners and those more accomplished at using the nursing literature. Clinical Scenario provides a brief but detailed description of a clinical situation that requires the application of research through a critical thinking process. Using the Guide examines a clinical scenario, and then evaluates the way in which research findings are collected, analyzed, and applied to the resolution of the problem presented in the scenario. Free CD-ROM contains everything found in the book, allowing for electronic outlining, content filtering, full-text searching, and alternative content organizations.
Chang Kuang-Bin the running script and dot-stroke painting
光盘作者: 编撰
简介: 依口述採訪編寫台灣重要前輩書畫家張光賓先生之生命史,文分八節,包括:年少歷程(1915-1942)、杭州藝專與師從(1942-1945)、隨軍來台與定居(1948迄今)、故宮生涯(1968-1988)、元四大家研究、草書變革、繪畫皴法、退休與期許。每篇章節詳細介紹書畫家之生平經歷,並兼述當時重要藝術家以鋪陳百年來的藝術史發展。 Master Chang Kuang-bin was born in Szechuan (Sichuan) Province of China in 1915 and he did not receive formal education of fine arts until he was 28。 He moved to Taiwan in 1948 and had served in the Navy as a senior civil officer for 20 years; at the same time, he had continued his incessant practice in painting and calligraphy and held many exhibitions。 This book is based on oral history provided by interviews with Master Chang, and it covers his youth experience, formal study at National Hangchow Art College, move to Taiwan, career in National Palace Museum, research on the Four Great Masters of the Yuan Dynasty, and innovation in running script and painting; also, many of Master Chang’s works are included in the book。 This book is published to retain a record of Master Chang and acknowledge his achievement in painting and calligraphy。
Fisheries subsidies, sustainable development, and the WTO /
光盘作者: edited by Anja von Moltke.
简介:The fisheries sector is in crisis. Inappropriate subsidies to the fishing industry are a key factor responsible for worldwide fisheries depletion, overcapitalization and ecosystem degradation. There is an urgent need for an international mechanism to promote the appropriate restructuring of fisheries subsidies in order to create a more sustainable industry. In recent years the leading international forum charged with providing such a mechanism has been the World Trade Organization (WTO). This book explains why and how the reform of fisheries subsidies has become one of the most concrete and potentially successful international efforts to achieve global environmental, economic and developmental policy coherence. It describes the history and current status of the discussions at the WTO, drawing on UNEP's key documents and reflecting on the major issues. Accompanying the book is a CD-Rom containing full-text versions of all the most important source material used in the publication. The book is aimed at a broad stakeholder audience, including policy-makers in the fields of trade, fisheries, environmental economics and international environmental governance, as well as academics and others looking for an overview of the fisheries subsidies issue and an introduction to its technical components. Published with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Biology : a guide to the natural world / 2nd ed.
光盘作者: David Krogh.
简介:This book serves as the most successful introduction to biology published in the last 10 years, and remains the only one written and illustrated from the ground up. The " biological literacy" approach continues to be paramount--from the journalistic writing style and original, Krogh specific illustrations to the seamless integration of media A seven-part organization covers essential parts: atoms, molecules, and cells; energy and its transformation; how life goes on: genetics; life's organizing principle: evolution and the diversity of life; a bounty that feeds us all: plants; what makes the organism tick? animal anatomy and physiology; and the living world as a whole: ecology and behavior. For the promotion of biological literacy--to make individuals aware that they need it to participate in the workforce, make everyday decisions, and make informed choices at the ballot box.
作者: Compilé Par编著
简介:The development of aquaculture depends on the use of a common language and standardization of terminology. This publication, validated by international experts, contains over 2 500 terms and includes definitions, information sources, synonyms and related terms, in Arabic, Chinese, English, French and Spanish. This glossary is for experts and scientists involved in aquaculture research and development, and also for technicians, developers, consultants and users from other disciplines, such as agriculturists, economists, engineers, environmentalists and policy-makers. It is published both in hard copy, and on the accompanying CD-ROM.--Publisher's description.
作者: (美)Kelly L.Murdock著;李蔚虹,尹岩青等译
简介: 三维动画设计已经渗透到了社会生活的各个领域,而3ds max 5作为功能强大的三维动画制作工具,已成为业界广为使用的软件。本书的目的正是将作者多年的实践经验传授给各行业的3ds max 5用户。全书分为10个部分,完整覆盖了3ds max 5各方面的特性,并给出了大量实际例子,是一本内容全面的完全参考手册。利用书中专家教程里给出的详细指导步骤和书后所附的光盘,读者就能够充分地将软件功能与实际应用相结合,迅速掌握基础知识,领会高级技巧和创作思路,迅速提高三维动画的设计和制作水平。 本书既适合三维动画初学者作为参考指南,也很适合动画设计制作人员从中汲取技巧和创意,是学习使用3ds max 5的首选书籍。Copyright *2002 by Publishing House of Electronics Industry. Original English language edition copyright *2002 by Wiley Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. This translation published by arrangement with Wiley Publishing, Inc. 本书中文简体专有翻译出版权由美国Wiley Publishing,Inc.授予电子工业出版社及其所属今日电子杂志社。未经许可,不得以任何手段和形式复制或抄袭本书内容。该专有出版权受法律保护,侵权必究。
作者: 广州善本图书有限公司编
简介:《全球网站设计年报》讲述了:Tim Reroers-Lee published what is considered to be the first website in Ragust 1991, Berners-Lee was the first to combine Interoet communication [which hadbeen carrging email and the Usenet for decades] mith hgperteHt [which had also been around for decades, but limited to browsing Informatin stornd on a singlecomputer, such as interactiue CD-Rom design.
简介:The new and updated 6th edition of Industrial Motor Control is the most comprehensive revision of the book since it was published over 20 years ago. With crucial, up-to-date information on basic relay control systems, programmable logic controllers, and solid state devices commonly found in an industrial setting, this book is a must have. It presents easy-to-follow instructions and the essential information for controlling industrial motors, along with commonly used devices in contemporary industrial settings. Coverage is thorough in scope, successfully bridging the gap between industrial maintenance and instrumentation. Readers will gain a fundamental understanding of the operation of variable frequency drives, solid state relays, and other applications that employ electronic devices.
Security analysis : principles and technique / 6th ed.
光盘作者: by Benjamin Graham and David L. Dodd.
简介:First published in 1934,Security Analysisis one of the most influential financial books ever written. Selling more than one million copies through five editions, it has provided generations of investors with the timeless value investing philosophy and techniques of Benjamin Graham and David L. Dodd. .As relevant today as when they first appeared nearly 75 years ago, the teachings of Benjamin Graham, ?the father of value investing,? have withstood the test of time across a wide diversity of market conditions, countries, and asset classes. .This new sixth edition, based on the classic 1940 version, is enhanced with 200 additional pages of commentary from some of today's leading Wall Street money managers. These masters of value investing explain why the principles and techniques of Graham and Dodd are still highly relevant even in today's vastly different markets. The contributor list includes: . Seth A. Klarman,president of The Baupost Group, L.L.C. and author ofMargin of Safety. James Grant,founder ofGrant's Interest Rate Observer, general partner of Nippon Partners. Jeffrey M. Laderman,twenty-five year veteran ofBusinessWeek. Roger Lowenstein, author ofBuffett: The Making of an American CapitalistandWhen America Agedand Outside Director, Sequoia Fund. Howard S. Marks, CFA,Chairman and Co-Founder, Oaktree Capital Management L.P.. J. Ezra Merkin,Managing Partner, Gabriel Capital Group .. Bruce Berkowitz,Founder, Fairholme Capital Management.. Glenn H. Greenberg,Co-Founder and Managing Director, Chieftain Capital Management. Bruce Greenwald,Robert Heilbrunn Professor of Finance and Asset Management, Columbia Business School. David Abrams,Managing Member, Abrams Capital ..Featuring a foreword by Warren E. Buffett (in which he reveals that he has read the 1940 masterwork ?at least four times?), this new edition ofSecurity Analysiswill reacquaint you with the foundations of value investing'more relevant than ever in the tumultuous 21st century markets. .
Fundamentals of Crystallography 2nd
光盘作者: C. Giacovazzo; H. L. Monaco; G. Artioli; D. Viterbo; G. Ferraris
简介:This crystallography textbook for students and researchers is a translation of Introduzione alla cristallografia moderna, Edizioni Frateli Laterza, Bari, published in Italy in 1985 and updated to reflect the breadth of the field today. New to the second edition, the CD-ROM contains simulated experiments and interactive exercises that emphasize general crystallography. Annotation (c)2003 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 As the long-time best-seller, Garrison has helped guide close to 2 million students through the challenging waters of managerial accounting since it was first published. It identifies the three functions managers must perform within their organizations-plan operations, control activities, and make decisions-and explains what accounting information is necessary for these functions, how to collect it, and how to interpret it. To achieve this, Managerial Accounting, 11/E, focuses, now as in the past, on three qualities: Relevance:Every effort is made to help students relate the concepts in this book to the decisions made by working managers. With insightful chapter openers, the popular Managerial Accounting in Action segments within the chapters, and stimulating end-of-chapter exercises, a student reading Garrison should never have to ask "Why am I learning this?" Balance:There’s more than one type of business, and so Garrison covers a variety of business models, including not-for-profit, retail, service, and wholesale organizations as well as manufacturing. In the eleventh edition, service company examples are highlighted with icons in the margins of the text. Clarity:Generations of students have praised Garrison for the friendliness and readability of its writing, but that’s just the beginning. Technical discussions have been simplified, material has been reordered, and the entire book carefully retuned to make teaching-and learning-from Garrison as easy as it can be. In addition, the supplements package is written by Garrison, Noreen, and Brewer, ensuring that students and professors will work with clear, well-written supplements that employ consistent terminology.
Advanced reader of contemporary Chinese short-short stories
光盘作者: 王晓薇,沈建华主编
简介: 《汉语小小说选读》主要内容简介:Language Through Literature: An Advancedof Contemporary Chinese Short-Short Stories isspecially designed for North American students at theintermediate high and advanced levels. It includestwelve short-short stories which have been published inthe past ten years. Each short-short story hasapproximately 1,200 to 1,800 characters. The stories fallunder six thematic units: jobs, interests, marriage, thecountryside, friends, and education. Each unit has twolessons. Each lesson contains a short-short story, avocabulary list, a section with important expressions andgrammatical structures, and a group of exercises.
简介:"Geological characteristics of giant metallic deposits and their setting and the politico-economic constraints of access to and exploitation in prospective areas have been a "hot topic" in the past fifteen years, but the knowledge generated and published has been one-sided, scattered and fragmented. This is the first comprehensive book on the subject that provides body of solid facts rather than rapidly changing theories, written by author of the Empirical Metallogeny book series and founder of the Data Metallogenica visual knowledge system on mineral deposits of the world, who has had an almost 40 years long international academic and industrial experience. The book will provide abundant material for comparative research in metallogeny, practical information for the explorationists as to where to look for the "elephants", and some inspiration for commodity investors."--BOOK JACKET.
简介:Windows SharePoint Services3.0是Microsoft Windows Server 2003的一个组件,可免费下载。它提供了一组工具集,用于组织信息、管理文档、提高业务处理效率以及提供强大的协作环境。本书共分为16章从阐释SharePoint的概念入手,详细地讲述了SharePoint的强大功能。本书包括的主要内容有:应用简单的模板创建SharePoint网站,创建用于存放信息列表和库,创建讨论版、维基页和博客,用Web部件自定义你的网页等等。 本书可作为Windows SharePoint Services3.0初学者的学习指南,也可作为SharePoint使用者的参考用书 Olga Londer:Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Step by Step ISBN:978-0-7356-2363-7 Copyright 2008 by Microsoft Corporation Original English language edition copyright © 2007 by Olga Londer Published by arrangement with the original publisher, Microsoft Press, a division of Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, Washington, U.S.A. All rights reserved.
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Making Spatial Decisions Using GIS: A Workbook, Second Edition, provides scenario-based lessons that develop GIS skills and critical thinking. Students will use organized workflows, spatial analysis, and visualization to make decisions rooted in real-world issues about crime, hazards, hurricanes, demographics, and urban planning.--Publisher's description. Publisher Summary 2 Keranen, a retired teacher who introduced GPS, GIS, and remote sensing into a school system's geosystems curriculum, and Kolvoord (integrated science and technology, James Madison U.) provide scenario-based lessons to help college students develop GIS (geographic information system) and critical thinking skills by using organized workflows, spatial analysis, and visualization data to make decisions about crime, hazards, hurricanes, demographics, and urban planning. For each area, two guided and one independent project is detailed. Prior knowledge of GIS and ArcGIS software is assumed. This edition has an updated design, fewer basic instructions, and more introductory information to add context to exercises. The companion DVD contains GIS data, worksheets, and other documents needed for the projects, as well as a trial version of ArcGIS software. Annotation 漏2011 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com) Publisher Summary 3 Making Spatial Decisions Using GIS: A Workbook, second edition, provides scenario-based lessons that develop GIS skills and critical thinking. Students will use organized workflows, spatial analysis, and visualization to make decisions rooted in real-world issues about crime, hazards, hurricanes, demographics, and urban planning. Designed for a college curriculum, Making Spatial Decisions Using GIS: A Workbook develops GIS skills using step-by-step instructions, guided activities that reinforce learned concepts, and independent projects that encourage students to find local data and situations. The first edition was part of the Our World GIS Education series published by Esri Press, which won the 2008 Geographic Excellence in Media award from the National Council for Geographic Education. Making Spatial Decisions Using GIS: A Workbook includes data for the exercises. A 180-day trial of ArcGIS Desktop 10 and in-depth instructor resources are also provided.
CCNP advanced Cisco router configuration study guide
光盘作者: [美国西格瑞斯·梅地亚公司]Syngress Media公司著
简介: Syngress Media, Inc.: CCNP Advanced Cisco Router Configuration Study Guide (Exam 640-403). Copyright (c)1999 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved, Jointly published by China Machine Press/ McGraw-Hill. This edition may be sold in the People’s Republic of China only. This book cannot be re-exported and is not for sale outside the People’s Republic of China.
简介:Unsaturated soil mechanics is now increasingly recognized as an integral part of mainstream soil mechanics, and the importance and relevance of unsaturated soil mechanics for the broad field of geotechnical engineering no longer needs to be emphasized. The two volumes making up Unsaturated soils include papers from the 4th Asia ... more 籔acific Conference on Unsaturated Soils (Newcastle, NSW, Australia, 23-25 November 2009). Experimental Studies in Unsaturated Soils and Expansive Soilscontains contributions which describe field and laboratory studies in unsaturated soils and expansive soils. The keynote and overview lectures, and the contributions on theoretical and numerical advances in the field, are published in the companion volume, Theoretical and Numerical Advances in Unsaturated Soil Mechanics. Both volumes will proof to be invaluable to academics and research students in unsaturated soil mechanics. ?less
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Published in two volumes, this reference provides a comprehensive analysis of the revolutionary 1990 law prohibiting discrimination based on physical or mental disabilities. After an overview of the Act's approach, significance, and history, coverage focuses on the beneficiaries of the Act in a chapter organized by types of claimed disabilities. Following is treatment of employer obligations, the details of statutory and regulatory requirements in all types of facilities and transportation and communications activities, and litigation procedural questions. The final chapters offer forms and procedures (which are also on the included CD-ROM), and six appendices present a full, annotated text of the ADA as well as regulations passed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Department of Justice, and the Department of Transportation. Perritt is affiliated with the law school of Illinois Institute of Technology. Annotation (c) Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
OCP Oracle9i Database:Performance Tuning Exam Guide(Exam 1Z0-033)
简介: This book was specifically written to help you prepare for the Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) OBA Exam #1Z0-033; Oracle9i Performance Tuning. The book is designed to follow the published test content checklist for the Performance Tuning exam. Each chapter is dedicated to a section on the test content checklist, and each bullet item on the test content checklist is discussed in detail
Design of Machinery:An Introduction to the Synthesis and Analysis of Mechanisms and Machines