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简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Incorporating work from 178 contributors affiliated with 43 centers in nine countries, editors Mundt and Roeske (both: radiation and cellular oncology, U. of Chicago) begin this text with the fundamentals, giving an in-depth overview of the physics, biology, and medicine pertaining to this rapidly developing therapy. Following is a systematic exploration of the steps and technologies for planning, delivery, and clinical implementation; an overview of commercially available inverse planning and delivery systems; and an overview of the application of IMRT in all clinical sites. Each disease is presented in detail, along with considerations in treatment planning and review of published IMRT literature. Overview chapters are paired with case studies--each dealing with simulation, immobilization, target delineation, plan optimization and delivery, and quality assurance of an actual patient. Finally, the book concludes with commentaries on proton IMRT, the combination of IMRT and biological modifiers and the pros and cons of IMRT. The included CD-ROM includes the text and illustrations of the book in searchable PDF format. Annotation 漏2006 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 "Maintaining quality of life in an ageing population is one of the great challenges of the twenty-first century. This book and collection of illustrated CD lectures summarises how this challenge is being met by multi-disciplinary developments in specialty biomaterials, devices, artificial organs and in vitro growth of human cells as tissue-engineered constructs. Biomaterials, artificial organs and tissue engineering is intended for use as a textbook in a one-semester course for upper level BSc, MSc and MEng students."--BOOK JACKET. Publisher Summary 2 This is a textbook for a one-semester upper-level course integrating the three areas of biomedical engineering. Each of the 25 chapters is designed to support a lecture of one to two hours, and has a corresponding illustrated lecture on the disk with self-study questions. The disk requires Windows. The goal is to convey the needs, uses, and limitations of materials and devices to repair, replace, or augment the living tissues and organs of the human body. Published on behalf of The Institute of Materials, Minerals, and Mining. Distributed in the US by CRC Press. Annotation 漏2006 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
简介:Do you love video games? Ever wondered if you could create one of your own, with all the bells and whistles? It's not as complicated as you'd think, and you don't need to be a math whiz or a programming genius to do it. In fact, everything you need to create your first game, "Invasion of the Slugwroths," is included in this book and CD-ROM. Author David Conger starts at square one, introducing the tools of the trade and all the basic concepts for getting started programming with C++, the language that powers most current commercial games. Plus, he's put a wealth of top-notch (and free) tools on the CD-ROM, including the Dev-C++ compiler, linker, and debugger--and his own LlamaWorks2D game engine. Step-by-step instructions and ample illustrations take you through game program structure, integrating sound and music into games, floating-point math, C++ arrays, and much more. Using the sample programs and the source code to run them, you can follow along as you learn. Bio: David Conger has been programming professionally for over 23 years. Along with countless custom business applications, he has written several PC and online games. Conger also worked on graphics firmware for military aircraft, and taught computer science at the university level for four years. Conger has written numerous books on C, C++, and other computer-related topics. He lives in western Washington State and has also published a collection of Indian folk tales.
简介: Generalized Linear Models with Random Effects: Unified Analysis Via H-likelihood By Youngjo Lee, John A. Nelder, Yudi Pawitan Contributor John A. Nelder, Yudi Pawitan Edition: illustrated Published by CRC Press, 2006 ISBN 1584886315, 9781584886310 396 pages
简介:Traditionally, incorporating optimal drug-like properties into a structural lead was not considered by medicinal chemists to be their responsibility. Instead, medicinal chemists felt that the undesirable drug-like properties in their drug candidates would be fixed by preclinical development scientists. However, that view has changed in the past 5a?10 years, resulting in another significant paradigm shift in drug discovery. The most significant aspect of this latest paradigm shift is the recognition by medicinal chemists that the drug-like properties of structural hits, structural leads, and drug candidates are intrinsic properties of the molecules and that it is the responsibility of the medicinal chemist to optimize not only the pharmacological properties but also the drug-like properties of these molecules. Therefore, assessment of these drug-like properties is now done early in the drug discovery process on structural hits and structural leads as well as the design of screening libraries. Optimization of these drug-like properties is done through an iterative process in close collaboration with preclinical development scientists. This process is analogous to the process used by the medicinal chemist to characterize and optimize the pharmacological activity of their structural hits, leads and drug candidates. Recognizing these changes in the paradigm by which drugs are discovered, the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) has recently organized and sponsored two focused workshops in the area of profiling drug-like properties during drug discovery. The first workshop, entitled "Pharmaceutical Profiling in Drug Discovery for Lead Selection", took place in Whippany, NJ on May 19-21, 2003. This workshop, which was co-sponsored by the American Chemical Society-Medicinal Chemistry Division and the Society for Biomolecular Screening, was focused on prediction, measurement, and utilization of drug-like properties during lead selection. From this workshop arose the book entitled Pharmaceutical Profiling in Drug discovery for Lead Selection, which was edited by Ronald T. Borchardt, Edward H. Kerns, Christopher A. Lipinski, Dhiren R. Thakker and Binghe Wang and published by AAPS Press (Arlington, VA) in 2004. The second workshop entitled "Optimizing the Drug-Like Properties of Leads in Drug Discovery" took place in Parsippany, NJ on September 19-22, 2004. This workshop, which was co-sponsored by the American Chemical Society-Medicinal Chemistry Division, American Chemical Society-North Jersey Section, American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences, International Society for the study of Xenobiotics, and the Society of Toxicology, was focused on the optimization of the drug-like properties of leads in drug discovery. If the strategies and the methodologies presented at this workshop were to be adopted by pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, it is the belief of the workshopa's organizers that more higher quality drug candidates would be advancing into preclinical and clinical development resulting in more efficacious and safer drugs.
简介: This second edition covers the important features and details on all of the major lubricant types currently in use as well as important applications of these lubricants in major industrial areas. Chapters cover trends in the major industries, including the use of lubricant fluids, growth or decline of market areas and applications, potential new applications, production capacities, and regulatory issues, including biodegradability, toxicity, and food production equipment lubrication. The authors outline the state of the art in each major lubricant application area. This new edition highlights the major economic and corporate changes the industry has gone through since the first edition was published.
简介:This distinctive, theory-driven text uses "The Self" as a theme to give students a meaningful context for exploring the key concepts of social psychology. New "Applications" sections have been incorporated into most chapters, and new "Featured Study" sections at the end of every chapter summarize the purpose, method, and results of recently published scientific articles. Retaining the emphasis on methodology, the fourth edition also continues the tradition of strong gender coverage, while expanding the coverage of social cognition and social neuroscience and introducing the new SocialSense CD-ROM.
Electronics fundamentals : circuits, devices, and applications / 7th ed.
光盘作者: Thomas L. Floyd.
简介: pearson international edition this is a special international edition of an established title widely used by colleges and universities throughout the world. pearson education international published this special edition for the benefit of students outside the united states and canada. if you purchased this book within the united states or canada you should be aware that it has been wrongfully imported without the approval of the publisher or the author.
简介:This set of proceedings details the contributions for the 4th International Conference on Steel and Composite Structures (ICSCS 10) held in Sydney, Australia from 21 23 July 2010. The conference builds on a successful series which were initiated by Professor Chang-Koon Choi of KAIST and held in Pusan, Korea in 2001 (ICSCS 01), Seoul, Korea in 2004 (ICSCS 04) and Manchester, UK in 2007 (ICSCS 07). The conference is supported by and focuses on the themes of the successful international Journal published by Techno-Press, Steel and Composite Structures which is Managed by Professor Chang-Koon Choi, and supported by Regional Editors Professors David Nethercot, Christopher Earls and Brian Uy for Europe, America and Asia-Pacific respectively. This conference has attracted 143 contributions from 27 countries and 6 continents. Nine Keynote papers are included which emanate from 7 countries and 4 continents. The broad topics of the conference which included 27 technical sessions covered the broad areas of Steel Structures, Composite Structures, Bridge Structures, Building Structures, Structural Health Monitoring, Uses of FRP and Sustainability Issues. The conference has been managed by a Local Organising Committee (LOC) in collaborationwith ICE Australia. The Local Organising Committee wish to thank Laura Moody and Andrea Gall from ICE Australia, together with Mrs Magdalene Wong-Borgefjord, Jodie Clark and Narelle Chambers from the School of Engineering and Civionics Research Centre for all the administrative support in organising this event. The LOC also would like to thank the International Conference Chairs and the International Scientific Committee for their role in promoting and contributing articles to the conference. Furthermore, the role of the many reviewers that assessed and reviewed some 200 abstracts and 150 full papers is gratefully acknowledged. The LOC wishes to make special mention to thank the Keynote Presenters for their excellent contributions to making the ICSCS 10 conference such a success. The nine Keynote Presenters selected are all international experts in their field and all have contributed to national and international specifications in the fields of steel and composite structures for the Australian Standards, American Institute of Steel Construction, British Standards, Chinese Standards, Eurocodes, Hong Kong Buildings Department, Japanese Standards and Singapore Structural Steel Society
简介:First published under the title Psychiatric Nursing, this book provides users with the most up-to-date, evidence-based, culturally competent, authoritative, comprehensive resource available; and presents the information in an accessible, clinically-relevant, and professional format. Comprehensive and easily accessible, this book covers all topics in the psychiatric-mental health nursing profession, including evidence-based practice, applying processes to practice, clients with mental disorders, vulnerable populations, and nursing intervention strategies and outcomes. For psychiatric-mental health nurses and practitioners. - Publisher.
简介:Over the next 2 years approx 50 titles will be published by Anshan, covering a comprehensive range of disciplines within medicine and health sciences. The full series will develop into an outstanding resource for any medical library and each individual title will be a great value-for-money addition to a personal collection, or for use as a portable reference for work or home. Orthodontics is a vast science today and this mini atlas will not noly be an aid to clinicians but shall also serve as a visual guide to educate patients. Such visual aids provide a reason for the patients to think and at times correlate the photographs with their own conditions - thus seeking treatment. With its inherent concept of illustrations and photographs, the book provides a visual impact that is required to understand various clinical situations. Basic knowledge is provided and has been further simplified with the aid of photographs depicting individual situations for easy understanding.
简介:The first volume of a three-volume complete edition of Newton's optical papers contains his Optical Lectures, delivered at Cambridge University between 1670 and 1672. The Lectures is Newton's first major scientific treatise, and consequently it represents a crucial link between his early years of discovery and his mature investigations and publications, such as the Optiks in 1704. It is divided into two parts: the first part devoted to color and the second to refraction. Originally published in 1984, this edition made available the complete text, together with translation and commentary, of both surviving versions of the Lectures, a draft and a vastly expanded revision. Until the time of publication, scholars had to depend on an uncritical text of the revision and an inadequate partial English translation, both published shortly after Newton's death. Professor Shapiro's critical edition has made a great contribution to the study of Newtonian science. The first volume of a three-volume complete edition of Newton's optical papers contains his Optical Lectures.
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Now that evidence is available on two generations, contributors from the medical and social sciences review over 2,000 research reports published between 1955 and 2005 to synthesize findings on how television affects children. Their topics include how children's television has changed, cognitive development and educational achievement, social roles and marginality, advertising and consumer development, and violence. The extensive bibliography is duplicated on then included CD-ROM. Annotation 漏2007 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com) Publisher Summary 2 This seminal volume is a comprehensive review of the literature on children's television, covering fifty years of academic research on children and television. The work includes studies of content, effects, and policy, and offers research conducted by social scientists and cultural studies scholars. The research questions represented here consider the content of programming, children's responses to television, regulation concerning children's television policies, issues of advertising, and concerns about sex and race stereotyping, often voicing concerns that children's entertainment be held to a higher standard. The volume also offers essays by scholars who have been seeking answers to some of the most critical questions addressed by this research. It represents the interdisciplinary nature of research on children and television, and draws on many academic traditions, including communication studies, psychology, sociology, education, economics, and medicine. The full bibliography is included on CD. Arguably the most comprehensive bibliography of research on children and television, this work illustrates the ongoing evolution of scholarship in this area, and establishes how it informs or changes public policy, as well as defining its role in shaping a future agenda. The volume will be a required resource for scholars, researchers, and policy makers concerned with issues of children and television, media policy, media literacy and education, and family studies.
简介:The most successful new handbook published in over a decade, The New Century Handbook is the only comprehensive college handbook to be developed with the assumption that students are writing using word processors and are using the Internet as a fundamental source for their research writing. It is the first college handbook to thoroughly integrate an awareness of and instruction on the benefits of computer technology to the writing and research processes. The handbook offers, first and foremost however, a thorough treatment of the writing process, the research process, and grammar, mechanics, and punctuation. The text emphasizes that effective writing, with or without computers, is based on sound rhetorical principles. The authors of the text are major scholars in all of the topic areas covered in the handbook, giving The Century Handbook an authority that is unparalleled among major college handbooks. The Second edition continues to offer up to date and accessible coverage. Chapters on writing explain the various stages of creating a paper, and also incorporate instruction on how students can use word processors to create better developed, well-written essays. Likewise, the research section acknowledges students' varying experience with computers and the Internet, so it illustrates how to find and evaluate print and electronic sources to formulate thoughtful and carefully documented research papers. The chapters on grammar and mechanics offer a complete reference guide and include tips on how to work with grammar- and spell-checkers. The second edition is the first fully integrated web/interactive text in the handbook market. Packaged inside every student textbook is a FREE Interactive Edition CD-ROMa valuable resource and learning tool for students. Throughout the text, icons in the margins indicate where multimedia assets can be found on the CD, and where additional material can be found on the companion website, that expand on the topics discussed in the book. The CD includes dozens of video and audio clips, interactive exercises, and hotlinked URLs to web resources. The website includes coverage which both supplements and complements what is in the handbook, detailed illustrations of HELP box procedures, chapter review assessments and much more. Now updated to include the latest information on APA documentation style.
简介:Over the next 2 years approx 50 titles will be published by Anshan, covering a comprehensive range of disciplines within medicine and health sciences. The full series will develop into an outstanding resource for any medical library and each individual title will be a great value-for-money addition to a personal collection, or for use as a portable reference for work or home. This book is primarily an introductory text for dental students and suitable for general practitioners and post-graduate students. It gives a comprehensive and up-to-date picture about the various types of periodontal diseases, pathogenesis and state-of-the-art surgical and non-surgical therapies. It has a wide range of illustrations and photographs, depicting the details of various periodontal procedures.
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Written for sophomore-level undergraduates, this textbook provides an introduction to statistics, especially as they are used in the social sciences. It explains fundamental ideas and principles, including descriptive statistics, probability, distribution, inference, bivariate distributions, regression, and ANOVA. Appendixes review basic mathematical concepts and conventions, offer directions for the student version of S-Plus 4.5, and provide supplementary information on nonparametric measures and Bayesian inference. Ramsey teaches at New York University. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com) Publisher Summary 2 Designed for readers who want to stress the understanding of basic concepts and the development of "statistical intuition," this book demonstrates that statistical reasoning is everywhere and that statistical concepts are as important to readers' personal lives as they are to their future professional careers. Ramsey aims to develop statistically literacy - from the ability to read and think critically about statistics published in popular media to the ability to analyze and act upon statistics gathered in the business world. The underlying philosophy of this book is that given a reasonable level of depth in the analysis, the reader can later acquire a much more extensive, and even more intensive, exposure to statistics on their own or in the context of the work environment. Some use of calculus is included. Use of the computer is integrated throughout. Publisher Summary 3 Designed for instructors who want to stress the understanding of basic concepts and the development of "statistical intuition," this book demonstrates that statistical reasoning is everywhere and that statistical concepts are as important to students' personal lives as they are to their future professional careers. Ramsey aims to develop statistically literacy - from the ability to read and think critically about statistics published in popular media to the ability to analyze and act upon statistics gathered in the business world. The underlying philosophy of this book is that given a reasonable level of depth in the analysis, the student can later acquire a much more extensive, and even more intensive, exposure to statistics on their own or in the context of the work environment. Some use of calculus is included. Use of the computer is integrated throughout.
简介:Philosophy has much to offer psychiatry, not least regarding ethical issues, but also issues regarding the mind, identity, values, and volition. This has become only more important as we have witnessed the growth and power of the pharmaceutical industry, accompanied by developments in the neurosciences. However, too few practising psychiatrists are familiar with the literature in this area. The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Psychiatry offers the most comprehensive reference resource for this area ever published. It assembles challenging and insightful contributions from key philosophers and others to the interactive fields of philosophy and psychiatry. Each contributions is original, stimulating, thorough, and clearly and engagingly written - with no potentially significant philosophical stone left unturned. Broad in scope, the book includes coverage of several areas of philosophy, including philosophy of mind, science, and ethics. For philosophers and psychiatrists, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Psychiatry is a landmark publication in the field - one that will be of value to both students and researchers in this rapidly growing area.
简介:Over the next 2 years approx 50 titles will be published by Anshan, covering a comprehensive range of disciplines within medicine and health sciences. The full series will develop into an outstanding resource for any medical library and each individual title will be a great value-for-money addition to a personal collection, or for use as a portable reference for work or home.
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 The classic 1998 Artech House book, Quick Finite Elements for Electromagnetic Waves, has now been revised and expanded to reflect the latest developments in the field, with new discussions on finite elements in 3D, 3D resonant cavities, and 3D waveguide devices. Using clear, concise text and dozens of real-world application examples, this book/CD-ROM package enables undergraduate and graduate students to quickly and easily work out challenging microwave engineering and high-frequency electromagnetic problems using the finite element method (FEM), and provides the code and tools needed to solve the three major types of EM problems: guided propagation, scattering, and radiation. Part I is an update of the 1998 edition, containing the original bidimensional codes in FORTRAN and their newly developed MATLAB translation, plus a new set of tools for exploiting MATLAB graphical capabilities. Part II is new, with three chapters devoted to 3D finite element method problems. This part presents codes developed in FORTRAN, and provides a 3D tool library and two codes, one for resonant cavity problems and one for solving waveguide devices. Part III is an annotated bibliography of the main books and articles published on finite elements for electromagnetics. The CD-ROM contains the complete software described in the book, in FORTRAN 77 for the whole book and in MATLAB for Part I. The software has been designed to be as platform independent and as version independent as possible. The MATLAB codes make use, when possible, of freely available mathematical, mesh generators, and graphical software packages, also included on the CD-ROM. Pelosi teaches electromagnetic fields at the University of Florence, Italy. Annotation 漏2009 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
简介:Peer Instruction for Astronomy is an instructor's guide to an exciting and easily-implemented enhancement for lecture classes in introductory astronomy. Application of this powerful and efficient teaching technique requires that the instructor have on hand a large number of thought-provoking, conceptual short answer questions aimed at a variety of levels. While significant numbers of such questions have been published for use in Physics, Peer Instruction for Astronomy provides the first such compilation for Astronomy, and includes hints on use of the technique and applications of the method.Covers peer instruction, incentives, a large database of conceptual questions for use in class, and a list of readings and resources.Ideal for introductory astronomy intructors at the undergraduate or advanced high school level.
Design of Machinery:An Introduction to the Synthesis and Analysis of Mechanisms and Machines
On-Farm Feeding And Feed Management In Aquaculture